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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Gkoo

  1. This is a thread to recruit people for a team of map makers. Follow the template to apply: Age: Steam ID: Valve Hammer Editor experience: What can you offer: Team: - Gkoo - snakeboyeric - McNeo - Digitalhax - Hidingmaster - Sham - DarkWolf6052 - Forest First Map: (In progress) Jailbreak Create a section of the map. Eric and I will combine them. Rules: - Floor must be "dev/dev_blendmeasure" Texture. - Walls must be "dev/graygrid" Texture. - Theme: Modern Roman Architecture Map Making Team: https://xenogamers.com/group.php?groupid=229
  2. Gkoo

    Map Making Team

    To all the people saying it will be un-uniform. We will only use 1 texture (Grid), and when the map is being finalized, it shall be textured. We will also have a default theme, a default entrance/exit section for each of the sections, and a default area of each section. @@StartNow To the Minigames. That is what we are going for. The more the rooms with different games inside, the better. It's basically like a PotLuck.
  3. Gkoo

    Map Making Team

    Seems to me we all have great creative minds. But none of us have the time or effort to finish a map. Let us start out with a Jailbreak map. Each one of us creates a small section/room of the map with the game or minigame of their choice. I will compile the different sections of the map into one map. From there we have a voting to see who will create the Main Cell block. (Based on the previous entries) Add that into the map. And we are good. Oh course this map will be unorganized, and sloppy. But we shall learn from our mistakes. Discuss. If this goes well, I will create a recruiting thread.
  4. Gkoo

    Editing Maps

    Still unable to edit any maps. Can someone figure out how to de-compile or convert bsp to vmf without corrupting the map?
  5. Don't spam. Don't lie about being freekilled. Be more respectful. Act more mature. -1
  6. Gkoo

    Editing Maps

    I'll be home tomorrow. EDIT: Unfortunately, I am unable to de-compile the map. From bsp to vmf. Without the original file from the creator, I cannot edit it.
  7. Why are you guys being such dicks?
  8. Gkoo

    Editing Maps

    That's from 3kliksphilip. Wrong picture. Updating. @@McNeo Did you really expect me to make that good of a map?
  9. Hello. Want a Jailbreak map to be edited? From annoying noises to bigger cell block areas to more games. I have some experience in Hammer. I'll edit the maps and fix/add reasonable stuff. I'd like you all list the maps and problems you have on the map. I'll compile a list and edit them. Please supply with the full map name. Map Problems: iPlay (FIXED) - Loud door noise jb_razor_redone - Auto closing cells carceris - Disco Music
  10. I'll make a thread about it. @@Hidingmaster @@AbrahamL
  11. There is a voting system with nominations. Ever map wanted to play was requested by a player. However, I'm very skilled with Hammer and if a map needs tweaking (Bigger cell block area, laggy map, bad teleporters, more games, medic location, etc), I'll be happy to edit the maps for xG.
  12. Wow. I'm extremely surprised at your age. I honestly expected you to be around 18 to 19 because of your maturity level. Crabman would make an excellent part of the staff. His maturity and serenity are the best aspects he can put forward. +1
  13. FUCK MAJORA'S MASK. FUCK IT. GAH. GAH. GAH. Edit: That's not Majora's Mask...... Edit2: But the moon reference.. Edit3: I'm too confused.
  14. Gkoo

    Your favorite game(s).

    Top game of xG: (So far) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time It is the best game I've ever played. Such a perfect mix of graphics, sound and gameplay. More people should play Dark Souls. I tell friends that it is Ocarina of Time, just more dark and gruesome. And hard. It's like getting anal from a thorned dildo, but liking it.
  15. You can camp until 0:00. Cannot camp after 0:00. If last CT.
  16. Gkoo

    Dota 2 Game Codes

    I have yet to play Dota 2.