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Everything posted by Vector

  1. no you don't the -1 lower your +1 you need more.
  2. he impersonated me another time before. The kid is weird as fuck to the point of stalker to go to these lengths. how he is not permed for impersonation twice i have no idea.
  3. -1 gonna do it cause of impersonation twice (to a creepy fucking extent) and is just the same as was before. M: 3 A: 6
  4. i wanna fucking die now. jesus christ.
  5. nothing to see here, just a person who impersonates an admin twice and proceeds to say he can be rude to people but i can't cause i'm staff.
  6. Vector

    Rip the legend

    >good little child >i'm older than him holy fucking shit, please kill yourself. as rabid said, no one likes you, no one ever liked you, every time i played with you back in CSS i cringed at the sound of your voice. the fact of the matter is that despite the numerous chances you got. Also, where the fuck did i say you made a DDOS threat? i wasn't there so i can't comment. i'm just glad you're gone. Also, i literally haven't seen you respond to any of my shit so where is this "i feel like everyone else including me lose a year of our life reading the ignorance of what comes to your thoughts" Literally every you say makes absolute no sense. You are at the bottom of the barrel. You are down there with the scum like tarin, foxxeh, darkwolf, towlie, dirty dan, and so on. So again, please kill yourself. thank you. - sincerely, everyone in xG with a brain.
  7. because it doesn't annoy YOU as much doesn't mean others feel the same way. like i said, almost every unusual server i go on has the rule and it works quite well. Also there's a difference between saying "i'm buying quick sell unusuals" and "i'm looking for offers on 4 buds"
  8. if you've been on any unusual trade server you would know that feeling. because if you do allow it, people will look for nothing but quicksells. I don't want to bring the bull shit of outpost quickbuys on the server.
  9. :'( NO ONE NOTICES MY SWEET ADMIN SKILLS. - everyone else but onto the evaluation, saying buying quicksell unusuals automatically makes you a faggot. so i agree. however i think people should be able to say "i'm quickselling my unusual blah blah for 20 keys instead of 30" i don't think we need RTD. we have noclip as a donator plugin so im kind of worried about that admins should only be middlemen unless the person who wants to be the middleman is accepted by another admin.
  10. Vector

    Rip the legend

    xG may be dying, but at least we cured one piece of cancer.
  11. Vector

    Rip the legend

    hey, remember when you guys let him back into xG? You guys are fucking stupid.
  12. i don't really like this fucking frog thing, but some of these gave me the giggles.
  13. Also why wasn't this thread made earlier when his bans already up in a matter of hours? why not post it before when the ban actually happened?
  14. :( vector is mean to me let me call the cyber police. please get over yourself kiddie. "also not letting h0b0 who was on the server at the time talk" gg
  15. that's the whole reason he freekilled two people and then proceeded to tell the WHOLE SERVER that the answer was infact 0. he never slayed himself, he was banned. also febreeze you never slayed yourself, so why are you lieing? lmfao jesus christ.
  16. he didn't slay himself, he asked if he can just slay him self fucking lol. hobo was there and called me on. Also P.E.M.D.A.S isn't even algebra, so yes if you are of the age of 15 or older and don't know basic math, then yes you are infact retarded.
  17. oh yeah, it's 1 day by the way, jesus christ lmfao -1
  18. are you guys retarded? he free killed 2 people, if it was 3 it would be a perm CT ban, also @p0s3s3dh0b0 was there saying he was also showing favoritism. tell me, if you can't answer 6+6*0 and you "accidentally" free kill 2 people, then everyone in this thread who thinks he should be unbanned is fucking stupid.
  19. Hi CSS, this is TF2, the casket you ordered is ready feel free to jump inside anytime.
  20. Vector


    holy shit man, don't remind me. that was a dark day.