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Posts posted by speedlimit56kb

  1. If you really did do it only once and that's all, then ima go with a +1. I mean it was once, and if i can recall i remember seeing someone!smite @all once before and get away with it even with a division leader being there at the time. +1 i think a 2nd chance should be given to you, and like ganja said, I doubt you will be getting any type of powers anytime soon.

  2. Last time i checked, joining a group isn't joining a clan; which means he wouldn't be double clanning. Me personally I think he is taking a group as a clan when really it might not be a clan at all (Correct me if im wrong) but then again i'm too sure myself on whether GGF is a legit clan that he literately joined as he did with xG through similar routines.

  3. @xGShadowSpy ty shadow for correcting me and for informing me with more than i knew, now i got a much better understanding of what really wen't down. well the way i see things, i think you should be unbanned, like shadow said, the other clan most likely forgot all about it. You have been banned for a year straight since the incident occurred, i think you should be given a 2nd chance. +1

  4. It was for massing on another server with tags on @speedlimit56kb

    Why would you do such thing? I looked you up and saw the passed ban protest you made. I also read that you had caused problems with xG and the other clan (not sure if it's been fixed). I understand that's it's been over a year now, but before i decide what to put down, i wan't to see what others have to say about this.

  5. He never said he applied to be a member he said he has been playing on the server for 2 years. You don't have to be a member to play on the server kevin.

    Are you blind? or am i the only one that see's where it says "previously in xg? Yes." and also @dannyp174 you and you're troll squad might not care what I think, but in the end of the day as an css admin i am obligated to decide whether or not he should be a member or not, and i also must call him out when he is in the wrong. Now besides that, he can still be accepted into the clan if other member's +1 him, until then, sit back and enjoy the ride.

  6. +1 From what i see, i've never really seen him break any rules, he's mature,and he's been around for quite sometime now. I think he should be given a shot to be part of the staff. If anything ever goes wrong we can always demote him ;) seriously though It would be nice to have more mods that are more active than most of the staff we have right now. THE CHOSEN ONE HAS ARRIVED!!

  7. Correct me if I'm wrong, but i did a history search on you on the forums and i didn't see 1 member app that was made in the past to say that you were in xG before, which leads to me believing that you are lying about that. Me personally i feel as if you aren't fit for this clan due to the things you have said/done, you know exactly what I'm talking about. -1 on my part.


    So to wrap it up, to all you new people, I'd just like to say: Please, if you want to keep xG alive, then don't be a beef n' fixin to everyone, whether

    Sexuality, or attractions, (Furry, Brony, ETC. ,) are not to your preference, you and no one else have the real defined right to judge them.

    Opinion or not, and as much as they'd like to say it, and this goes to you as well, words will ALWAYS be remembered. They just get pushed

    to areas of our head where we don't look. Especially for the people who DO apply to what I've said above.


    Well said my friend. Couldn't of said it any better. Anyways, fare-well bud. May the streets shine bright for you, you will always be remembered by the speedlimit!

  9. My statement twords matsi still stands, But whoever deleted my post due to recent information that has been leaked by higher ups, I will be hunting for you.

    I'll provide a torch if you wan't? i mean we can slowly burn whoever did it so they can suffer and learn to not delete you're comments?