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Everything posted by Vector

  1. a serious map? can you read? what the fuck is a serious map? you mean one that isn't fun p03s3db0b0: I DON'T WANT FUN IN MY SERVERS >:(
  2. both of them (pokemon and nintendo) are serious trade servers, it's just that neither have people trading on them, if you want people to trade you must start as well, and it snow balls, there is no such thing as a REAL trade server.
  3. fuck the brits @Forest
  4. Stay mad britfag, can't handle my freedom.
  5. well hold on a second the only one that has any sort of meaning is british, it was made for you, so you could actually accept your british heritage. so not quite useless.
  6. They're fucking ratings on a website that literally mean nothing. Christ get over yourselves, also the others who rated fuck you because they -1 someones member request with valid reason, you are just as cancerous. fucking kill yourselves my god.
  7. That's cause you did literally nothing.
  8. There's literally nothing wrong with the original rule. No need to make something so simple so complicated
  9. because they're retarded. He said if i got DM he would leave, fine, i'll accept that but the fact he never mentioned anything about bach getting it and leaving just goes to show he's a sad person. Also keep in mind he also removed everyone except for like 6 people on his friends list because he was "done" with xG. Also @kbraszzz already said he doesn't want to deal with john's bull shit again in teamspeak the moment he left. So why bring him back? -1 for clear autism.
  10. no one cares what you think jewbeans +1 we need less fags
  11. yo still here, idk why though.
  12. let's bring in an expert in touching people: Hey @Tarin!
  13. pretty much this, still though, it was fun while it lasted. RIP as a memorial service we should all just go on a bunch of a jb servers, shit post and mass free kill. it will feel like xG all over again...
  14. oh my god, no one can be this dumb let me quote the thing for you because obviously your fingers are too crippled to do it lol. I guess i gotta spell it out for you and others, even the people +1 this. i talked to forge about making an admin thread, he no ballz me so i did it and we had a good laugh i forgot tf2 doesn't know what no ballz is, RIP CSS, anyway, did you really think i would have gotten a second chance with what i posted in the OP? did you not think i would make some sort of argument or have added some evidence if i really wanted a second chance? there is no chance i'm getting a second chance this early (or ever for that matter) so why not have some fun. But like i said, i guess you guys are too retarded to get. RIP
  15. are you retarded? did you not read what i posted about forge not even a page before? in fact are you all retarded?
  16. w0t talk about bull shit, you can ask anyone and i say that i actually encourage squeakers to use their mics (kevin and tails for example) if they're not annoying and another squeaker (speed runner) who everyone shat on, i actually defended the child, so again, keep spouting bull shit like a retard. Also, the zombie fortress thing? christ you kiddies were laughing in teamspeak so now you say it's a problem when you guys were laughing? not you specifically but in the end, you can cry more lel
  17. the actual move this quote is from is creepy as fuck. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9C4uTEEOJlM
  18. says the guy who rages at every vidya game ever especially league, lel.
  19. also, i kind of half assed this thread cause @FoRgE no ballzed me
  20. You also want to talk about pushing people away? talk to kbrazz building sentries and other illegal items in jailbreak, or Bach, doing the same damn thing also cloaking in Jailbreak, or what about nomulous getting VACed banned from mvm using our donator bot, the fact people say i'm a sole reason for people not coming is ludicrious because there are still many people who say i do way more then any of you did, whether i agree or not is not the point, it's what the perception of what the players regulars and such see. what about the donator plugins in which we saw a spike in activity drop in gaming history after they were implemented and that people hated it? there are so many reasons why the population is decreasing and if you want, go ahead and say i'm one of them, but don't look at me as the sole reason because this is an xG problem.
  21. lmfao, fucking kids holy shit. it's like you guys think i do this to people for no reason, these are to little faggots who shit talk because YOU ADMINS never tell them to use the fucking friendly plugin. That's where the situation came out of, i tell you "staff" members to do this and you all NEVER do it, so you sit and watch these kids (moosty does this too) ridicule other players for being friendly, if you want to talk about pushing people away (which isn't true because i and a good group of people got trade gaming to be more populated then pokemon trade) is complete bull shit. you can disagree with my methods but i only do it kids who shit talk, if you don't believe me then go right ahead because honestly when i see you and the rest of the tf2 div run into the locked room like kids @christan did it too and leave me alone because you don't want to hear my "shit" even though the two responsible are in the other room so no reason. You can say "b-b-but u be staff doe" go right ahead because in the end it doesn't mean jack shit. also with that said.... i guess i can shit post now since i'm not longer staff :^)