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Everything posted by Vector

  1. Oh lawdy lawdy remember when you told me to stop being an ass hole? You're doing a wonderful job teaching me.
  2. Just suck a lot of dick. That's how most of the staff members get their positions anyway.
  3. we have nuclear dawn admins?
  4. if we can do any characters, i wish to be me (vector the video game character ) holding an eyelander. if not i'll be scout with Essential accessories, Whoopie cap with orbiting planets and a flapjack Steam Community :: Screenshot here is an idea, we can have like kitty cowering behind me and bon fire as we lean forward with our weapons with two other people with their respective outfits nad characters opposing us.
  5. and by smart phone he means an Android. Android has a real hard on for developmental people as the code is much simpiler and more open to the public then that of IOS. You can even download emulators from the store and most are free. so you don't need to go and Jailbreak an ipod or something.
  6. lol he doesn't have proof, that means this ban request is invalid and requires it being closed. you have no reason to search logs and even then it could be said during voice chat. also if this warrents a ban jesus christ you guys are such pussies.
  7. Vector

    Xg Comments

    it was a joke when youtube first came out with the comment section the huge freak out like people always do. its a joke.
  8. Vector

    The Cringe Thead!

    holy shit game grumps is awful. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsejkhEfZYk
  9. Vector


    "Mr Lahey the tiger ate 7 cheese burgers"
  10. Vector

    Nigga Wtf

    @AdamStoe875448 clearly doesn't know who rabid is.
  11. -1 a real ass hole to tails and just an overall douche. in the 10 minutes i met him, he actually made me hate him. M: 1 A: 2 @kbraszzz look at this over whelming dislike.
  12. Vector

    The Cringe Thead!

    I'm so fucking angry right now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Jh7iuhPDuc
  13. here are maps we could use for the rotation: trade_gebunkerii_r3 <----------- Coldendeavor made this map (he is a gaming history regular) GAMEBANANA: blackmesa (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Control Point) <----------apeture science pl victoryroad b1a (TF2) - GameMaps.com <---------- REALLY good payload map. pokemon victory road. GAMEBANANA: cp_helmsdeep (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Control Point) <---- helms deep. GAMEBANANA: ctf_the_lava_giant_b2 (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Capture the Flag) <------ very popular capture the flag map on gaming history. GAMEBANANA: cp_pacman_wtf !FINAL! (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Control Point) <----- pacman looks radical. GAMEBANANA: CP Mario World Beta 8 (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Control Point) <---- the whole world 1 in mario in a control point GAMEBANANA: cp_supermeatboy_c6 (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Control Point) <------ super meat boy. trade: GAMEBANANA: Metal Gear Solid 1 (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Arena) <--- metal fucking gear
  14. why is it that every time he posts something it has to sound down to earth or some sort of quote bullshit? it bugs the hell out of me. we have no idea who you are and no reason to care. bye.
  15. awe damn i thought it was @Brian......disappointment again.
  16. No you're all wrong 1. play red 2. get killed for not doing orders 3. Spam freekill in chat and in admin chat 4. insult people for your own incompetence 5. Join blue team 6. have shit mic but call warden. 7. proceed to shoot up all of red team for no reason and think as if they are your high school peers because you're too much of a pussy to do it in real life you fucking faggot. 8. get banned.
  17. bring the discussion here ----> Upgrading/expanding Gaming History | Xeno Gamers