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Everything posted by Vector

  1. Where is the hype train for hotline miami 2?
  2. +1 he is very nice and really started to become active on the server. I'm showing him the ropes and he seems very devoted M: 9.5 A: 8
  3. Please close, he is not 30, he is 13, he just told me on the server @kbraszzz
  5. put it on out post and ask for pure however if they offer unusuals make sure the unusual is worth more or is easier to sell. You pretty much trade up your unusual. For example you start with that unusual and eventually you keep trading up and eventually you will start getting higher tiers. that's how i look at it.
  6. bots are scum and should be treated as such. good on you penguin for finally putting a stop to them. Next bronies, then the most evil of them all, furries.
  7. Vector

    Epic Fight

    or play the new chivalry with a much larger community and overall great combat?
  8. +1 real cool ass nig active for long ass time 10/10 would play with M: 9.5 A:7.5
  9. you say something like this and expect to get unbanned? what a tard lol. this is fun reading.
  10. +1 is active on both trade servers and has always been a good person M:8 A: 9
  11. pretty much this. We need to get these servers going so im gonna make an event to populate prop hunt right now in the gaming history steam group.
  12. +1 he's nice, funny, would be a great addition. m: 9.5 A: 9
  13. Newfags Gonna Newfag
  14. Vector

    New Staff

    What the flyin fuck are you doing in tf2 div? Get duh fuck out
  15. Vector


    Awe drendan :/ i remember when he was such a squeaker on css then rose to the ranks as mod. We'll miss you bud.
  16. The way you treated the people on the server, including the other admins, i couldn't give a shit. I'm not going to be nice to you, i'm going to give my honest feelings about how i don't want you unbanned. and if you can't deal t
  17. You're really upset cause i used bad language? Jesus Christ lol
  18. you think i am being harsh? what about the people you insulted, the admins you pissed off, and just the fact that you were a major ass hat? also if you respected my opinion there would be no need to say it was harsh. I was saying how you acted. Do you not see what you have caused and the multiple chances i gave you? so don't you dare say i'm being harsh to you. Especially what you did to others.
  19. also i would like you to take at a look at his bans, there are four, within the same month @John_Madden was the other admin who banned him. oh yeah -1
  20. you just said in a thread not 2 days ago that you were pretty much in hiatus? Also the ewwww cancer shit, that was everyday, harassing other players, and like you mentioned admins which included me. you insulted a Division Manager for fucks sakes and even before we banned you and i told him about the last chance and he wanted you permed then and there. we gave you multiple chances EVEN AFTER we gave you the "last chance" so after the error on maymalays' part, he was banned for only one day. so we decided to give him another chance. And a day fucking later you still hadn't changed. Multiple admins at times had to mute you, even your best buddy maymalays. Also not to forget to mention about your constant yelling and freaking out without any warning. I had to be called on multiple times from multiple players on the server to deal with you and or watch you. I don't care for racial slurs because they don't effect me but when it's every other word out of his mouth it makes me want to snap.
  21. We all keep saying we need a club penguin division. lets fucking do it @Bleed @DrLee @anyonewhoispartofthisdumbjoke