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Everything posted by Vector

  1. +1 nice and active seen him on almost all servers M: 8 A: 9
  2. Vector


    "I have changed" - Dirty Dan, Towlie the Wizard, Duckii Jr, Zun, and now the newest member of the bull shit crew: Egossi! congrats! Feel free to comment on who ever i have missed .
  3. Vector


    you can spawn as many bosses as you want? you mean when that was never in place when hub first came here? i know they're are retarded kids but god damn, you're a whole new level of retard. Nothing of value was lost, please let the door hit your ass on the way out.
  4. He did initiate a vote but he proceeded to spam 2 bosses, and multiple skeletons. (you can only spawn 1 boss or 10 skeletons. he did both, and spawned about over 15 skeletons (the chat was spamming like a mother fucker) and with the fact that he spawned two bosses, the two bosses proceed to spam chat with their quotes they say in game. He was banned and i explained why he was banned and he agreed. end of story. then all of a sudden he says to nomulous that he didn't do it, gets unbanned and nomulous doesn't tell me. So i asked him what the fuck? nom tells me he didn't do it, even though i showed @kbraszzz the proof of what he had done and agreed that a week ban was sufficient. so after that nomulous tells me to reban him which i do which i guess after the second ban he evades i didn't even know that so i can't really comment nor give a shit. Also keep in mind, before he even did this, he abused the voting plugin to disrespect another player (who wasn't in xG) with saying something like "this kid is a faggot?" "yes" or "no" and i explained to him that is not allowed at all, so i proceed to explain for 5 minutes why it isn't allowed and warned him that if this happened again, there would be punishment. Also, to respond to the shit posting, the higher ups don't care anymore. They respond as fast as a person with crippled fingers and took them over a month to come up with this decision. We're also waiting on another member protest in which again, they are taking forever to come up with a simple solution which actually deals with this shit posting but of course the CLs and the rest of the higher ups take 14 years. Whether or not you want to say xG was better back then or not is up to you, but being in xG and playing on the servers for over 2 years i have seen the same shit. This probably all sounds retarded but i just got back from school and am too tired to proof-read. Whether you want him permed or not thats up to the rest of you.
  5. Vector

    Xg Field Trip

  6. Vector

    Xg Field Trip

    Ight, lets go remember, @kbraszzz's penis wheelchair
  7. how is it a terrible idea if we want it back the old ways/just like pokemon?
  8. mods and admins don't have buddha or god on pokemon either. also what exploit? all i remember were people being able to use god mode by just typing it in but the ability for players that aren't staff was removed.
  9. +1, why is everyone so harsh? on gaming history it's different, the timer is much shorter and we just get kicked when i go to the bathroom or take my dogs out. it's not that big of a problem, but i mean people go AFK for a moment and get kicked. the lower time would be better in Pokemon because that server is more full then gaming history.
  10. look i know. bare with me, but we must try at least!
  11. -1 nah man. shit was mentioned before. i can't help but believe that people +1 this shit. disrespectful, trolling, etc, etc, proceeds to shit post me after his ban was put back on. i want people who +1 to REALLY think long and hard. This guy made a disrespectful vote with his donator powers because he was upset on pokemon and i had to actually explain to him why that's not okay.
  12. Hello all, i have recently gone into the business of brokering unusuals and items. I have brokered people's unusuals so far with great success in getting pure! I am now expanding my operations into regular items the only requirements are: Items must be at least 2 keys or higher People who want Unusuals brokered, must realize it might take awhile. Must be willing to give the Broker-er a portion of the profit. If you need help selling your items, i am here to help! Feel free to add me, message me on steam, and or post your request down bellow. #RoadToDreamUnusual
  13. Good. Nothing of value lost. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9FImc2LOr8
  14. Since chrono grave digged, it's alright for everyone to in this thread.
  15. That doesn't stop it from raising awareness though, honestly, i think the whole thing is dumb, but when you get people like George W Bush, Bill Gates, and other major figures in the world doing it, people will follow. I don't think there are people who do it only for the fact they don't want to donate, i feel they do it because their friends are doing it. If there are people like that, then yeah, they are a piece of shit but that doesn't make them worse then hitler. That term "Worse then Hitler" is so overused it almost loses meaning at this point.