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Posts posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. Alright so, this game is nothing substantial, but it Is something new. The game is called Mine Sweeper. How it works is actually quite simple. Here's how it will work (May only be played with double the amount of Ts to CTs such as 3 CTs to 6 Ts):


    1. Warden announces that Mine Field will be played
    2. A starting point and an ending point will be given (illustrated below as Point A and Point B)
    3. Ts are ordered to unstack shoulder to shoulder, facing the direction they will be walking
    4. Ts will turn their flashlights on and look straight up
    5. CTs will then lay down the "Mines" (CTs will randomly lay down their sprays along the Ts path, but are not allowed to respray after doing so. Should a CT decide to respray, their spray is no longer a Mine)
    6. Warden will instruct Ts to shift-walk to the other side. If Ts walk across any spray at any point (or even touch the spray at all), they "explode" (KoS)
    7. Ts may strafe in any direction, so long as they are heading toward the ending point.
    8. CT sprays may not be connected in any way, nor can they be in close proximity. The minimum space must allow a player model to walk through without touching either spray.

    To provide an example, here's a poorly drawn picture by yours truly:

    Gyazo - 15e8cf6ea0bc26a330ed3acb236f3766.png


    That's pretty much it. One can argue that it's similar to Cliff Hanger, but with a twist. But you know what, Panda Freeday is the exact same as a Ninja Panda Freeday, only with the addition of the ability to jump.


    - Dat guy, Forest

    +1 to this idea


    Another idea came to mind, formulated by a simple game that everyone knows. But for the sake of not-confusing it with Simon Says, we'll give it another name: Mimic Me. How it will work is pretty straight forward:

    1. The Warden announces that Mimic Me will be played
    2. Ts must do exactly as the Warden does (Is restricted to jumping, crouching, and knifing. Crouching is not permanent)
    3. The order of what happens will stack on one another, so this is basically a memory game (Remember that old Simon Says game? The one with the colors? It's simply that, but only with Jumping, Crouching, and Knifing)
    4. Any T who messes up at any point will be killed

    For example:


    >Warden Jumps

    >Ts jump

    >Warden Jumps twice

    >Ts jump twice

    >Warden Jumps twice, then crouches (standing up afterwards)

    >Ts Jump twice, then crouch (standing up afterwards)



    For another example, just follow this link to the game: Simon - The classic Simon memory game It is the same premise as this, but there are only Three options: Jumping, Crouching, and Knifing


    This goes on until the desired number of Ts are left (may only be played with a maximum of 4 Ts, as it will be hard to determine who messes up). This is a cautionary game as it Does require memory. You may Not tarp during this game. This can be used to establish Last Request.


    Honestly, seems like the CT would lose track and end up freekilling if he did.


    Would maybe be a good idea if organized, but most CTs aren't smart enough

  2. Hey guys, its Rise here from the tf2 div.... Well it has been a fun ride, I've been here for 2 years. My first day i found xG I was just amazed by the community. The Saxton hale was the main attraction there.... now.... its all gone. All the community, the fun servers, all gone... Im just about 1/5 of last staff members from 2 years ago that are still here, Which 4/5 are leaving this week. So with that said, goodbye fellow xG members, Goodbye!

    D: I'm sorry to see you go, I haven't know you for too long, but the little time we did get to know you, you were cool.

  3. Let me ask everyone something. Take this from a new users point of view.

    You find a new Jailbreak server you want to try out. You join. Play a few rounds, everything is okay, then suddenly, an admin uses the !smite @all command.

    Firstly, would that bug you? One time free smite? Probably not one time.

    But then, the next round, it happens again, and again.

    Would you stick around this server?

  4. Late night JB is bad imo, SOME people want to enjoy the game and not be slayed every second by someone else, all this is , is an excuse to abuse (You guys knew it wasn't allowed when u got staff powers, stop trying to find excuses to do so). It's not a horrible idea, but you guys aren't treating it as a lenient day, you're treating it as a "Lets abuse day" Late night in older xG, was lenient, shit was enforced, yet we didn't have people massfreekilling every second, or calling wardays in cells, If you TRULY wanted to populate servers, you would do community nights, face it, "late night JB " is an excuse to abuse, as soon as it turned 11: 30 admins only started abusing, slaying and kicking eachother. This doesn't look good to newcomers, they will see us as disorganized, and without rules. Causing them to tell theirfriends not to come, and then you guys wonder why xG isn't as populated as it used to be. This shouldn't be allowed to be a day, the only reason stuff ISN'T lenient is because you all complain about rules, making them strict as hell. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@serbiansnaga @@Rhododendron Idk who approved it, but you should "Disapprove" it, or however you call it,.

