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Everything posted by Vector

  1. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?! EDIT: didn't see last thread but....this is on the co-leaders yo and didn't see dooki leave so @autumn @@serbiansnaga
  2. jesus are you serious???? it wasn't even a month before you made a ban protest and you are doing it now? -1. i havent seen you on jailbreak or any server so how the hell are we supposed to know if you have changed or not? this is getting really ridiculous and laughable.
  3. i voted ban and no ban. what now?
  4. +1 great mod when he was on and always fun to hang with. great to see him back and can't wait to see him back on the servers. A: 5/10 M: 8/10
  5. Vector

    Favorite Plays

    i actually saw The Book Of Mormon 2 weeks ago. Fantastic, halarious, the music was great, and there were no mistakes that i could see.
  6. shit man....its terrible to see you and sham go :/ i hope for the best and thank you for your services as co-leader
  7. :/ damn. an amazing division leader is leaving. you have done so much for the gmod division and it's sad you don't get the congratulatory you deserve. i hope you the best for what ever you do.
  8. Can you get any more gay?
  9. cock-slapped by 69 elephants because elephants are cool. @@Wing would you rather burn down tree or forest?
  10. Vector


  11. a week CT ban seems fair enough. unless you or others have any other idea.
  12. well forum ban is bit drastic but from what i have seen i don't believe it is needed a perm from forums. maybe a week or two ban if it was THAT bad or so they say. +1 for unban #Freejay @Brian @autumn @Sham now lets have the discussion, CIVIL discussion and explain to him and people who didn't see a reason to perm him from forums.
  13. Vector


    welp my first name was AlyxanderTheGreat then moved to Vector because i loved the video game character.
  14. aw shiet nigga. now that i ain't right. explain the situation in detail. you or sham.
  15. mass is a mass. why do you think there are people +1ing it for a shorter ban??
  16. or search up newegg PC building tutorial
  17. this is extremely reasonable pinoy. but also remember CSS doesn't only have jailbreak :P there have been instances (speaking for my self) where i had to break up fights on other servers. anyway. you still contribute with ban appeals and so on and when you are on you are fairly enjoyable and do monitor the game.
  18. Also keep in mind people in chat other than my self we're also saying it was a freeday
  19. Hi gigantic death penis
  20. @@Forest It was around when there were a lot of CTs messing up so many we're being slayed and stuff like that. now Death God was warden at the time and while warden was killed NO one and when i mean NO one no one noticed that he had died. so it went 15 seconds - 30 seconds over freeday. i then called a freeday realizing that death god died (at this point i believe he was afk and then left before the ban actually happened.) and in the midsts of things mega robin and a few other Ts went running away, he killed one and then two more. another player killed only 1 T. now i sadly had to ban him for the mass free kill but i will +1 for a shorten ban i say about a week because telling him how to make a ban appeal and the fact i haven't seen something like this from him. The guy is a good guy and i think it was just a mistake.