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Everything posted by Vector

  1. holy shit. this is so stupid it must be true. god damn ban this fucking ass hole +1 @Brian
  2. Vector


    he mass freekilled
  3. god damn it craby...see yah. we will still play togethah right...?! RIGHT!?
  4. aw damn. play other games with us yo. sad to see you go.
  5. cyanide gaming and xeno gamers have or had a very tense relationship. i'm not sure how it is right now so @@Duckii @Brian @autumn @@serbiansnaga
  6. 0 for now, at times shake and bake can be a cool kid and be enjoyable to be around but mentioned before there are times i leave the guy because you are excessively talking. tone it down a notch and i'll gladly +1 this shit. A: 8.5 M: 6
  7. jesus pick a side shadow. -1. chances after chances, and the fact he keeps trying to be accepted is nothing more of just sad now. move on pepperment, there are other communities other than xG and it seems you found one. change this change that. shit, its gonna be a LONG time before i actually believe your bull shit peppermint. sorry -1
  8. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Forest watchu guys thank about dis, give us some incite pls
  9. damn:/ cool guy, just recently got to know the guy and it has been a blast. hope you still play on the servers
  10. deathgod you have been a great admin the whole time i have been here. both CSS and gmod. if you go then so long and best to you but i would recommend staying. don't let one dumb problem get to you.
  11. I have turned 18! hookers! Cocaine! Federal prison! huzzah!
  12. @autumn sticky this and name it How to rage quit pt 2 homo edition.
  13. I play on ps3. Really? the four kings was insanely easy for me. the bosses i had trouble with were the gaping dragon gwndolin (before i knew how to actually fight him) and gravelord nito
  14. oh my god. i love you gkoo. Dark souls and demon souls never made me rage more than i ever had but were also some of the greatest gaming moments of my life. oh i cant fucking wait
  15. -1. most of the time i see him on the jailbreak server he causes a problem or is a problem just bound to happen. A: 8 M: 4
  16. welp. that was quick. welcome back. now we have to see @@HighSociety vs @@Bigga in a kissing contest to see who is DL. +1 A: 6 M:9
  17. +1 speed is the coolest of the coolest. what ever clan he is in, he is always welcome here.
  18. OH GOD LOL fucking -1 this chump.
  19. How tough am i? HOW TOUGH AM I!? I don't seed my torrents.
  20. Vector


    my response to this thread: lel
  21. +1 for being English and his name is Jake.