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Posts posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. How do people plain on having fun if the admin is just going to slay them all countless times?

    I very much agree. If I were a new member who came across this server, and suddenly was greeted by one or more rounds where an admin smites @all, why in the hell would I ever come back? I would just expect admins to be abusing every time.

    You guys should really know as mods and admins that it's not enjoyable to some people if admins are smiting people.

  2. Division:

    Counter-Strike: Source

    In-Game Name:


    Steam ID:



    Well, I was playing on the JB server, on avalanche, and I had gone through vents with zeal and I grabbed a sniper and went up to hockey, waited a few seconds scoped in at the door and then I was killed by a CT then disconnected for "Added to ban list." I did nothing wrong..

    Added to ban list is not at all a valid ban reason, it was a trolling admin who kicked you most likely.

  3. 68747470733a2f2f696d67312e78656e6f67616d652e72732f696d706f727465642f323031322f30392f33312e706e67




    You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers!


    To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans!


    Want to get Moderator?


    There are a few ways to earn admin!

    1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field.

    2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers!

    3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan!


    For a server list, click here.


    Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click https://xenogamers.com/threads/17314/




    -Dis furfag be closin' ur thread

    @@serbiansnaga Whenever you get a chance, promote him to member on the forums, danke

  4. Looking at the evidence presented I have yet to see any disrespect, especially deserving a one week server ban.

    Pulling this from a CSGO thread where xG MagicalPurple was talking about what is and what is not disrespect.


    What is considered disrespect:

    • If a player makes serious threats relating to the opposing users life, internet, or status in Xeno Gamers.
    • Ignoring higher-uppers in Xeno Gamers when it relates to the rules that correspond to the server that user is on.

    What is not considered disrespect

    • The frustrated occasional cuss words. Everyone gets annoyed when playing video games.
    • Arguing over map choice.
    • Attempting to state your opinion in a non-malicious way. Swearing is not malicious in anyway.

    The chat history show businessman calling people "plebians and bitches" while spamming LennyFace.

    The chat history does not show serious threats or ignoring ranked staff with respect to rules.


    We have !gag to prevent chat spam, !mute to prevent mic spam, !silence to prevent both.

    Warn, !gag , then !kick, if they return after and continue it's a 6hr !ban.


    Businessman shouldn't be able to get off more than 3 LennyFaces continuously without a !gag by staff.

    If the !gag is not lifted, he's silent unless a reconnect which staff can kick for avoiding the mute.


    Pulling this from CSGO admin handbook, due to I could not find a thread from CSS division.


    - 1st occurrence: Warn

    - 2nd occurrence: gag/mute

    - 3rd occurrence: kick

    - 4th occurrence: 6 hour server ban (360 min)


    Pulling this from General Admin Handbook

    Chat Spam

    Chat spamming will only result in a gag. If they continue after the round changes, that is a kick. If they still continue, it is a day ban. Anything above or below is breaking the rules.


    So this ban, for chat spam, questionable disrespect, and trolling(which is undefined) is for one week.


    Player xG:Bu$1n3$$M4n3

    Steam ID STEAM_0:0:44607152

    Steam Community 76561198049480032

    Invoked on 07-03-13 04:41

    Banlength 1 wk

    Expires on 07-10-13 04:41

    Reason Trolling, spamming, disrespect

    Banned by Admin DarkWolf

    Banned from [xG] Jailbreak - XenoGamers.org [Taser | LastCT ...

    Total Bans 5 (search)

    Blocked (4) xG:Bu$1n3$$M4n3, xG:Bu$1n3$$M4n3, xG:Bu$1n3$$M4n3, xG:Bu$1n3$$M4n3




    Where did the 1week length come from? I understand he rejoined after his 1hour ban, yet the next step would be 6hr or a day.

    Regardless, if the player is !gag'ged by a staff member the chat spam would not continue.

    If anything @@ABusinessMan should post a Ban Protest on the week ban.


    With respect to the teamspeak "trolling", blacklist, kick, ban etc. is available.


    -uploaded at 300kb/s DL, gg

    Did you not look at the chat spam. We're not going to tolerate that bullshit. 700+ entries of the lenny face for that one day? Hell no, there is going to be punishment.

  5. 1 member who is highly disliked vs xG community.

    I'd rather not embarrass myself anymore buddy.

    Just do it, make your possible last moments funny

    One, at the most he would lose his xG membership.

    Two, who are you to even say that?



    Although business went over board with his disrespect+spam, he's still a good guy. After this experience he will MOST LIKELY change his attitude and stop his previous actions. Really, with the exception of a few people it seems like the furries got pissed off by business and are ganging up on him. Someone should simply have a talk to him about his attitude instead of just out right throwing a member protest up. Once you get to know him, he's not that bad of a guy. Trust me (which you most likely won't).

    I very much doubt he will change his attitude. He still has his friend Jacob or whatever the fuck his name is, coming on the server using the name PlebWolf6052 #FreeMyNiggaBusiness.

  6. #PostingInClosedThread

    I didn't even ban you. You were warned by myself not to start anything, and you did, yes, I'm the one that kicked you, but you were banned for 15 minutes by @@Warriorsfury Xeno Gamers

    Big surprise, 3 bans for spam in the past. Should have guessed, since you're friends with Business.

    Don't start shit if you don't want to take the punishment. Lucky it wasn't a longer ban.

    -Still closed, just posting since I was tagged.

  7. Fuck were fat again god dammit :/

    So ur implying we wernt allready fat with

    With you around, we were.

    I read this "We're Black"


    I'm tired.

    I should sleep cause I'm reading this this way.

  8. he mass freekilled I have a demo.

    Upload and share please.

    again, do you know what this post is for? it was not meant for a dm, hence why the 2 div leaders of csgo tagged silence.

    Actually, he mentioned he mass freekilled, and that was discussing about a CS:S server. So get it right and stop trying to say it isn't fucking meant for a DM.

    If he mass freekilled in CS:S, that would VERY MUCH involve CS:S Staff.

  9. I don't know what would indicate he's banned for less than 24 hours as of now but okay.


    He still needs to defend his case.

    When it says "hours" its less than a day, if longer than a day, it says "days"

    That is terrible indication, but okay.


    He still needs to defend his case.

    I know that. He will get a chance once he's unbanned. We won't be making a final decision until then, but getting input on him from others is good.