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Everything posted by Vector

  1. What's up guys, with the popularity of gaming history we have come to bring up a discussion that has multiple ideas we are conjuring up. So first of all, Gaming history needs the plugins pokemon trade is getting. We do not have !kson (killstreaks on) or !duel (free duels), we really want these plugins on the server and something to the game a bit more fun. Also HUB is another thing we need to discuss, what is the status of hub on jailbreak? Right now it's on a stress test and things seem to be fine however no updates on it's condition have come about. Also for the maps i wish to add to gaming history, we need to add them and get rid of some, making threads like these for pleas on helping our server is a bit frustrating so i'm hoping you guys will listen. Now on to the topic of expanding gaming history. A few people on the server have talked about maybe changing our plain rotation server to a gaming history rotation server or something along the lines. What we would do is take objective maps that have to do with gaming history (there are quite a few) and put them on a server. Not only would the title gaming history attract new players, but the sheer variety of new maps from across a different assortment of games is what people keep coming back to Trade Gaming history. I mean this would also help expanding our admins out, having another server populated, and so on. I recently made a steam group entitled Trade Gaming History Regulars and everyone seems to be onboard with it and making events for such a server would possible in populating it. This is only a suggestion so feel free to give feedback Tagging notable people: @Kittylicious @BonfireCentipede @Maymalays @Rhododendron @Nomulous @Boneman7 @Moosty @Gorillabot3000 @Huster_Salvador @Dashiethepet Also i would like to point out how members of gaming history are the most dedicated to the server, ever since i joined the server we have seen new admins, new members, new maps and so on. Before that, people in xG barley looked at gaming history however members of the server and i have turned it around. And At times, it gets even more populated then the pokemon server. We are determined to get this to work if this actually goes through.
  2. @Rhododendron @Nomulous seem to be busy because i have been waiting over a month for even the maps i suggested to be added. if you want we can remove cyberpunk.
  3. Also i think he is a bit confused, i think he means has he ever been on the xG servers, not a member of xG.
  4. +1, he was an old old regular on xG gaming history and was one of the nicest guys, he left BCGAD because they are pretty much dead. Glad to see that he's finally joining xG A: 7 M: 9.5
  5. i would buy it if it didn't have hot rod sheen :l
  6. Yessssss fucking finally. +1 kitty is active as hell both on and off servers. She participates on our forums and is incredibly nice. Cant wait to see her join xG M:9 A:10 +1
  7. Vector

    Iceslice - Mmo

    when did i ever say you wanted to be apart of xG? you play on our servers, roam our forums, insult our members and our regulars so yes in fact you do not belong here. if you want to leave then leave, do not talk on forums, do not come onto our servers, and again do not use this "i don't deserve to be in xG" Shit, have some dignity for christ sakes.
  8. Vector

    Iceslice - Mmo

    accidentally didn't finish the thought, what i ment to finish was, when he joins our mvm game he thinks some guy is making fun of him so he calls him a dick and leaves, proceeds to add him and call him a dick. so just throwing that out there.
  9. Vector

    Iceslice - Mmo

    I also forgot to mention that when i was playing MVM with @Kittylicious we surprisingly got iceslice as a player, when he joins looking for sympathy won't help you here. we don't give a flying fuck if you're depressed, if your mother died, your dog died or whatever, you can't take it out on the community and we asked you so many damn times to change.
  10. Vector

    Iceslice - Mmo

    Alright, now i will give proof on his attitude. Recently last night we were on the Pokemon trade server and of course came in with a shitty attitude, he proceeds to insult me saying "i'm the only one who has been complaining" even though other people were just talking about it a second ago. he was then muted by another admin where i tell him he hasn't changed a bit and is still immature as he always has been. +1 Also keep in mind he was recently banned from mine Iceslice - Mmo | Xeno Gamers @diabeetus gave him his final warning http://puu.sh/8CTf6.png http://puu.sh/8CT3x.png <--- is that some way to treat someone on your ban request? i don't think so. http://puu.sh/8CTln.png <---- membership request. http://puu.sh/8CTng.png <------ insulting people for his own faults on his member request. might get more proof when shoutbox decides not to take 100 years.
  11. grats @HachikoTachibana you fucking faggot.
  12. don't use their downloader. just download them from your browser. at the bottom of Download now, or add to que there is an alternative (which is the original download type) http://puu.sh/8Axb5.png
  13. Vector

    The Cringe Thead!

    Fucking white people. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZUYEUtOIRg
  14. Vector


    Changing my vote again to a -1. swift got all pissy at me for muting his friend who had a very loud annoying voice and terrible mic, decides to talk shit about me behind my back without talking to me, and has been nothing but a nusence. also i think he got all bitchy about it was because i changed my vote to a 0 M:2 A:9
  15. Vector


    changing to a 0, still incredibly loud and can be really annoying. M: 4 A: 7
  16. Well the baiting and attacking isnt a free kill. You attacked him an admin should of slayed him but it wasnt a free kill.
  17. +1 he is a really nice kid and would be an amazing addition to xG see him everyday and is always fun to have around M: 9.5 A:9
  18. Vector

    Flag This Post

    don't tell me what to do.
  19. Vector


    +1 hes alright, can get a bit heated at times but fun none the less M: 6.5 A: 9
  20. Name: Vector Class: Scout Hat: Whoopie Cap Misc1: Flapjack Misc2: Ball kicking boots
  21. Vector


    I'll populate when they bring back liqudador. #FreeLiquid
  22. Lol after i told you to wait a little while you completely ignore me and what you forget to mention about your constant suicide threats on our server and to our members @BonfireCentipede. and no the poll was yes or no and people voted and it finished with i believe 14 yes and 6 nos (don't count on me for it). This kid has been a pain since day one, with having xG in his name after i told him multiple times to change it, and his porn spray which i had to tell him multiple times to change. after i banned him for that offense (i believe it was for 1 day) he went onto other servers with the name FUCK xG and shit posted about us on other servers @BonfireCentipede was the one who he was venting to, and had the name and everything. Another person he went all depressed on was @Maymalays. I remember one night i come onto the server, because @Huster_Salvador told me someone was threatening suicide. Sure enough it was Zun (this was on Mario Kart) i gave him a clear warning that if he did this again, that he would be severely punished because of our history with people threatning suicide. Zun is an attention seaking child who throws a fit when things don't go his way, he actually insulted another player named Kitsune because he wouldn't talk to him because she and i were having a conversation, he then proceeds to verbally assault her and leaves the server (thankfully he apoloigised for that.) not back to the suicide thing, so after the ban for the nude spray and everything he begins crying to bonfire about suicide and how he was going to kill himself and that "don't be surprised if i don't come back to the computer" and shit like "i'll give you all of my items because i don't need them where i am going" i am sick and tired of baby sitting him and having him abuse the people on our server, now was i harsh on him? you're damn fucking right i was, it's the internet, and don't take shit out on us with this server. i am absolutely disgusted with you Zun and i TRIED helping you by saying, give your self a few months to cool down but clearly you did not. Not if you guys want to believe me or not i don't really care, but ever since he got incredibly depressed it's been not stop threats and depression.