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Posts posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. Have you read the xG rules? You're not suppose to be constantly saying racial terms. I still don't think it's that big of a deal to say "nigger" though. I playfully say nigga all the time, I don't mean anything wrong by it.


    I do however understand that a staff member saying racial slurs in game makes the clan look bad. But so does a admin freeslaying/randomly muting other staff members.

    Nigga isn't racist. Saying nigger in such a way Chrono did was used in a way that could be considered racist toward someone. We say nigger on Teamspeak in my channel in a way that isn't used in a racist toward someone tone. Me saying "niggers" when I join my channel isn't directed at anyone.

    You can't really say it's not racist as it depends on the person you're saying it to. Now, did that person Chrono say nigger to actually find it offensive/racist?

    He most likely said it to me. I don't find it offensive personally, but still the fact is he said it in a way that can be considered.

  2. His point is, why is it "wrong"(which can be wrong at times, but not in this case) in-game but not "wrong" in TS

    Because it's in a community channel. CS:S is a public server.

    Have you read the xG rules? You're not suppose to be constantly saying racial terms. I still don't think it's that big of a deal to say "nigger" though. I playfully say nigga all the time, I don't mean anything wrong by it.


    I do however understand that a staff member saying racial slurs in game makes the clan look bad. But so does a admin freeslaying/randomly muting other staff members.

    Nigga isn't racist. Saying nigger in such a way Chrono did was used in a way that could be considered racist toward someone. We say nigger on Teamspeak in my channel in a way that isn't used in a racist toward someone tone. Me saying "niggers" when I join my channel isn't directed at anyone.

  3. It just blows my mind that Darkwolf and his furry friends say nigger all the time in Teamspeak (Public Server, anyone can join) and for some reason is OK.

    Turd 90% of the time we are saying "nigger" is in out TS room, where it is allowed.

    His point is, why is it "wrong"(which can be wrong at times, but not in this case) in-game but not "wrong" in TS

    Because it's in a community channel. CS:S is a public server.

  4. this is orangejuice's channel. here's his desc.



    guess who were added just after this thread?




    Huh thats funny, I don't recall ever doing anything to warrant a blacklisting in his channel, hell I've only joined it a handful of times. I guess its your channel and you can do what you want with it, but thanks for being so friendly.

    I don't know, that's his choice. I don't have you on my blacklist and the people on my blacklist, I have reasons for.

  5. Oh, I almost forgot to post this.

    Its just to give legitimate proof of what disrespect darkwolf said on TS about me hiding chrono and diabeetus

    Steam Community :: Error

    A screenshot of copy/pasta. +1

    this is orangejuice's channel. here's his desc.



    guess who were added just after this thread?



    What about it? It's a community channel. Blacklists are allowed to be added and that is up to the Channel Admin. You're blacklisted in my room anyway, which would carry into all Sub Channels.


    So, blacklist whoever the fuck you want with no reasoning? Yay, biased actions. woooo.

    Channel admin doesn't need reasons of blacklist. I blacklist you in my channel cause I just don't want you in my room. Simple as that.


    @@TurdWig I love how their rule No. 5 is that racisn is allowed' however whenever they see anything that could possibly regarded as "racist" (because just saying nigger in chat is obvious racism) they will immediately gag/mute without warning. Hypocricy at its finest. In case I didn't make myself clear before, I am in support of a full demotion. If you want a reason, look at my previous posts.

    It's Oranges sub channel, he can have whatever rule he wants.

  6. this is orangejuice's channel. here's his desc.



    guess who were added just after this thread?



    What about it? It's a community channel. Blacklists are allowed to be added and that is up to the Channel Admin. You're blacklisted in my room anyway, which would carry into all Sub Channels.

  7. Honestly you all just need to grow the fuck up a little bit.... We are supposed to be a community that helps each other make xG expand and become greater and you guys are acting like it's elementary school again, GROW UP!


    Stop acting so hostile to each other all the fucking time, stop looking for silly little mistakes the someone makes just because you don't like them.... nobody is perfect and everyone will fuck up once in a while.



    I realize this, which is what I stated in my first post. It was a perfectly fine abuse report, but once threats started to happen people became defensive. There was no reason for darkwolf to comment like that behind our back, thats not something that should have been done.


