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Posts posted by speedlimit56kb

  1. Hmm. It's been a long long time since i last scrimmed. I would be glad to join, but my schedule isn't a for sure thing. Give me an exact time and date and i'll see what i can do.

  2. First of all, I have no clue who you are nor do I really care. Secondly if I said anything disrespectful it was in reply to your questions. If you want, @speedlimit56kb can attest to the whole conversation, if he was paying attention. Third of all, who's the one with a ban request?

    whether you believe it or not, you actually do know her. You guy's pasts isn't the best, kinda like me and chrono, just not as bad; and yes i was paying attention but i wasn't at the same time. I think the best solution for both of you is to just ignore each-other, if that's possible?

  3. +1 he is very disrespectful. I have to get onto him here and there so he can calm down. He usually doesn't disrespect people like that around me but he still does minor disrespect to others and once i get onto him or i tell him im going to start kicking/banning if continued, then he calms down. but over all you clearly have evidence of him disrespecting to the max. +1 all day.

  4. so from what i heard, you and i believe another person were disrespecting her for a good 2 hours from what she told me. Then again she also had no proof. Tbh i wouldn't blame her even if she did call you the N word. You are very disrespectful/etc. Plus it would need to be a warning for first time saying it in general, or to someone. Also, please provide some evidence next time, gracia have a nice day. -1

  5. Tbh I think it should just be left how it is. I understand why some of you would like to have this changed. So what if css requires 10 vouches, just let things stay how it is. Then again it's obviously just my opinion so whatever goes, goes.

  6. I just got done playing with you on surf xD and yo! Attack on titans is the shit my dude! foreal though you seem chill and you don't talk much from what I've seen. I've seen you on usually at night. +1

  7. Once he get's co, were going to throw a huge party to celebrate how happy we are that he got co :D Then we will kill him, chop him up and put him in a freezer. Then we can get a new co. Problem solved.

  8. I strongly agree with Modkerpz. Kevin will ignore players asking for help about this game. I have asked him how to get the rules, and he just said "stfu kid". This really needs to be fixed.

    P.S. I would be a great admin.

    Much love, Pizza_Ghost_

    Just saying they can check chat logs and see if what you are saying is true. I never said "stfu kid" lol so good game broskie.

  9. Lol this kid. The reason i ignore you guys is because whenever i'm on and you or your lil troll squad are on, you guys like to try and get to me to to piss me off (witch never works). Therefor i just ignore you guys. And the reason i Ignored you earlier when you kept calling me was because i was actually doing stuff around me like helping my sister in law push some heavy shitty table around. And also this is an abuse thread, and i clearly never abused so this thread is pointless if you ask me.

  10. Tbh I've never really seen you around. My advice is to be more active on our servers; for now I will go with -1. Also, If AG is a clan (idk if it is or isn't) then you might wanna leave that clan if you wan't to join this big family we got going on here; then you will have a bigger chance at being recruited into xG.

  11. HI, I wrote if you can unbanned me, i'm not English, i have the problem that i don't speak very well (sorry >.<)


    I have a ban in the servers of tf2, one administrator say me, that I block one route with a sentry in the map of Clocktown, at the beginning and hurry, I thought there would block the way,I had a heavy chasing me, but this happen, they kill me, and then i have the bann. I can't enter in other server that eventually I play, for example pokemon goldencity...


    Can your remove mi ban? I did not want to block intentionally

    @Hidingmaster @DrLee This thread is pretty old so i don't think this still qualifies even if you do as instructed. I think this post needs to be moved to ban protest section? unless this thread still works..