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Everything posted by Audible_Savage

  1. agree, I'm overwhelmed with requests for stuff right now, so towns come last :/
  2. agreed. we also need a plugin so we can send each other money.
  3. +1 'cool guy' - forest M: 10.1/10 (cuz rebel) A: 7/10 gg we need seasoned MC administration.
  4. Just noticed that there is a nekkid guy in this pic behind the cat....
  5. CONGRATULATIONS! You have been British To begin your Loyalty, familiarize yourself with our Queen here. This is highly important and knowing the queen will keep you safe from tourists! Want to get Knighted? There are a few ways to earn Squire! 1. Be inactive on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click (actually GFYS and find your own link you lazy #%^&) and then click 'Download Here' and download the british client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'London Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Parliament' and 'Krumpets' enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Fish And Chips' field. 2. Be active in parlament! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in The queen's land! 3. Be active on the castle! This shows that you are committed to the clan! For a server list, click Your MOM Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click https://xenogamers.com/threads/17314/ WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY! Tl:DR: BRITISH, British, british, British British, English, London, Lorries, Parlament, Krumpets, Fish and chips.
  6. @@Priggles need yo sh1t nigguh <-- totally not racist at all.
  7. I just replied to the first one i saw, I apologize if you updated your comment :)
  8. You don't appear to be 17, based on your spelling and the fact you applied for L4d2 instead of MC. Please re-Submit your application in proper formatting -ASVG
  9. you need a reason behind your -1 or else your vote won't count :) -ASVG
  10. You need to have a legitimate reason to -1 or else your vote doesn't count :) - ASVG
  11. +1 for strictly MC division, He is quite mature on MC and is very active aswell He's always logged in when I'm working on something, helping me test stuff. However I'm not sure of his attitudes on other Servers. If it was really as bad as some of these comments indicate, then I'll change my vote. seems like a nice kid on MC though.
  12. +1 M: 8/10 A: 9/10 active on the minecraft server. always welcomes new players and gives them free items. actually tries on the server and doesn't just troll other players. only concern is his age, but if he's only on MC that won't make much of a difference.
  13. we're working on what happens to a prisoner after they beat the system, but for now we're just leaving it at "you can't beat A-block" later we will probably add something of that sort, but for now i think my favorite feature is that donators who give $30 and above get their own skyblock as a cell that they can build and eventually travel to other skyblock cells to raid.
  14. well the guards and warden are promoted by the staff. this is to make sure nobody on those sides are abusive with the most powerful set of commands. /jail /kit guard etc.
  15. Post your suggestions down below on what things (features or plugins) that we should add to the server. - Post a link to the plugin if it is a plugin - Please keep this thread serious (no jokes or things that waste my time pl0x) -list some ways that it would be practical to have on the server --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -I WILL ignore the following things -ideas that have no reason to them -ideas that are unrelated to the prison - ideas that are unfair for one group or another -Towny -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. aight, well i said later, and now is long enough. +1 "cool guy" don't really have a reason to ban. it's only the hierarchy that hates us, so why punish their players? Somebody unban this fag unless we find a reason not to.
  17. Does the apple sticker on my iMac make itunes go faster?
    1. Rhododendron


      Try eating an apple first, I heard that helps
    2. Audible_Savage
  18. Holding my opinion till later. +0/-0
  19. Tried to post a link to the voting page, but knee grows...