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Posts posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. Needs to be a longer command when in spectate: Should make it so when you're in spec, the plugin doesn't "wear off" at round end.

    Should add so its not in god mode if respawned: Pointing out the inability to take damage if unstealthing in the same round so that could possibly be removed by the author.

    Of course the interference would be pointed out as well. Bleed was even the one that clarified that.


    Also are you guys half minded? The post was me saying that the plugin shouldn't make us be in god mode if we respawn. I was letting the author of the plugin know. Don't know why Chrono thinks it can "back the abuse point" if I'm clearly stating that it should be fixed so that is avoided.


    How about you not show just a screenshot of HALF THE POST. I pointed out bugs to the author. Seriously.


  3. Gee, thanks for tagging me.

    I added it while talking to Bleed before about the plugin, if I remember correctly, it was on the test server and we tested it there, so somehow his flag got moved over into the JB config. Either way, I've removed any other flags granting access to the stealth command.

    The comment on the AlliedModders post was to point it out to the author, hence why I posted it. I saw it as somewhat of a bug that I came across while using the plugin.

    I've gone ahead and moved Stealth itself from the active server plugins to the Disabled folder, since it's not a required plugin. I had thought it would come in handy for the Division Managers+ to remain fully undercover while watching someone. Also, when you disconnect from a server, Steam doesn't always update when you disconnect, so there have been times where I've checked someones current server, it says they're on one server, and it turns out they're not on the server at all.

    Matsi was the only other person I can think of that had the access, it was half the fact he was bitchy about it, but the other half was he's been helpful catching rule breakers in the past. Unsure how Warriorsfury had access, maybe a wrong letter in the configs in the wrong place. MegaRobin and HidingMaster had access but as far as I know they didn't use the plugin. I hadn't realized before that time how easily this plugin could be abused. Like I said, everyone who had access no longer has access, as well as the plugin is no longer running. I checked the entire configs for anyone other than me with the flag for it, so nobody has it now.


    I didn't realize the plugin would cause so many problems, hopefully removing it will prevent any further abuse from it.

  4. I think I remember this. @@Gkoo I think was there, @@Hidingmaster @@Tsuchikure

    I currently stand at a +/-0 due to not entirely remembering it though, if it was that one map with the maze that triggers kill all, it had to have been intentional, I mean the button does say "KILL" right on it.

  5. Might just be repeating myself, but I really still believe me having a Mod app is proof enough. In order to apply for mod you HAVE to donate. The only way you can get Mod otherwise is to just get promoted without an app, in which case they should need proof.

    My App [xG] xshadowspyx's Moderator Submission | Xeno Gamers

    ASSUMING this goes through, which I dont see why it wouldnt, ill fill out the forms.

    //| xG:A | ShadowSpy



    "tag" "[Old xG]"

    "tagcolor" "#000000"

    "namecolor" "T"

    "textcolor" "#000000"


    I'll let it pass but the boxes have to have been checked in the past for "Donated? Yes"

  6. Alright, so with the help of @@Bleed [which I am very thankful for him assisting me with what was wrong], I'm finally able to release a better complete version of Player Chat Tags and Trails. While I'm still trying to add more trails to the server, Player Chat Tags and Chat Color is now an option.


    This is more of an update of my previous thread, Player Trails [beta Stage as of 10/16/13] but with an option of more chat colors!


    So now, with the new version of chat colors, players aren't limited to only 3 shades of green. You all may get any color available through Hex code. To get a colors hex code, you can use this link to HTML Colors


    Now then:


    How to get access to Player Trails and Player Tags + Chat Colors


    In order to get access to player trails and player tags and chat colors, as well as tracers [/beta-ish/], you need to have either donated in the past and have proof of donation; either a PayPal receipt, donation link if more recent, or some other proof. Your proof needs to be a screenshot or valid link to show it, copy/paste will not be accepted.


    Along with proof, I will also need some formatting for your Tag + Chat Color. Just take the copy below and change the bolded text to your liking. NAMES CAN NOT BE COLORED. THEY ARE TO REMAIN T FOR TEAM COLOR [White=Spec, Red=Terrorist, Blue=Counter-Terrorist]



    //In-Game Name



    "tag" "[YourTagHere] "

    "tagcolor" "hexcodehere"

    "namecolor" "T"

    "textcolor" "hexcodehere"




    Again, Hex Color Codes are here


    Unfortunately, there isn't a way to set up the plugin so you guys can change your chat settings in game. I have to change it via the configs, but you still can have chat tags, just remember they have to abide by the rules, no racism, ect.