    And if this was an abuse thread for me, shadow, or really anybody not a DM then it wouldnt be an issue of growing up. I came in here to state a legitimate opinion, and get shot down for trying to say it.

    I agree, I shouldn't have spoken behind your backs like I did. I am sorry. I've been dealing with stomach pains today and trying to pass the time by not being on so I can vent. It's times like this I wish I had a stress ball.

    I am very sorry to the people I spoke about behind their backs

    Honestly you all just need to grow the fuck up a little bit.... We are supposed to be a community that helps each other make xG expand and become greater and you guys are acting like it's elementary school again, GROW UP!


    Stop acting so hostile to each other all the fucking time, stop looking for silly little mistakes the someone makes just because you don't like them.... nobody is perfect and everyone will fuck up once in a while.

    Nobody is perfect, true, cant say im perfect

    Everybody will fuck up in awhile, true, cant say I don't fuck up

    But when it comes to the point where they do something wrong EVERY time they're on, it gets pretty damn annoying, to the point where

    I have no personal problems with him, the only problems with him I have is his Hipocracy, Biased actions, and the fact that he is DM, when he was just a member, I had helped him out with all the situations he gave to me, and I had not a SINGLE problem with him, when he got DM he changed a lot, why? Idk.


    @@orangejuice as said in that teamspeak chat log, Im not mad that I didn't get DM, if there is anyone more worthy of having DM than me or anyone else, by all means, give them DM (once darkwolf is demoted, lol), as far as it looks, you and many other of his "friends" just side with darkwolf to get promoted(and hey, maybe YOU don't, but all his other "friends" do, and I quoted friends because if they only side with him to get promoted, they aren't exactly friends), so to say that about me is funny, look at the people you hang out with on TS.

    I don't promote based on favoritism. Anything promote wise is discussed with the other DMs as well and a reason is given.

  8. I'm still laughing at the fact that you and your group of friends just downrate every one of my posts in some kind of sad attempt to make it look like I'm stupid or something (Lemons and orangejuice, you guys must really want a promotion bad lol). Look in the general server rules yourself DarkWolf, you'll see that my points are valid and that the rules I'm quoting are accurate. I know it is kind of beating a dead horse when I say this, but let this be your wakeup call Darkwolf, and realize that without a bid attitude change that a demotion is coming your way. Personal events/stress is not an excuse, if you're feeling too stressed out get someone else to go in-game for you. Inb4 lemons and orangejuice downvote this post.

    Oh and you're not rating all my posts down?

  9. @@DeathGod I know that you wouldn't perm someone, im not that dumb to think that, wasn't meant to get you in trouble, just showing how Darkwolf did nothing about it when not afk

    I was in Teamspeak with him at the time. Unlike you. I know DeathGod wouldn't do it. You brought him into the conversation.

  10. Steam Community :: Error[/url]

    -snip- You said "nigger" in admin chat. It's a valid reason to gag. You're not allowed to say nigger, and you know it. Making an abuse thread on me for gagging you seems pretty pointless. Yes, I should have told you why you said it, but you are STAFF and very much know why you got gagged.

    G to the G @@DarkWolf6052 , Chrono says nigger in admin chat and You gag him, someone else does it and nothing happens (and you weren't afk, prob trying to get evidence of me doing shit, since someone on TS said that you were going "To record every time I was in-game to get evidence on me", you aren't the only one with friends ^.^)

    What exactly is the point of that screenshot? DeathGod saying the next person to freekill him is being permed? @@DeathGod

  11. Alright, instead of immediately requesting a close to protect your friend from facing any type of ridicule, let people say what they feel is necessary. Closing everything under the reason of "flame war" prevents anybody from ever speaking up and to be frank, the people that are saying it are only saying it because Darkwolf is the one under scrutiny.


    Moving on, @@Chrono saying "Nigger", regardless of how you meant it can be considered racist. It is a derogatory term and while it may not offend some, there are people that most certainly can be offended and you should be considerate of them.


    However, @@DarkWolf6052 , I don't normally do this kind of thing but in this case I have to call you out. Hope you realize it's nothing too personal. Upon viewing all the decisions you have made, I have found that you can really be incredibly biased towards your friends, especially on important topics on the forums. Often completely ignoring any other point of view besides yours and your friends.


