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Everything posted by Vector

  1. mother fucker deleted my channel because i -1 him. him and foxxy. goes to show how immature he is and how he is a tyrant if you don't agree with his opinion.
  2. -1 i don't even have to get into a long ass discussion about how you should stay banned. first of all this is why to early for you to be accepted second out of anger you kicked us all out of the xG leadership group in which we had to make a new one third destroying the CSS servers out of anger of demotion when the problems were on your head. fourth the fact you immaturely acted when you didn't get CL and how you black listed mega, diabetus, eric, and so on for getting the position they deserve. @Kyoko do you even have a reason why it be shortened? because if not then that is the sole reason you would +1, i'm not saying you can't but don't bull shit us with no excuse. give a valid reason why it should be shortened because from what it looks like, he did everything out of anger and i would almost say his actions were almost as bad as towlie. Darkwolf remember the thread in which people said you were such a great DL? what the fuck happend? it's not our fault you went inactive and it's sure as hell not our fault for perming you. grow up, get some fresh air, and come back in a couple months if even that, until then -1
  3. with an argument like that, it's surprising they aren't gone.
  4. we don't know who this person is so how the hell are we supposed to know if he is or not?
  5. no proof. this is also the one of the, if not the most stupidest, admin abuse threads. fucking kids. -1
  6. she wants the only vagina in xG.
  7. he was just recently forum banned for trolling and now he expects us to just forget about it? fucking lol -1
  8. i don't believe this is an actual clan. i think it's just based off the o.W.n sfm
  9. we actually have this song on one of our maps on the gaming history server. it's fucking dope. +1
  10. Vector

    Hub Update #2

    great work nomulous! xG is very lucky to have yeah! can't wait to try it out.
  11. I will be on the battlefield my brothers. @Forest i can't wait to see how you're british ancestry in fighting will be like on the battlefield
  12. Vector

    Iceslice - Mmo

    @IceSlice defend yourself or at least respond to this
  13. Vector

    Iceslice - Mmo

    Disrespect is not the only reason to warrant a ban, it's also the trollish nature of his that is much more of a concern. he has been told before to stop with this shit by forest, he instead of making threads, he just posts constant rude comments in shout box. he doesn't do anything but make us look bad. and this is just on the forums.
  14. Vector

    Iceslice - Mmo

    did you even look at any of the photos i post? everything that he types is something annoying, disrespectful or just some attention seeking shit. how does not any of this warrent a ban? he literally says "im surprised i'm not banned" in like 2 of the photos http://puu.sh/6NqNO.png http://puu.sh/6NqPZ.png http://puu.sh/6NqRI.png
  15. Vector

    Iceslice - Mmo

    I also made this because people keep saying "why isn't this kid banned yet" and since this no one is taking action i might as well move forward with it. also these are just on the forums from what i have seen. Bell talks about his constant disrespect on jailbreak so maybe she can put some light on in game. http://puu.sh/6NmFA.png http://puu.sh/6NmIs.png http://puu.sh/6NmK6.png http://puu.sh/6NmNm.png
  16. Division: MMO In-Game Name: Iceslice Offender's Steam ID: I Don't know Rules Broken: disrespect, constant annoyance, won't fuck off. Evidence: this kid has been a nusence since day one, making multiple threads in 1 week to all the way to being a major ass http://puu.sh/6NlLT.png http://puu.sh/6NlMZ.png http://puu.sh/6NlR9.png http://puu.sh/6NlTk.png http://puu.sh/6Nm9y.png http://puu.sh/6Nmb7.png http://puu.sh/6NmjP.png will post more if you guys want. @Bell @Stence @MuffinMonster @diabeetus @xGTim @SuperMaddud @anyonewhogivesaflythingfuck
  17. it's 1 week and by @SpeedOfFreedom
  18. Im on gaming history most of the time and i literally got like 4 people to join and some others who wish to make member submissions. Im doing fine in gaming history.
  19. Im on teamspeak and so are a lot of other tf2 staff. How would you know if they arent on if you are never on?????
  20. quoting chrono quoting forest "Any abuse, be it big or small is still abuse. That's what this section is for. Just because it is abuse does not mean there is a Demote or No Demote decision, it is to make aware of the abuse, and the abuser, and to get situations solved."
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2NU98NZF8o
  22. also why has no one tagged speed? @SpeedOfFreedom