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Posts posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. Toon was banned for breaking rules that @@MegaRobin caught while I was watching the demo.

    I only caught him doing baiting, freekill and breaking a vent..




    lber also freekilled every time he called warden, he'd give orders and never give a time, and just start unloading on the t's. I thought that was enough to get a kick/ban/rape but apparently not

    The reason i didn't teamban him is cause he doesn't seem like he was trying to break rules, unlike the other two ones.

    Later on that night he seemed to know a little bit more, and started doing things more correctly.

    Plus it was just a couple minor ones, nothing huge. Just what i think, I don't know what @@DarkWolf6052 thinks about it.

    The things he did weren't major, he is a derpy CT though lol

  2. Reopening this, Gkoo if you don't want iPlay removed, don't try fixing it again and breaking the entire thing, you baddie.


    +1 for iPlay unless we get the original put back. Who the fuck cares about the isolation doors sounding Satans mother screaming at us all for opening that door into the one way hell isolation.

    +1 for Blax because there are no places for a warday and its a small map. If it was worked on and made bigger, it would be nice.

    +1 for the new Electric Beta, because while it looks good and is fun, the ONLY way to legit get guns from armory is go through a teleport. There is no button.

    Remove these 3 and we should be good for now.

  3. Yes and this IS A FEATURE! They can only kick from server if you are in their channel. So stop telling me to fix a feature or face a ban :C

    I'm fine with how it is, and I just recently learned that channel admins could kick higher ups in their channel from it, since server admins already had ban, channel kick, server kick, ect. I just don't think any ban permissions should be set up for anything not Ts3 admin, might be abused.

    Yea unless Teamspeak comes out with a channel ban feature :p

    I can imagine that going terribly wrong, a channel admin gets a full room and goes on a banning spree

  4. Well it's a list that the channel owner creates that gives them the power to kick people out of their channel and if they keep joining "ban them for an hour" lol what? Since when is going somewhere against the rules. Didn't silence put the silence (lul) command in for a reason. This rule is outdated and needs to be removed as it no longer serves a purpose @@serbiansnaga @whoeverrunsteamspeak

    If someone breaks blacklist by coming back again and again, and you don't want them there, either password it or a higher up can ban them. Channel admins have server kick permissions if they don't want someone in their channel.

    Yes and this IS A FEATURE! They can only kick from server if you are in their channel. So stop telling me to fix a feature or face a ban :C

    I'm fine with how it is, and I just recently learned that channel admins could kick higher ups in their channel from it, since server admins already had ban, channel kick, server kick, ect. I just don't think any ban permissions should be set up for anything not Ts3 admin, might be abused.

  5. Well it's a list that the channel owner creates that gives them the power to kick people out of their channel and if they keep joining "ban them for an hour" lol what? Since when is going somewhere against the rules. Didn't silence put the silence (lul) command in for a reason. This rule is outdated and needs to be removed as it no longer serves a purpose @@serbiansnaga @whoeverrunsteamspeak

    If someone breaks blacklist by coming back again and again, and you don't want them there, either password it or a higher up can ban them. Channel admins have server kick permissions if they don't want someone in their channel.

  6. Rules i noticed were changed (and not discussed): The 10 steps in 10 seconds rule (Forest was DM at the time, and said it wasn't discussed with him)

    The thunderdome rule (It was just changed back, but someone still changed it without permission)

    The must give 10 seconds after them being stuck in iso and getting let out

    That first rule Warrior I believe added, I think it was mainly because people would get confused between 15 steps in 10 seconds and 10 steps in 15 seconds.

    The Thunderdome one was just ridiculous, and was never a valid rule. I removed it for it not being a valid rule.


    I can't grave dig threads such as my stickied Updated MOTD, but I will make sure to notify staff from now on about any changes done in the MOTD. I'm sorry about the most recent changes not being mentioned to others, but again, the Thunderdome rule wasn't a valid rule ever.

  7. They weren't freekills, they have time to do orders, they were AFK and didn't do the orders. 20 seconds AFTER there wasn't a time given and the AFK Ts were killed, Duckii gave a time.

    Plus @@Jordozombie you tried to shoot the Ts as soon as @@Matsi did. ALSO why did you wait until the NEXT map to do anything about it?

    They were valid kills and you shouldn't have banned him for it. They were delaying. Plus if you hadn't missed, YOU would have been accused of freekilling.

    I'm unbanning Matsi in game, and closing this thread.

    -Dis furfag be closin' ur thread

  8. why should we unban him and give him a second chance?

    Because unless @@WhyJewMad believes it was completely intentional (meaning he knew that what he was doing was wrong), then he should be unbanned as it was a mistake. There are multiple other threads where a player mass freekilled accidentally and got unbanned (or a shortened ban length), why should this guy be an exception? He may have misinterpreted JewMad's words which were "Ready to raise some hell on these rebels?". Labelling anyone a rebel means they are Kill on Sight, unless pardoned, does it not? So is it not a possibility that he assumed they were all rebels and believed he was doing the right thing?

    Yeah I guess, and I can't load the other pages, uhh since he is the banning admin @@WhyJewMad what do you recommend

  9. My dad is in the hospital right now, and he had fluid in his lung, he alright now but... i might be inactive for awhile. Also I will not be on almsot at all next week as I am going on Vacation to a lake, I'll hae my laptop but won't be on it too much.

    @@DarkWolf6052 ~magic bananas~




    Alright thanks for letting us know, hope he gets better