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Everything posted by Vector

  1. no proof nig, also wrong section. Fix that shit.
  2. lol i treat people the way i want to treat people, i'm sorry i'm not jesus christ like you are speed and that you are so better than me. you haven't seen me on the servers and don't see how the others think of me, also clearly you didn't read the other thread so nice going on that by the way. #freespeechnigga #quitbeingapussy
  3. Hey speedlimit talking about things he has no idea ! it's not like he hasn't done this before! commenting on something on a server he has never been on, a divison he isn't even a part of and so on. do us a favor and kill yourself.
  4. We as in the people in the server, did you not see the screen shots that i posted? people in chat we're getting fed up with him. what we did was we warned (the whole server) verbally and through text (see screen shots) then i muted him and then i unmuted him and he continued that is enough of a warning to go on to ban, because kicking him wouldn't do shit. this has been going on for the past few days where we tell him not to get involved in arguments in which he doesn't need to be in.
  5. abusive as in, he was abusive to other players in the server. now gorilla has had a major problem in the long run, where he had major problems starting arguments and or joining them, we told him multiple times to stop and he would not listen, he would not listen. he then proceeds to harass other players such as Kitsune who asked him to please stop. WE DID mute him @Matsi and then when it was all over he continued. i said alright i'm sick of your shit, day ban. he then proceeds to go oh boy! see you guys tomorrow! in a very bitchy way. i then tell him well if you really don't seem to give a shit i'll make it a week. and about a few seconds after i start some said he left. so i check the leader board and check and find he did, he evaded the week ban so i made it a perm. Gorilla has been a problem since the day he only recently did. he had this arrogant attitude saying shit like "oh i have an IQ of 130" which i call him out on saying no one gives a shit. he claimms he wants the make the server better but he gets into discussions which he has no reason to. as you can if you check the chat logs (trying my best to get convos of other people's reactions): http://puu.sh/82cbB.png http://puu.sh/82chg.png http://puu.sh/82cjM.png http://puu.sh/82cmn.png http://puu.sh/82coX.png http://puu.sh/82cqZ.png http://puu.sh/82cxg.png
  6. he does have a short temper but is quickly to apologize for whatever he may have done wrong. would be a cool addition +1 M: 6 A: 9
  7. Vector

    Slenderfortress 2

    we're on right now, it's a lot of fun!
  8. you almost got me. happy april fools.
  9. @Bryce @DrFeelgood @Paulie @adamsaur bring in the reinforcements, Maddie needs help.
  10. Vector


    ah i love when ribbit posts, it's always something interesting to read during class. can't wait to read what happens in both threads.
  11. lol this whole situation is retarded.
  12. also the people who want spawn camping out-lawed, i would LOVE to hear what you have to say, because this shouldn't be valid at all of we are just going by votes and not actual facts.
  13. There are many ways to get out of spawn camping, and if you're shit enough to get spawn camped you deserve it, a simple medic/heavy combo or even a demo/medic can break a sentry-nest, anybody who votes that it shouldn't be allowed are just shit at the game and need a rule to balance it out. This is coming from a server which has multiple spawn campy maps (nimbus land and clocktown to name a couple). Also how do we even handle this? just slay anyone who kills someone coming out of spawn? that's retarded.
  14. you're not in, there is still 24 hours left and you need 10 vouches to get into TF2 so i don't know where you're getting this i'm in. right now -1, right now i don't see much of an improvement as you get upset easily (disrespecting bell for no reason and being very hostile after i won't sell you my unusual) also with you being pretty loud when ever you're on gaming history. while i in away agree with @Chrono he has improved from what he once was where i actually needed to make a ban request. right now he has improved but he still needs a long way to go.
  15. he hasn't worn those tags in a long ass time, also his activity is incredibly high on gaming history, what are you talking about? A: 9 M: 8 +1
  16. Steam Workshop :: The Cold Front <--- goes perfect with the update.
  17. how can people not be excited over virtual reality farmville and bejeweld?
  18. Vector

    Vector Tyson

    Fuckin awesome dude. Im telling you, you should really put this in a hacked rom
  19. Vector


  20. Vector


    it sounds like both of you are just having a hissy fit. Lol
  21. Vector

    First Gay Hug

    i saw it, it was pretty cute. i wanted to face fuck a couple of the girls doe.