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Posts posted by Aubri.

  1. In all honesty this thread would make a lot more sense if it was a protest against Fuzz or Cloud, seeing as how they are the exact description of what all of you are calling Epix.

  2. Your always playing league.


    I don't even understand why this is a problem. If you wanted to get into Warrior's channel that has a password, you pm Warrior and ask him for the password; just as you would any other channel in the teamspeak.


    Besides, league is a game based on teamwork and communication. You lose a lot of that survivability from lack of communication because randoms are talking louder than the people in your game. Think of it the same way you would with Jailbreak. If you're in the Jailbreak channel and you're trying to listen specifically to the people in your game and the cts, would you want a crowd of people joining and just talking about every single meal they've eaten in their lives? No, it breaks your concentration and a lot of the time, you can't hear orders, which inevitably gets you killed and renders your presence in the server pretty pointless. That's why it has a password. Even more so because it's a community channel, which was paid for, and can have that privilege.

  3. I removed their SERVER GROUP (global admin) not their channel admin...


    What I mean is that these people have paid for channels and you're complaining that they are always in them. Whenever I was in teamspeak and I saw people causing problems, pinoy and warrior would do their best to solve them, if they were given the opportunity to. Whereas all Death God really did was jokingly ban people and forget that he banned them hours afterward.

  4. Don't be calling people ugly if you don't even have your own pic as your own avatar, also it may not be you, and you may tell people it ISNT you(if they asked) but you're giving people the perception that it IS you, go look at your profile and took a look at the statuses those people made. #WeAreDoneHere


    If I had known you were so sensitive, I wouldn't have made the joke in the first place. And telling someone that they can't jokingly say something about someone else because they're smart enough to keep photos of themselves off of an internet forum is so silly. But if you really think so, why don't you preach that to the people it actually applies to?


    By the way, if you haven't realized, I've been around xG for about a year now. My pictures have always been girls or guys that I've found attractive. That's just it. Is it really any different from Bee's avatar? Of course it is; I'm a woman and I find other women attractive.

  5. That's a nice photo, Cloud; you can't see how ugly you are.

    Also if you're going to call me out, you should probably keep yourself in check too, seeing that you have random girls from the internet as your avi.


    And you have some poorly designed spray as yours. What's your point? I never claimed to be the girl in my picture, as I am not, and had anyone asked, I would have told them so.

  6. I got a copy of Chivalry: Medieval Warfare in my inventory and it's just been sitting there soooo I'm giving it away to one of you lucky fucks. Take a shirtless picture and the hottest guy/girl/dog gets it. GL


    Idk just leave something interesting ok???? I'm really bored.

  7. Lol seriously? I could make a better spray in MSPaint.

    Does anyone really care though


    Well, if someone were to give me a really crappy made spray in return for loving them, I'd be downright offended and probably saw off their genitals. So yes.