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Everything posted by Vector

  1. You don't need to do the challenge to donate, it's to raise awareness. The fact of the matter is, i think it's a retarded challenge too, but at the same time it brings people together and we all can do something dumb to raise awareness. The fact of the matter is that if we all band together and get people like bill gates, Stephen Spielberg, and other huge figures of the world doing it, we can actually do something. Also that whole 7% bull shit is retarded. It's outdated. it's from like two years ago, and there have been multiple other sites reporting bull shit. The ALS Association Debunks Fake News Article that Went Viral - The ALS Association
  2. yo i get that you're DM now, and i'm happy for you. but god damn one promotion and now it's rules rules rules.
  3. no evidence. LOL CLOSE PLEASE also not specifying what commands. LOLCLOSEPLEASE
  4. Oakland Raiders (fucking christ this season...) New England Patriots
  5. grats @twozerofour hope you do well. @John_Madden @gerald Happy now kids? lel
  6. +1, cats and dogs causing mass freekills is a serious problem. we have to tackle this before it gets out of hand #FreeTree
  7. Vector


    love ya babe, lets play surf nig
  8. Vector


    Sup dudes, if you haven't realized some shit has happened between me and some members in xG. Whether you like me or not or if i hurt you or whatever, i'm gonna be honest i don't really give a shit if i did hurt you and i'll probably not change lol. But i will give a possible reason for my attitude. 3 years ago my sister died. She ODed on heroin and redbull, she was found 3 days later in her dorm room dead. not gonna get more specific then that in like a few days is the anniversary of her death. I'll probably be on but i won't talk much, we'll see what happens This is not a feel sorry for me thread, this is to clear some things up and if i go missing for a little while that's the reason. Anyway, shit happens, see you guys when i feel like talking or interacting.
  9. -1 for previous reasons
  10. +1 nice, was active for a long while but took a little break. is very mature, good to have him finally join A:6 M:9
  11. i didn't take a screenshot because i gave him a warning, and he apologized for it which is why i didn't persue because i figured swift wouldn't do that but as you can see in kendrick's he did.
  12. you were there, you told kendrick you were there at the time. Kendrick made it clear about the rusty bucket part, now you are just lying. lmfao
  13. how the fuck is it any different then to go around telling people to +1 it to help him get in? that logic is beyond stupid.
  14. it wasn't even about that time, this was about this his recent actions? i only brought it up to say that it has happend before, but even then what he did is going beyond, going out of your way to get the profile picture, same status, and everything, i'm only saying that because it is something to bring up. but if yo wanna go ahead and ignore what happened before and say "b-b-but he was offline" even though he was on our forums, then this will get us no where and is just a matter of opinions.
  15. except it totally was? jesus christ. Also @Moosty There is no reason to impersonate at all, it is impersonation, he also did it on the damn forums when he did it only to bug me. it's also beyond fucking creepy.
  16. This was awhile ago, god damn, why do you people think this just happend like a week ago? this happend before swift had left. We were on rusty bucket bay and his name was Vector, nothing else. (i was also going by Vector too) I also remember him talking to people (not using his mic) as me vector, not this bull shit Vector the crocodile (which was used later probably to bug me). I told him if he does this shit again action would be taken. He agreed and apologized. Then he left for awhile and i haven't heard from him from awhile then for some fucking reason he comes back with all that shit, practically stalking me. i brought this up in shoutbox and tried talking to DMs about it but of course nothing fucking happened because they're dumb. Also moosty, that's beyond stupid, he is still impersonating me through profile pictures and names, he could easily go onto other servers and mass freekill (which was done at one point) it's still impersonation. because you know there is an admin with that name and because you know they are an admin. jesus it's not hard people.
  17. +1 because ban disconnected players is broken.
  18. nope sorry. can't deal with that little shit. him and ryan renolds. ugh.
  19. god, every fucking thing i see Michael cera in, i wanna kick him in the fucking mouth. the only thing he was acceptable in was arrested development.