    Also, you guys can say "Don't ruin our fun", idrc though, if you guys hate the rules so much, then play on a different server, with less rules.


    No TLDR lazy people

    Seriously. We don't need you guys abusing. If we get Abuse Reports on you guys, I don't give a flying fuck if it was Community Night or not. If you fucked up too badly, you're probably going to risk losing your powers.

    There are limits. You know these limits. If you guys are going to use Community Night as an excuse to freeslay the entire server again and again, or abuse your powers excessively otherwise, you can say goodbye to your powers. See how you guys like being slain by admins and you have no say against it. I bet it ain't very fun.


  5. We should combine some of the servers like deathrun/sliderace or AWP-Scout/GG-DM, etc.

    DeathRun and Sliderace are two different gamemodes. Maybe there are settings for different maps that can change for the gamemode?

    A DeathRun map would have to randomize a person to be a T, while a SlideRace map wouldn't have to do that.

    GG-DM has a setting that automatically awards you a new gun per kill, instant respawn, ect, and Awp/Scout has no instant respawn, only normally uses Awps, Scouts and knives.

    Maybe combining AWP/Scouts and Sliderace would be better, but if the map gives someone an AWP on Sliderace, that might make it less fun. Being awp'd from spawn.

  6. +/- 0

    Honestly, if you misinterpreted something that JewMad said in game as something else, it was a mistake. Maybe JewMad worded what he said poorly, but the fact that you mass freekilled doesn't help.

    Maybe we could shorten the ban, but @@Gkoo and @@Forest would have to agree on that too.

  7. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Forest How about we scrap the extra scrim server? we have 2

    I'm not sure how the scrim servers are set up, as I don't participate in scrim nor get on the servers. However those are set up, @@Rhododendron would need to change those, but he didn't mention them.




    I'd like to know ahead of time how tight the budget is regarding the CS:S Division. That way I can appropriately determine how many servers [in my opinion] should be shut-down. Otherwise, the four I've voted for are RPG Surf DM, Build Wars, Gun Game, and the Christmas servers. Reason being:

    1. Let's face it, RPG Surf DM is dead. We already have an RPG Surf which is highly populated [when compared to RPG Surf DM] and it's pretty much the same concept.
    2. In almost all my time being here in xG, I have never once seen players on Build Wars. Granted, I never exactly monitor it nor do I check it, but judging by the sheer amount of people voting for it, it's a given.
    3. Yet another empty server among our many. Rarely do I see players on here, unless it's a group event. Needs to go if we are that tight a budget.
    4. Need I say anything? It's not exactly the "season to be jolly" so why is this even here? Takes up space, costs Silence more, needs to go. (I will however agree with what Twig suggested; this being the conversion of the Christmas server into a vanilla CS:S Server. This should really be considered [depending on how tight our budget is])


    The reason I didn't cut out servers such as AWP/Scout, Death Run, and ZE/ZM(?) are simply because these servers are almost always used when a community event is being held. Granted, the most previous Community Night (excluding HidingMaster's Community Knight) had Gun Game in the server rotations, but it was far too much chaos to handle and drove players away. So, again, here are why I personally think these servers should stay:


    1. AWP/Scout may be unpopulated, but with the removal of Gun Game, there will be no other "competitive" servers we have [with the exception of our Scrim server, unless Twig's idea of a vanilla server is pushed through].
    2. Death Run simply because it's extremely fun with a large amount of people. During a Community Night, most of the players/members thoroughly enjoy Death Run.
    3. I know, I know. Why keep ZE/ZM? The exact same reason presented for Death Run. Sadly, the plugins are broken and the server itself is pretty much out of order. If no one can step up to edit or fix it, then it is with a heavy heart that this server should be removed.


    Just my two cents on this whole thing. Again, I would very much like to know what our budget is regarding our CS:S Division. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Rhododendron


    - Dat guy, Forest


    With the "budget" for CS:S, as far as I know, them being a dedicated server means one set cost for all the servers(The number of servers currently doesn't effect price or something like that)

    Silence mainly wanted to clear up used resources. Maybe to speed up them?

