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Posts posted by Gkoo

  1. Why is there such a heated debate going on about this? The CS:S Division and it's Staff decided to have a fun night with the permission of the Co-Leader as well as the Division Manager(s). Whether or not it's making a "mockery" of anything is irrelevant. There clearly weren't any objections or complaints from the players/members who participated in the event (at least none that anyone is providing).


    If for some reason this managed to bring a whole slew of players to the server, who cares that it's unorthodox? Point is people are having fun, the server is getting populated, and no one seems to have any discrepancies. I'm going to be 100% honest in saying I'd be iffy about the abuse of powers, but I sincerely doubt our Staff is naive or ill-formed enough to target non-members or new players (with the exclusion of the occasional slay @all or smite @all). As far as I see it, I haven't seen a single Ban Request or Report Abuse sprout up in either section of the forums regarding the event. If it truly had gotten out of hand, at least one thread would have been made regarding it.


    Honestly guys, calm down. It was given the go-ahead and our Division Managers were there to monitor the occasion. What more do you want? Because this may or may not be a "touchy" subject to some, this will be my only post. I won't be replying to anyone unless it's outside of the forums. Going to try to keep this thread on topic and leave my opinion since everyone else is. Hopefully I'll be around for the next!


    - Dat guy, Forest


    Forest. Keeping the peace since 1995.

    Thank you.

  2. It was a success. The server's size grew 2 times for this night within a course of 10 minutes.

    (Usually it would die around that time)


    Everyone seemed to have fun and there was so much laughter. Even new guys who joined the server had fun. I guess you could say they thought we were we were so fun that we will be seeing 3 more active people on Jailbreak.


    It lasted approximately 1 hour and a half (1 map and a half) and I hope to see it last longer in the future.


    I do not plan on making rules to this. I see it fit as a staff member of xG you should know how far a situation should go.


    I advise we set a time and post an event on the xg-rep group to inform others.



    Remember staff members, this is the time where I (and darkwolf for next time) will look on how well you handle the server. If you cannot keep it under control WHILE still having as much fun, then you should re-look at your status. I've noted down all of the staff tonight who did a great job on informing people what the day was and keeping the server in control.


    (If you didn't notice, it's still a controlled environment, just a little harder on the staff to judge.)




  3. @@Gkoo if it's tonight then what is the rotation? as in Minigames rpg surf etc.

    Oh it's not a Community Night. It's a Community Knight. Hosted by Hidingmaster. It just means you can have fun tonight doing anything you want. Talk to Hiding Master to know more about it.

  4. @@Rhododendron

























    I have surf ready to add into my map. Waiting for you to implement this.

  5. Tonight! Whoo! Approved by Gkoo himself.

    Just in case:




    Chrono, you don't even know the amount of times we do this on a regular basis. Go back to CS:GO. They need you to suck there. ;P

  6. Attitude has changed since he last tried to apply, which is great. He did a good job as a staff member in the past as well.


    A: 8/10

    - The servers run smooth and fun when he is around.


    M: 7/10

    - Has a good amount of maturity and fun. Could be a good representative of the clan.


    D: +1


    - I stole this format from forest.