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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Gkoo

  1. Gkoo


    Not sure if sarcasm. Numerous occasions means more than one. One All-Chat announcement is alright. As you used it for a joke remark against warden too.
  2. +1 Cleaned his act up. (Also this has 14 +1/-1 ratio. This needs to be accepted already.)
  3. How much "fuck" am I going to get here..?
  4. Xbox exclusive? If not, Dark Souls. If so, Halo 3. I hate fps games but this custom game lobby and forge were great for it's time.
  5. I honestly see Poncher to be fit for the position. Has experience in handling situations and is very active in both the forums and servers. #Poncher4CoLeader
  6. Haha. This arabic part says; "This is a banwagon thing". Source: I'm a terrorist.
  7. I am sorry for your loss, you have my deepest sympathy.
  8. Gkoo

    yo what the fuck

    I understood nothing you said.
  9. Gkoo

    New Server

    Autumn saves me. Ahh <3
  10. Gkoo

    New Server

    I'll find myself out.
  11. Gkoo

    New Server

    Linex is new, but will spread soon.
  12. Gkoo


  13. Why are you guys so biased? (Except randallsandals, he has legit and accurate reasons.) All you need is some proof man, and we can assist you.
  14. About fucking time. This guy. Very mature. Knows how to handle situation very well. "Tries not to be obnoxious", a very true comment. Extensive knowledge of the rules. Highly active on the Jailbreak servers. +1
  15. Any more suggestions from the testers? I'll try remembering who was there. @@HaaDron @@DarkWolf6052 @@Lollerskater @@Bigga @@AbrahamL @@MuffinMonster @@Drendan @@Nub1234 Make the criticisms hard and ruthless.
  16. You are a fucking beautiful person.
  17. This is amazing. You guys are amazing. This definitely makes the map easier to fix. Checklist. We started to work on it already. Also, couple of suggestions we need. What should we put in the upper area in bhop? Rhetorically, if there was a surf. Where would the teleporters be located? Oh, and THANKS @autumn FOR GIVING ME ACCESS. Made my life so much easier. *sarcasm*
  18. I am currently in the moment of slow breathing so I don't loose the Whopper I just ate. :(
  19. Gkoo

    Do my test. (BUSN)

    You'll pay for this.
  20. Gkoo

    Do my test. (BUSN)

    Oh. I didn't even look at these questions. Some are easy. I got 5 and 6.