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Everything posted by Gkoo

  1. Gkoo

    Do my test. (BUSN)

    I got some on google. Here are the ones I am having trouble with. I have 31 minutes left. 5. (TCO 1) Workers in the nation of Argentina prefer managers who forcefully tell employees what to do and how to do it. Conversely, employees in the U.S. prefer to participate in decision making in the workplace. This __________ difference between Argentinian workers and U.S. workers represents a management challenge for firms trading in the global market (Points : 1) geo-political economic socio-cultural regulatory 6. (TCO 3) Hennessy Hardware, a U.S. retailer, buys much of its inventory from Asian countries. Hennessy Hardware would benefit if the value of the dollar ________ relative to the currencies of the countries from which Hennessy imports (Points : 1) rose fell remained constant floated unpredictably 7. (TCO 3) The strength of the U.S. economy helps explain why: (Points : 1) foreign direct investment in the United States has grown steadily the United States enjoys a favorable balance of trade China and Japan formed a common market to become more competitive the U.S. is able to avoid becoming a debtor nation 11. (TCO 3) Even though the U.S. exports a large ___________ of goods and services, it exports a much lower __________ of its products than many other countries do (Points : 1) percentage; amount amount; percentage amount; value percentage; percentage 13. (TCO 3) Many of the toy products sold in the United States are imported from Taiwan because the Taiwanese can produce these products more efficiently than U.S. companies. This is an example of: (Points : 1) Bilateral advantage Comparative advantage Absolute advantage Unilateral advantage 14. (TCO 3) The federal government created ___________ to help small and medium sized businesses get involved in exporting (Points : 1) the World Trade Organization Federal Export Loan Banks Export Assistance Centers the Federal Trade Promotion Commission 15. (TCO 3) An advantage of forming a joint venture is: (Points : 1) no shared costs or risk a perpetual arrangement it's a good strategy for entering new markets in which you have never had a presence it's a great way to enter new markets without divulging any marketing or management strategy to the other member of the joint venture
  2. +1 Great idea. Well thought. Do not see a flaw. Just need to find the guy to code it.
  3. Update: Probably going to be postponed. I don't have access yet. -.- @autumn
  4. Testing we be at around 7:00PM Central Time Zone.
  5. +1 This guy just came out of no where. Mature, knowledgeable of the rules, and very respectful. We need more like you.
  6. +1 Mature and very respectful. Helpful to staff.
  7. Should I be posting Map Making Team threads in CSS?
  8. Good luck. Take a vacation from this shithole. ;)
  9. You have to join the group to be invited on Sunday. If you are not in the group. I'm not taking my time to invite you. Sorry. During the testing we would like all kinds of criticisms. If the tip has been said once, please do not repeat it. (ie: This needs texturing, needs more light) Please also provide us with general areas you would see a rebelling point to be. The testing day will incorporate majority of the days like a normal day on jailbreak. With guards and prisoners. Following the JB motd. The rest of the days will be finding bugs, dead areas, and ways to escape the map. We have been testing the map via hamachi. However that only holds max 5 people. This testing day will only be sunday if the xG Map Testing Server is up. @autumn Can you transfer the power of the server to someone part of the team or Chrono (He knows servers and is willing to help). Thank you all.
  10. +1 for changing my start /class spawn to Sniper. (Also helps free killing thing you guys are talking about because it is a one shot.) Whooo +1 to my post! <---
  11. Sounds good. I say they spawn with any secondary weapon. It also helps from weapon spamming people attempt to do because they keep picking up their shotgun.
  12. Forgot: I'm a beautiful singer and very very attractive man. EDIT: Asian man.
  13. Did you disconnect from the server after these kills?
  14. I thought you said you were drunk or high and don't remember anything. Seems like this was intentional.
  15. Gangnam and last song. But I don't, or can't believe this is you. It's really good.
  16. +1 Very active. Knowledgeable of rules. Chill. We need more like you.
  17. Oh shit Chicago? Logan, 31st, Wilson? Shit, I might know you. Oh and I can't vote here because I play CS:S.
  18. This is the first time I've seen him do this. And it looks like from the picture he was trying to talk to one person. Not acceptable. But I still need a little more pictures if you can.
  19. @@shadowspy Give me some background. (On second screenshot)
  20. Been there since I applied. Knows how to handle a situation. +1
  21. This is so old people. Haha. I'll get a new update soon.
  22. How long have you been skating?