    I have also noticed that sometimes you have went straight to teambans for a day without any prior slay, and often times without much proper justification.

    What? I slay for one freekill, and teamban for a day for two. What are you talking about there?

  12. @@Matsi I know you have had dealings with abuse before, if you got gagged or slayed, and an admin(any admin, pick someone you hate if u want idc) didn't tell you why, or warn you for either, would you be mad and call abuse, or would you say "nah i dont care"?

    DarkWolf has (free)slayed me twice, and each time didn't tell me why he slayed me, and then he did this with chrono,

    Are you fucking serious? @@serbiansnaga @@Forest You can't do FR/LR to determine LR, and having only two Ts participating, regardless of how many Ts are alive, isn't valid. It wasn't a freeslay. Serbian told you to drop that subject and yet you continue it here.

  13. Also @@DarkWolf6052 You can't blame you not being a DM right on "stress", first off u didnt seem very stressed and paying close attention to the bad CTs in that video if the other mods on weren't doing anything about the bad CTs that according to you there were alot of, you should have been in spec, doing your job. And if you are so stressed in the first place, DM isn't the rank for you.

    I was stressed last night because of PERSONAL things going on. Plus the fact that I got called on by several people because of mods/admins not doing their job. It was like what, after midnight? I was finally getting tired and got called on so I checked in on it.

  14. Blocked (32) HiddenInsanity, HiddenInsanity, HiddenInsanity, HiddenInsanity, HiddenInsanity, HiddenInsanity, HiddenInsanity, HiddenInsanity, Hidden, Hidden, Hello, User, Hidden, Hidden, Hidden #Insanity?, Hidden #Insanity?, HiddenInsanity, Hidden, Hello, Hidden, Hidden, HiddenHop, Hidden, Hidden, Hidden, Hidden, User, Hidden, Hidden, Hidden, Hidden, HiddenInsanity

    Holy shit.

    but anyway, @@HaaDron if he checks forums, you banned him with the reason "Abusive"

  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wERbc3fmbK8

    Here is video proof of it, yes, I didn't reply in a way I should have. I should have told him why I gagged him, but honestly, he is a Division LEADER. He knows exactly why I gagged him. He used "nigger" in the form of an insult. Personally, being called a nigger doesn't effect me. But if you said "stop camping you nigger" to someone, that would very likely be considered disrespectful and racist.

  16. Also Chrono, about the thread Shadowspy made, Serbian told me I could close it to prevent a flame war, and said to drop it.

    everyone shut the fuck up or i will just week ban whoever the fuck i feel like for whatever reason i can think of


    i told darkwolf to close the thread so it doesnt cause a shitstorm also so i could look at it

    I like how you posted in a thread that Serbian said to shut up in after it was closed and Serbian said drop it.

    I must have been late...





    So what about that, Mr Division Leader?

  17. I was stressed out earlier, I'll leave it at that. There were so many people on CT that were causing problems, and the current mods/admins on weren't doing anything. I got at least 4 different messages on Steam while I was trying to do something personal, telling me none of the mods/admins online were doing anything about the rule breakers. I got on, and what happens? Rules are broken, and none of them do anything about it. A few were laughing about the rule breakers, doing nothing else.

    I was debating doing anything about this, mostly for reasons that I know people can get pissed sometimes and shouldn't be put under fire for letting it slip a little... but I've talked to people about it and feel like its just something that should be added to this thread; and it just kinda rubbed me the wrong way too much.


    Long story short, I asked for clarification on why we could declare a warday later on in the day. I never said I was right and he was wrong, but I was looking for an explanation about it. I felt that it was not handled appropriately and the language used was not required at all.

    I called you stupid one time, and over STEAM chat. Again, I was stressed out, and Forest and I spoke. I'm sorry I called you stupid. I was so stressed out and have gotten over it.


    How is it camping? You said "nigger" in admin chat. It's a valid reason to gag. You're not allowed to say nigger, and you know it. Making an abuse thread on me for gagging you seems pretty pointless. Yes, I should have told you why you said it, but you are STAFF and very much know why you got gagged.