    If you have not donated in the past, or can't find your donation proof, you'll have to donate again. To donate, go to the Donations page and be sure to donate to the CS:S Servers and submit a screenshot or a link to the donations page showing you donated. Minimum donation is $5.00.




    So along with chat tags/colors, you also get access to trails for donating. Trails are still in a half-beta stage. They work fine and only require a single flag which gives you access to the other features, but the reason they're in half-beta is because I'm working to add more that don't crash the server. Half the ones I've added to the test server immediately crash everyone's game.

    Either way, if you have access to trails, chat triggers are /trails, /trail, !trails, and !trail, but all work the same way as typing /trails[Doesn't display you typing it in game]


    These are being updated as best as I can on Jailbreak, the other servers aren't up to date yet. I'm hoping to start donations so maybe we can get hub back. @@Rhododendron


    -Dat furfag DarkWolf6052


    Tags: @@Hidingmaster @@Tsuchikure @@Lemons @@speedlimit56kb @@Kyoko @@diabeetus @@Rin_Okumura


    Tags from previous thread:

    Minecrack[Can't tag caused banned], @@Warriorsfury @@DrLee @@DaddioDoug Chrono[Can't tag cause banned] @@Whitewarrior23 @@MrAwesome104 @@Nivek_Relyk @@kbshooter2 @@ItsAaron @@Sep0h @@Haxx @@Hexx @@DCook @@ForestFire @@Forest @@DeathGod @@Genesis @@TurdWig @@GandalfTehGrey @@GanjaMonster @@Thaveze @@rumtillidie @@PNFC


    Pointless replies will be deleted.

  7. Minecracft and Canyondam we used before, were removed just for being out of date and semi-shitty. The summer map we have right now has the helicopter disabled because of extreme server lag from it.

  8. I don't take on that much responsibility right now, I would honestly not mind helping out being a Council member. Really though, not all too much I personally have to work on since Hub is haulted for now. I'd like to help the clan out more than I have been.

  9. EDIT: I have no idea what I did to my quoted stuff. Click it to expand, it's replies.


    I'm sorry about my lazy-as-fuck reply a couple days ago. MegaRobin made me.


    Either way, I do like the whole idea of having a Council, but I don't like calling it that, since HeLLsGamers uses the term Council as their higher-ranked members such as our Co-Leaders. Should be called something else, but still official sounding. Plus "XenoGamers Council" sure would be tagged [xG:C], wouldn't it?


    With this in mind, a suggestion made by Serbian (a suggestion in which was agreed upon by myself and Rhododendron) has come up. This change will (hopefully) result in a more community-friendly and less biased leadership. This change removes the previous "dictatorship" that was in effect for the past couple of years and replaces it with a democratic way of leadership. A Co-Leader title will no longer be given, nor will the position. From this point on, all decisions that influence the clan and community (decisions that were previously made by the Co-Leader) will be made by a group which will now be known as the council. This council will consist of our current Division Leaders of each and every Division. Decisions, issues, and any other problems pertaining to XenoGamers will now be handled by this group as a joint-effort. With that said, there are a few guidelines and ground rules that will be placed, which will be listed below:


    REMINDER: These guidelines/rules are susceptible to being changed in the future should they need to be. Due to this, I strongly recommend that all Division Leaders mark this thread as a "Watched" thread (Click the Watch Thread box located above this post).

    1. Do not make a decision without consulting the other Division Leaders first
    2. Do not act on a situation based on what you yourself think is right, this is a joint-effort and it should be discussed
    3. In this group no one is above anyone else, everyone is within the same rank.
    4. Should you wish to appoint someone to arrange discussions or take charge of posting threads (such as Promo/Demo), you may do so via vote (unanimous decision), however; they are still to follow the guidelines provided here, no exceptions.
    5. It is expected that all Members of this council will follow these guidelines without question.

    If for some reason a particular Member of this group is violating any these regulations, a decision may be made to expel them from the group. This must be approved by Rhododendron. However; they will not lose their Division Leader title.[/quote]


    1. Makes sense, since that is how it worked with the previous Co-Leaders.

    2. I very much agree on this, if you think something is right, but have doubts, discuss it with the others.

    3. So basically would that mean Division Leaders, being the third-highest rank previously, would be the second highest rank, but don't out-rank anyone, and Silence still outranks the fuck out of everyone?

