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Everything posted by Vector

  1. +1, coldendeavour is a really nice guy and has been incredibly active on the servers. Also he even made a map for our server. A:8 M:9
  2. Man if only Dr. Strangelove had an account...
  3. Vector


    stumpy is so cool, he needs two good bye threads.
  4. Vector


    i know how you feel stumpy holy shit my head hurts. You'll be missed my true ass nigga.
  5. except i didn't make a thread dedicated to this at all as well as post on another persons profile so. lol
  6. how do they relate at all? they have no relation. You like a blue character who likes to go fast, eat chilly dogs, and has a fan base consisting of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zIDiHXvhOY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ef3rm9PXdCI
  7. You're profile is tails from sonic. If you're over the age of 15 and still like sonic then you're autism is probably kicking in. Don't worry we forgive aspies. Also how is this not closed? jesus people are dumb @kbraszzz @Gawd @Hidingmaster @diabeetus
  8. Vector


    from what i see here with the image. Grow a second skin. jesus christ.
  9. it REALLY isn't a big deal at all, so i'm not giving an opinion, just trying to help out the newbies.
  10. @Bleed the problem was that origins didn't do lr request or some shit. this could be considered abuse since he is supposed to enforce the rules. that's all i'm getting out of it
  11. member protest =/= abuse if you want someone can move to abuse but he can't get kicked out of xG for it.
  12. >googling his map name. hahahaha i like this guy. Still, he seems very nice and understanding as well as smart, to let fairly popular servers use his map. Very nice job african!
  13. are you retarded? did you not read what i said on page 1? i gave a valid reason. http://puu.sh/9QPr0/e2e9a0e2d3.png
  14. yeah...i'll retract that. my bad.
  15. The forest spirit known as @Forest ventured across the forest, the angry little men we call xG, constantly worship the forest. Forest tells the little ones that they shall not worship for he is not higher then them. However, secretly forest loves the attention he gets. One day, an unknown, however very familiar man begins roaming the forest. as the unknown man is walking through the forest at night with his lantern. Hears some very disturbing sounds. He moves closer to the sounds and finds a man whispering to himself about how he will ruin the little xG members. The unknown man shocked by this confronts forest. Forest could feel an eerie presence of this man demands he identify himself. The man tells forest that he will never get away betraying the xG members, so he dashes away with forest hot on his tail. the unknown man makes insight of the xG member village. However just short of the xG village, a branch forest created from one of his minions penetrates the unknown man's chest. The man falls to his knees as the xG members run towards him questioning the barbaric attitude forest demonstrated. The unknown man tells the little xG members that he wishes he could of exposed the horrors forest makes. and soon dies. The xG members bring the unknown man to a an alter and give him a proper funeral. The unknown man's body is burned as they all cry at the lost of an innocent. The flame became violent for no reason and caught fire to the village. the village burned and soon spreads throughout the whole forest. @Forest, who is bound from leaving, could not escape like the xG members could and perished in the flames. As the little xG members come back to their burnt home. They cry, however a little xG member looks over and notices a little branch. The member brought some water over and poured water on it to start getting ready on building their new life. The branch eventually grew huge into a magnificent tree. the members of xG named the tree, @tree. As the xG members all circled around the tree they smiled in delight. they all closed their eyes and listened to the magnificent tree. Finally, @tree said "Treeday" symbolizing their victory over the tyrant @Forest
  16. ....we have a thread dude. Not 5 days ago it was made
  17. We also need our punching bags. @AbrahamL Also how could you forget @Trente who disapeared for aome reason without a trace @kennY @Takibo @Shaggy @Starbuck @Bigga @ERNIE @trinindol (i miss obama) @House (i miss your mad gmod skills) @John @Loki @tree
  18. -1 im reading through the chat logs and all i see you doing is bitching and moaning about spawn camping. Jesus christ its a video game, the fact you insult someone for it shows you are a child. Also you are lieing about multiple things. First of all she wasnt insulting you at all, again going through the chat logs, there is no indication at all of her insulting you so good job with that, second you called her a cunt and multiple names for just playing the damn game, plus you insulted starfish for literally no reason. Hes attacking you with rocket jumper? Maybe he is just fucking around. Lol dont you love it when retarded kids feel privlaged and think they dont have to follow the rules? Wait out the ban and just be happy i wasnt the one handling the situation. Kitty is a nice mofo but me, lol gg. Also please respond to whatever i say, because i would LOVE. To see you justify any of your stupid shit.
  19. Yeah i heard this. And when i saw the video a few users in the comment section said they came on the server and mass rdmed for him. Not sure if it was directly toward our server but still. Spooky shit
  20. #oldxG @Forest amiright? @BillyMays @Link! @HaaDron @Jihad @Duke @Dougnificent @Duckii @Neo @McNeo @HighSociety @serbiansnaga @restofthepeoplecauseits1amandicantremembereveryone Meh we should just have a night maybe once a year or some stupid shit where the older fags hop on jailbreak and just fuck around. Not for xG because really who gives a fuck, but because that feeling of nostalgia and see what the oldies are up to regardless of feelings towards xG (the ones who arent banned lul) . Just a dumb suggestion but man jb was fun. Not the gamemode its self, but the stupid people we met and grew to love out of incompitence or just to have fun. @Tarin the party van man.