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Everything posted by Vector

  1. there was confusion because he said warday just as cell doors open and there was no designated place so the CTs opened fire on all the Ts who left.
  2. like the whole thing with darkwolf i didn't see snake respond to businessman's countless attempts to reach him with no result. i believe warrior also asked him too...
  3. Hurry up. I wanna be one of the richest people again.
  5. +1 M: 9/10 A: 7.5/10 He is VERY mature for his age, he was a great mod and very nice to EVERYONE (which is a real problem with the other youngins) how he didn't get accepted in his first return thread is beyond me. drendan get on CSS moar already damn it.
  6. +1, bitches think they can beat minecrack in a race, bitches get told.
  7. Neither do i. What i care about is you fucking spamming me kid. you just fucking said you did in the other thread lel.
  8. no proof whatsoever, can't do anything about it. -1 please close @@Gkoo @@DarkWolf6052 @@Forest @@MuffinMonster
  9. -1 nah. nope, nope NOPE, not banning, close this shit yo. don't mess with mah 2 niggas bryce and adam.
  10. i thought it was fucking amazing. lot of fun and lots of laughs for me of course. ranging all from the unmuting the dead all the way to scuba wardening when he was dead loool.
  11. oh wow, late night jailbreak last night was a riot. so fucking funny
  12. +1, great guy, very nice and active. overall it's great to see him back. Never had a problem with him other than his stupid mass however, he learned his lesson and knows the rules very well. A: 9/10 M: 7.5/10
  13. Vector

    Here's the problem.

    Thanks daddio, you're a cool nigga for doing that. also @@Rhododendron go back to Micky Ds
  14. haha so randum Seriously though, Silence, you're pissing off some of the higher-ups. You come in teamspeak, spam the shit out of your mic, even when I tried to talk to you seriously, you just said NYANYA NYA in your mic. @@DrPepperPhreak will attest to that. I was telling you of all the issues this clan has, and you simply ignored it, and continued spamming your mic. You then proceed to ban people that are actually trying to help the clan, and improve quality. You're the complete opposite, trashing players and staff, with quotes such as "Everyone is replaceable." We're all growing very tired of your shit. >but you could just leave, you know Why would I? The community is the most solid I've seen, it's just one person who ruins it. Too bad that person is the leader. Kind of reminds me of George Bush. @@Rhododendron
  15. game looks fucking fantastic. the game will definitively be worth the wait. Though that is to be expected from Rockstar, it looks like they took a bit of flair from red dead. i'm gonna hop on san andreas now. September can't come fast enough.
  16. +1 cool gai, to tired to write anything else