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Posts posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. I think he should get a week forum ban as well, if not longer, for obviously and intentionally trolling on the forums. Everything stated above just proves it there.

    Agreed though he shouldn't lose his membership, but forum ban I would entirely agree on, but considering the rules broken in game, possibly a CT ban carried over to fill in for the in-game as-CT broken rules.

  2. With the credit implication we had before, basically wearing [xG-Rep] in game would earn x amount more of credits, and I don't remember if he set it up before HUB went down, but xGLeadership, which is our official XenoGamers Leadership Steam group was supposed to earn an even slight amount more than [xG-Rep] but I'm not 100% on if that ever actually went through.


    The donation bot alerts me plenty on the forums that I have lost 0.00c for interest. Not sure what that's about, but I'm sure it's there for a reason. Probably because I have no credits. [Oh wait, 4 whole credits, woohoo.]


    I'm not sure why but I never got a notification about this thread, so I just watched the thread. Not sure why tagging hasn't been working correctly for me.


    Otherwise this does sound great, really looking forward to it. Huge thing that will definitely get the servers populated, and I am sure donations.

  3. Demos from the time I joined to the time I banned him:

    Dropbox - Stumpy


    I will admit, I didn't give him warnings this time, but have in the past many times...


    Sick of him, minecrack, adam, paulie, and the few others that keep on trolling and don't even care that they get banned over and over again for the same stuff.
    Even if they are friends, where did Minecrack, Adam, Paulie or any of the others come into this?


    this post seems biased tbh


    Please tell me how my post was biased in any way.


    lold irl


    -dat guy stumpy


    And yet you don't take any of this seriously. As HidingMaster said, you are risking a harsher punishment, which may include a forum ban if you continue to troll on the forums. As Forest said, you should not troll a Staff Member, and move over to the forums posting a Ban Protest where you start right up trolling again.


    -Dat furfag DarkWolf6052

  4. -1.


    Invalid steam ID.

    Why was your name new player3456.

    Disrespectful in your ban protest.



    Counter-Strike: Source

    In-Game Name:

    new player3456

    Steam ID:



    Was banned without warning for 1 week for "trolling/freekilling" by matsi, we were playfully jousting each other and apparently I went to fur by calling him a "furryfaggot" +4 times


    Appealing because I was not warned that I would be banned for a week if I continued my "trolling" as matsi called it. I was not trolling, just playfully jousting as friends do, but I get that it was hard for matsi to understand this form of humor
    as he does not have any friends


    - Stumpy 11/24/11---01/18/2014

    Banned by: Matsi. Also known as:
    Furfaggot2013, SquirrelLuver1998, Dogs4Life


    @@Matsi I expect that you have a demo of this situation, please share.

  5. Because it doesn't give any sort of in game message when someone uses it. I don't pay attention to Warriorsfury.

    Originally it really would have, and I defeated that purpose.

    The one person in game I had killed, if I remember him being the one, was Lemons, but I just asked him and he said I hadn't, so I don't know who.


  6. I know its not hard to say "Too bad. Its going to be DM+." to him.

    I wasnt talking about you giving me root in the test server, give whoever you want whatever you want to give them in the test server. This is what im talking about.

    I should have said it. I don't know why I didn't.

    Chrono your quote is broken, I don't know what its doing.

    I didn't do it much at all, a few times, but didn't kill anyone with it, it was when I had added it and still getting the last of fun out of it.

  7. I thought you had tested it with me, considering how many different ones we tested in the past. Along with that, I did say "If I remember correctly" which doesn't claim 100% that we did, I said I had thought we had.

    That's what I would like to know as well, temptation takes over.

    I don't remember removing it any time except recently after checking over everything to make sure access wasn't there.

    It's Matsi. Kinda a simple answer there. Or have none of you experienced him fully.

    • His (Warrior's) access was removed before this thread, only you and silence had access to the server, Since silence didn't even know about this plugin, who would it have been? You must have known, since it was removed prior to the making of this thread.
    • Why did lemons have access to this?
    • Why didn't other admins get access to this?
    • Why did it seem to be a good idea to give someone access to a plugin because they were being bitchy?
    • After you found out that it puts you in godmode when used midgame, why wasnt this disabled as soon as you found out?
    • Why did you claim that i had root in JB, when i never did? Ive used /who on myself as soon as i got mod to see it didnt say "root", and before i got mod i would use admin chat and see "(TO ADMINS)".

    I didn't know that Warrior had the flag for it, I'm guessing it must have been on the wrong line, since his Steam ID is near the top. Not sure why it is at the top though.

    I'm not sure why Lemons had access. I wasn't aware he had access to it.

    Because clearly there were unnamed admins who can't handle having access.

    It wasn't a good idea, I'm not sure.

    Because when I myself used it, I was careful not to respawn in the same round, and thought I cleared all other access, guess not.

    I didn't think you had root. I'm at least careful of the Z flag.

  8. @@DarkWolf6052 It didn't change my tag/text color. Still Green Tag (should be orange) and my text is yellow (should be green)



     "tag"  "[#1 Lee Sin] "
     "tagcolor"  "#FF9933"
     "namecolor"  "T"
     "textcolor"  "#33CC00"


    There was a comment line blocking textcolor, and tagcolor was G, so I see what happened. Fixed now, very sorry about that.


    Death God


    "namecolor" "#000000"

    "textcolor" "#C0C0C0"

    @@DarkWolf6052 this better?

    Namecolor has to stay team color to help distinguish players team[spectator, Terrorist, Counter-Terrorist] and avoid confusion. I've set your tagcolor to black, hopefully that is fine, if not let me know.

     "tag"  "[blunt] "
     "tagcolor"  "#000000"
     "namecolor"  "T"
     "textcolor"  "#C0C0C0"