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Everything posted by Gkoo

  1. Why are you so god damn mature for a 14 year old. This messes with my brain Crabby. It really does. Have fun studying.
  2. We need someone who is very good at optimizing a map. It is a necessity. We also need a person who has a good eye for textures and will be texturing the final map.
  3. Gkoo

    takibo pt2

    I can make a pretty mean pasta.
  4. Gkoo


    Hi. Today I poo'd only 3 times. I'm going to intensely contemplate what I have done tonight in my sleep.
  5. Fast lane is what these threads are for. It's perfect as long as it doesn't go in general.
  6. Some sections were made unprofessionally, so we have to fix them so they will be easy on the compiling. Adding areas and completing the structure's based on balancing the teams. I want to say the 15th. If it is pushed I will inform. @@Hidingmaster
  7. Sinly doesn't have 100 posts? BAD SINLY.
  8. You need 100 posts. If allowed: +1 Mature, understanding of rules, a great addition to the staff.
  9. I had the same problem. Where it doesn't play the song, but instead plays a progressively louder echo noise? -Make sure to clear all the comments and authors. -Cannot have spaces, use "_" instead.
  10. @Sham Sounds good. Find a very nice looking skybox texture too. (In a 3D skybox there is the 3d area and then still has the skybox area right?)
  11. Sounds reasonable Vaas. But if such a case happens, then you should post a thread. It might be more frequent in the GO servers, that a mod fucks up. But it would cause more chaos if another mod is trying to tell him how to do his job. Just my opinion, you are valid to your own and I agree with the reasons you state.
  12. Sounds amazing. Always wished I can do that. Money is being mean to me. Have fun.
  13. That's actually pretty good for your first time on Hammer, Hidingmaster. Great job. Just reminding everyone. Your sections are due by 11:59PM tonight. (Central Time) (StartNow is having problems at home so he is excused) I'm tagging everyone who I need a section from, just to remind them. @@StartNow @@Hidingmaster @Sham @@Arthman @@Ebic @@Seacow @@MuffinMonster @@Deodate
  14. Looks nice guys. Be sure to post your vmf's on mediafire. Don't be alarmed. We are changing the theme. It won't effect you map. Just skybox's and minor details. The new theme will be a Roman styled theme. We need so far: - A person good at texturing. - How to create a fountain (Moving water) - A good skybox.
  15. Great job guys. Now that digital is gone, I may need some help texturing the whole map. If anyone is interested to help. It would be very nice.
  16. +1 to the bomb. It would teach CT's to get better.
  17. Looks gorgeous @@snakeboyeric Keep up the good work. And @@Hidingmaster , I would recommend adding some walls, lights, etc. It helps me out a bit.
  18. Post that cellblock if you added anything Digital.
  19. AFK freeze technically means, Away from keyboard freeze. By pressing your crouch button you are not having your hands away from your keyboard. So you can kill someone if they are crouching on an afk freeze.
  20. Yo bitch, strip for me one more time without aubri.