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Everything posted by Vector

  1. Vector


    i think you coming back will fix a lot of problems. *cough* gmod is dead *cough*
  2. i gave up perm bans a long time ago bro. All joking aside, +1. also keep in mind that most people who do mass free kill DO NOT get unbanned. the people who DO get unbanned are people who have contributed a lot to the community as well as being active on TS and so on which is why you don't see people get banned. i also see people bitch and moan about the CSS division is ban happy so really no one is going to be happy. however, there are a few acceptances on both sides, some people SHOULD stay banned but don't but there are people who are unjustly banned. i'll fucking say it, i +1 because obama is my friend but he was also a great player who STILL helps the admins on CSS catch some nigguhs and before he left was going to be a great mod.
  3. Super killer was another admin that enforced this rule on rainbow dashie. though i agree with pretty much thinking it really is a dumb rule, i almost completely forgot i wasn't on teamspeak when i was on JB with a few played rounds +1. if this rule doesn't end soon i will be breaking out the tables.
  4. The real culprit here is:
  5. was one after the other after the other? that is a crucial detail that we must know.
  6. Vector


    Welp my computer is for some reason being retarded. i cant play any of my games because my computer for some reason cant run them any more, not even on the lowest settings. (this INCLUDES CSS) this has been going on for a few days which is why i haven't been on CSS. I honestly don't know what to do anymore so it might take awhile. if anyone has any suggestions on what to do then by all means tell me but for right now, i might be a bit inactive. (not leaving xG just need to fix computer)
  7. +1 for a shortened ban 1 - 2 weeks sounds fine. like darkwolf said, his attitude can be pretty shitty sometimes but regardless he is still a good player and active just tute make sure you don't fuck up like this again.
  8. baahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahaahahahaahahaahaahahahahaahahaahahaahahaha hell no. nothing more than a troll and a damn child. anyone who +1 this shit, PLEASE give a valid reason that isn't filled with bull shit. (also side note, i had to read his first post like 400 times to understand what he is saying.) from the HLDJ spamming in the beginning all the way to insulting our clan on our and YOUR forums and your dumb ban protest not to long ago that go you forum banned. just leave. -1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1
  9. +1 good admin great player could be a major dick sometimes but hes fine now A: 8/10 M: 8/10
  10. i have literally only been told to stop using all chat by 1 admin and every other admin (as well as players) do not have really any problem with the All chat system being used to communicate. i have seen other higher up players just use it for shits and giggles while still using this power to find the rule breakers. -1 disrespecting, staff members should learn how to take shit from regular players especially since this is the internet. +1 TS, i see the benefits of both sides so i don't really have an opinion, i'm always on ts when i'm on jb. 0
  11. Vector


    Party Van Gamers unite!
  12. great admin, very helpful to new mods (thanks btw) and was overall a great member A: 8.5/10 M: 9/10 +1 @@serbiansnaga
  13. what happened to that map where the jail was underground and if a T rebelled hard enough he could get to the outside of jail cell where he would press a button and a bomb would go off killing everyone in the jail so the CTs and Ts had to work together to actually get out of the jail. i remember that map being on for literally 2 days and haven't seen it since. it was a lot of fun and great to play. (though it had it's fare share of problems that it actually crashed my game).
  14. -1 kim jong il did nothing wrong you infidel @Brian