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Everything posted by Gkoo

  1. @Sham Looks beautiful. Great job man. I would need the vmf to put it in the file. But both wouldn't hurt. Also, what is everyone's opinions on the textures. Should we just keep the dev texture theme throughout. Or go with digital's textures located here: xG Jailbreak Cells (New Theme) Opinions please
  2. Looking nice @@diabeetus Depends on what sham wants. We could even have 2 pool areas.
  3. @@HaaDron Size scale. (Tried to get bots to cooperate with me) [ATTACH]4228.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]4229.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]4230.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]4231.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]4232.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]4233.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]4234.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]4235.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]4236.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]4237.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]4238.vB[/ATTACH] Still make it larger? Edit: Yeah, I need a lot more lights.
  4. Sounds good. I'll try my best. The area of the map is HUGE. I should put in a person to show the map size. I'll get post a size example in a second.
  5. Your job was pool. It was posted. Warday area was optional. Anyone without a section completed by the 8th will be kicked out of the team.
  6. 2 more days. On the 8th send me your parts.
  7. @@Arthman Cool cool. I'll send it over. @@McNeo Sounds good. I'll discuss it later.
  8. +1 Mature and responsible. 10/10 would bang again.
  9. Oh sounds good. I'll work on it. I forgot to add, most of the textures that the players wont see will be the "no-draw" texture. In which it cannot be seen (Not rendered) and the frame rate will raise. @@Chrono Source SDK and GO SDK are two different programs. But I'm sure there is a way to transfer it. However it will look like crap compared to modern GO maps because of the resources available in GOSDK. But I will, don't worry.
  10. No wait! Come back! Seriously. Come back. Post your part of the map first.
  11. Like a large ceiling window or something? All of the indoor places?
  12. Read the post... (Testing textures)
  13. Thanks for the input. Greatly appreciated. We were thinking of going with the texture of the main cell block, that digital designed. xG Jailbreak Cells (New Theme) Opinions please I was thinking about grassy areas. But the theme is still cyber. I'll make little grassy potted areas maybe. And this area is the only area that will be outside unfortunately. It is easier for a collab' project to be inside. Thanks.
  14. So, you might know. Some people are creating a jailbreak map. Collaboration effort. I picked the outside area and some games. I need C&C's. (Comments and Criticisms) This is my area. Note: This is only my section. These are testing textures. Dark, Needs more lights. Main outside [ATTACH]4208.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]4209.vB[/ATTACH] Maze [ATTACH]4210.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]4211.vB[/ATTACH] Soccer (Soon to be) [ATTACH]4212.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]4213.vB[/ATTACH] Overview [ATTACH]4214.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]4215.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]4216.vB[/ATTACH] Climb [ATTACH]4217.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]4218.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]4219.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]4220.vB[/ATTACH]
  15. +1 Active. Mature. Knowledgeable. And actually changed his name to subarbfan. HA. You're pretty chill.
  16. +1 Would be a great addition to the staff. Already informs staff on problems. Very trustful.
  17. Dad's getting a job? Bye dad.
  18. Gkoo


    Put some mayonnaise on it dad.