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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Gkoo

  1. Gkoo

    Regarding -xg-r-

    Never saw it necessary. I'd rather have kids saying +1 my app than making xG look bad.
  2. Can we get the map to be default map. And always able to nominate it? At least for the first week.
  3. MediaFire Map download link.
  4. Gkoo

    new co leader.

    You are a week late.
  5. +1 In all chat state this to clear confusion. If all goes chaos, /mute @ct and then /unmute @(warden). Then after orders /unmute @ct. ShadowSpy for the idea.
  6. +1 Improved. Active. And good knowledge of rules.
  7. New xG Jailbreak map is up. jb_parabellum_xg Post your opinions here!
  8. I am Gkoo and I approve this message.
  9. Atleast removed from NewPosts and Activity. +1
  10. Gkoo

    Black Tracers

    Can't see a reason why not. +1 "I'll stop liking black when they invent a darker color."
  11. Gkoo

    MMT Staff

    Map is coming out friday. A post should announce it. Version 1. I need to see active participation in Map Testing to be added to the Map Making Team. You are added to the Map Testing Team, but not the Map Making Team. Forest, Dark, and McNeo greatly helped in the process of creating this map.
  12. Gkoo

    MMT Staff

    Haha. Of course I know. He was a good friend. Three months. No need to kick him out.
  13. Carmina Burana - Carl Orff
  14. Gkoo

    MMT Staff

    Map Making Team Staff Roster Leaders @@Gkoo @@snakeboyeric Makers @@Hidingmaster @@Digitalhax @Sham Testing @@Forest (Writer) @@DarkWolf6052 @@McNeo Apply: Map Making Team (Recruiting Thread) Group: https://xenogamers.com/group.php?groupid=229
  15. If the guy who is reporting someone want to go anonymous. They probably would take the time to remove all hints of himself from the demo/screenshot. (ie. Blackout his name)
  16. Great idea. Would love to see this in action. +1
  17. Respectful. Very helpful to the staff. +1 #Ninjakitty72 .
  18. I saw him on Jailbreak yesterday. I think he is unbanned.
  19. Does he use them on the servers? Because this is a LAN lobby.
  20. Gkoo

    Help ?

    Not sure. Try crosshair dynamic again. Or crosshair static.