    I don't know, he mentioned this while saying he needed $65 dollars and $55 more dollars. That was when the CS:S servers were shut down, and the website was scheduled to go down at 3AM.




    If you guys go to the Donate page, you can read that.. we need about $150 per month. Maybe for just the CS:S servers, we need $150 per month?




    mfw when @@Rhododendron votes for all.

    Oh god damnit @@Rhododendron




    >>Mod/Admin Purchase Discount

    >>Removing servers



    I think we should honestly offer a discount on Paid Moderator and Paid Admin ranks, but if @@Rhododendron would be willing, set up a rank for Paid Moderators to have permissions such as.. Admin, Kick, Ban, Admin Chat, Slay, but maybe have an immunity level of 5 (Normal moderators and current paid moderators have an immunity level of 10), and maybe limited ban permissions, and little to no leniency toward fuck ups? They fuck up, and get demoted, no refunds.



  8. Everything but RPG surf, minigames and jailbreak should be scrapped. All of the other servers are rarely populated and are just dragging us down.


    Bhop and Sliderace are not being removed as Silence said no.

    Jailbreak and Minigames are the highest populated servers.

    RPG Surf isn't that popular recently. RPG Surf DM was even less popular, but RPG Surf DM was less popular most likely because it has automatic respawn and guns menu.

  9. @@HighSociety @@Gkoo @@Forest @@MegaRobin @@Hidingmaster @@LostCause @@Jordozombie @@Zeal @@diabeetus @@snakeboyeric @@DeathGod @@Unit12p @@xShadowSpyx @@Cristo @@orangejuice @@ItsAaron @@arvelez @@PiNoYPsYcHo @@Sporky @@John @@JakeEnglish @@TheAlpha31 @@DrPepperPhreak @@WhyJewMad @@JINGS @@BaileyJay @@Kirito @@Black_Rock @@Sep0h @@SuperNarwhal @@daddiodoug @@SonicRainbow @@Warriorsfury @@Sarcast1cninja @@Nub1234 @@payturr @@SyrJirk @@Hellafun13 @@Phantom

  10. We're having to clear up resources for the XenoGamers box, so some of the unused CS:S servers are going to need to go. A few things I will be noting.

    • Don't spam votes, this is a serious poll and some of these servers will be deleted.
    • Your vote is public. We are able to see who voted for what.
    • Our Zombie Escape / Zombie Mod server is broken. None of the plugins work currently. Keep that in mind.
    • Our BuildWars server is rarely populated.
    • Christmas isn't even in season. While the Suit Interface plugin is fun, this uses up extra resources.

    I was asked by @@Rhododendron to post this, so you guys need to decide.


    I didn't list Sliderace, Bhop, Jailbreak, or Minigames, because:

    Jailbreak and Minigames are the highest traffic of the CS:S servers.

    Sliderace and Bhop were requested not to be added by Silence.


    Server Information


    RPG Surf

    Surf server with an RPG menu to level up as you play.


    RPG Surf DM

    Surf server with an RPG menu to level up as you play.

    -Has instant respawn

    -Has guns menu for choosing guns.




    Level up to the next gun by making a kill with your current weapon. Win the game by being the first to kill with every weapon.

    -Auto respawn

    -Automatically awarded next gun upon kill



    Build your fort using a build menu for props and after the game starts, kill the other team to win.


    AWP / Scout

    Awps or scouts and knives battles.


    Death Run

    CTs must survive the traps that the T gets to activate throughout the map in attempts to kill CTs.



    Counter Strike Source with Christmas themed maps.

    -Has Suit Interface plugin



    Zombies vs Humans.

    ZE: Humans(CTs) must complete objectives while fighting zombies(Ts).

    ZM: Humans(CTs) must survive the round without dying by the zombies(Ts).

    This mod is currently broken, and is not scheduled to be fixed.

  11. 1: You both fail at race

    2: LOL second round you got door'd

    3: He did freekill you both as the other T didn't knife from what I can see.

    4: He didn't leave the server immediately because the next round you killed him.

    5. I'll add a CT ban for him for a day from SourceBans for freekill and freekill on LR.

    Banned for a day from CT

    -Dis furfag be closin' ur thread

  12. Like suggested, we need a plugin that only Cristo can use; a plugin that makes a giant sombrero for Cristo to fly away in.

    because thats the most important thing we need to do now.
