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Posts posted by Gkoo

  1. Wild Forest Fires (NOW WITH PICTURE)




    Uninhibited blazes fueled by climate,breeze, and dry underbrush, wildfires can set alight acres of land—and consume everything in their paths—in mere minutes.


    On mean, more than 100,000 wildfires, furthermore called wildland fires or forest fires, clear 4 million to 5 million acres (1.6 million to 2 million hectares) of land in the U.S. every year. In latestyears, wildfires have burned up to 9 million acres (3.6 million hectares) of land. A wildfire moves at speeds of up to 14 miles an hour (23 kilometers an hour), consuming everything—trees, brush, homes, even humans—in its path.


    Although often harmful and destructive to humans, naturally occurring wildfires play an integral role in nature. They return nutrients to the soil by burning dead or decaying matter. They also act as a disinfectant, removing disease-ridden plants and harmful insects from a forest ecosystem. And by burning through thick canopies and brushy undergrowth, wildfires allow sunlight to reach the forest floor, enabling a new generation of seedlings to grow.
