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Everything posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. Editing your ban to 2 weeks. You'll be unbanned from CT in two weeks. -Dis furfag be closin' ur thread -Ban edited
  2. no. iplay stays You need to fix it then. And not how you tried before. I would do it but I don't know shit about maps.
  3. I want to have SuicidalCows in xG >:C Very good friend, mature, active, friendly, fun to play with, would make a great member. M: 9/10 A: 9/10 D: +1
  4. -1 this fag. Jk, + 1 this feggit. M: 9/10 A: 8/10 Good player, active, friendly.
  5. +/- 0 Haven't seen you on too much on the servers, nor on Teamspeak. Get more active there, get known. M: ???/10 A: ???/10
  6. You said that you originally said face cells at all times, then gave another order stating to face you and follow you. It was another order, they didn't have to face cells anymore. If it was a mistake on your part, I might consider shortening the ban to maybe a week.
  7. I wasn't expecting this, I'm sorry to see you go. You were a good moderator and a good friend. I hope to see you around still. -Dat furfag DarkWolf
  8. Congratulations to all those who were promoted!
  9. CONGRATULATIONS! Your Moderator Submission has been accepted! Please remember to be... -Active on teamspeak, forums and servers -a Positive role model to the other players in our servers -Taking initiative and making sure our servers are #1 -Dis furfag be closin' ur thread
  10. CONGRATULATIONS! Your Moderator Submission has been accepted! Please remember to be... -Active on teamspeak, forums and servers -a Positive role model to the other players in our servers -Taking initiative and making sure our servers are #1 -Dis furfag be closin' ur thread
  11. DarkWolf6052

    Metal Thread

  12. This would either be directed toward myself, or @@Warriorsfury because we are both CS:S Staff and have rooms. Cool? That's not my main point. No but he was disrespecting the certain staff member he was targetting with this.
  13. This would either be directed toward myself, or @@Warriorsfury because we are both CS:S Staff and have rooms.
  14. To add the plugin, it would be up to @@Rhododendron to add it to the !lr menu.
  15. @@diabeetus I like typing in green text
  16. Default starting weapon is Auto Shotty. A lot of people don't like those. If you spawn with sniper class, you get Awp and deagle, if you spawn with swat class, you only get a deagle. If you spawn with medic, you get a P90. Support I think you get an M4 and deagle. Sniper class has a limit. Auto shotty is a worthless weapon in a warday. >Ts only get a knife >CTs start with guns >Still not fair I'm just messing with you guys, lol. However, the problem isn't that CTs won't get the guns they want, it's that Ts won't be able to arm themselves in the off-chance of a Warday. I know, but like if you use a teleport into somewhere as a T, and its warday, you have an auto shotty, chances are you'll be sniped before you're able to make any kills. I say add maybe.. a gun dispenser? Like the one on ProGamers jail map.
  17. >Implying CTs don't start with guns Default starting weapon is Auto Shotty. A lot of people don't like those. If you spawn with sniper class, you get Awp and deagle, if you spawn with swat class, you only get a deagle. If you spawn with medic, you get a P90. Support I think you get an M4 and deagle. Sniper class has a limit. Auto shotty is a worthless weapon in a warday.
  18. Sorry, thanks Forest for taking care of the title. I would really recommend, like Ganja said, to add more guns. On the current Electric Razor we have, there are 5 awps, 5 m4s, and 5 aks. Usually all that is left is auto shottys.
  19. I didn't say there was anything wrong with bein gay or a furry I was just saying he is just like matsi without the gay/furry part I don't see why you would describe someone by their sexual orientation. Me neither, it was an unnecessary comment @@ForestJr. Also, OP requested close. -Dis furfag be closin' ur thread