    4. I don't know what I think of that, might cause arguments upon stuff like "Who is going to post the Promotions/Demotions list?".

    5. Agreed.

    I think it is a good idea to still keep Silence up to date on stuff like that when needed. Any discussion upon demotion of a member of the Council[or whatever it may be called in the future] should go through the highest rank of power before being handled.


    In regards to Co-Leader specific rules, certain rules will be altered to reflect the new changes of a council-based leadership. A few of the changes will include the following:


    1. Member Submissions:

    - A Co-Leader's approval will no longer be necessary for returning ex-Members. The vouch given will now be issued by the Division's

    respective Division Leader

    2. "No-balls":

    - Commonly known that being a Co-Leader is the only exception of being allowed to do a No-Balls request. This sort of thing will not be

    allowed among the council members. To further clarify, you may not react upon a "No-Balls" (mass freekill, mass slay, etc) request.


    Member Submissions are a great idea there, and it's a definite YES on the vouch being from the Division Leader of that division. Someone who has likely played with the person who is applying/re-applying, versus a Co-Leader who rarely plays the servers.


    As mentioned above, it is with high hopes that this change will result in an unbiased leadership that makes decisions based on the group's discussions. This will also remove the need for a particular person (Co-Leader) to provide their input in a matter that may potentially affect every Division. With that all said, you will also be given new responsibilities as well as powers. Each of you will be given the ability to change a Member's rank (Aside from Non-Member/Member, you will be given access to change it to Division Manager or Division Leader) on forums. You will also be given the ability to add Admins via SourceBans. A thread will be Stickied in Admin Discussion that provides an outline and guideline in demonstrating how to distribute powers. Respective Division Leaders will handle their respective Divisions when dealing with power distribution


    The Power Distribution 101 thread is a very good idea, linking so you guys get to take a look at it if you haven't already. That being said, powers probably should be given out either by the Division Leader of the respective division, or by the one posting Promotions/Demotions. Having the one from the respective division is probably easiest, so for example, a Council member who manages TF2 doesn't lose track of who is from what server with what Steam ID when adding powers, if someone from another Division gets promoted.


    I removed the tag quote so it doesn't send a pointless notification to the tagged staff members previously, since they'll get a notification already for being tagged.


    If giving the Division Leaders control over the clan/community's affairs is too much to handle (which it seems to be, judging by the amount of Division Leaders against it) then a separate group will most likely be formed.


    If that is due to my post, I was lazy cause I worked that night. I don't see this as too much to handle.


    With that in mind, it will take some time to find trustworthy Members who can take that sort of responsibility without abusing it. We realized that the Division Leaders have a lot to handle already, but this sort of change is minor (in terms of workload). There are very few changes that require a lot of extra work from the Division Leaders. The only few that I can name off the top of my head would be:


    1. Assigning powers to Staff Members pertaining to your Division

    2. Adding said Staff Member to the Staff List on SourceBans

    3. Getting together and discussing any major changes or issues that have risen, which are scarce

    4. Working together to form a Promo/Demo every two weeks


    1. Assigning powers seems easy enough with your tutorial, thanks for that by the way.

    2. Adding a Staff Member again seems easy enough with said tutorial.

    3. Getting together seems easy enough as long as we all remain active on Teamspeak and keep each other added on Steam or other areas which we can get into contact if needed.

    4. That seems easy enough as long as we do it on time, and decide who is going to post it.



    No one would be interfering or be getting involved with other Divisions. The Division Leader would handle their respective Division without the aid of the "council" unless it involved something that will affect the community/clan in general (IE. A "rival" clan/community has been seen griefing the CS:GO Server non-stop. A decision should be made (by the council), or a confrontation with the leader of the offending clan/community should happen to handle the situation)


    With the exception of a full-scale "clan vs clan" scenario, it isn't a substantial change, but again; if the Division Leaders aren't up to the task, a separate group will be made to make these decisions. One of which will consist of trusted and responsible Members.


    I've helped a few times in the past with clan feuds, so I know what to expect. But with the group of the Council, if one person doesn't want to deal with the problem at hand, they should get another to help.


    -Dat furfag DarkWolf6052