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Everything posted by House

  1. Forest and Gkoo are commendable. Darkwolf was also very good until his absence.
  2. Theres a difference between spreading some light on an issue and spreading some shit on an issue. You couldve handled it better.
  3. Bring in the dancing lobsters
  4. Good luck mate. Don't forget to check out all the divisions xG has to offer!
  6. Welcome to the forum. Enjoy the servers and have a great time!
  7. Nigga we all have inactivity issues, just look at me. Just make sure youre still dedicated and you will still deserve the position.
  8. You can call me gigantic penis
  9. I suspected this faggotry.
  10. House


    Spill the beans breh
  11. Your steamID is wrong. Go to www.steamidfinder.com to get yours.
  13. Who's left in the Gmod div?
  14. -1 I'm noticing a lot of you are making rules because things are "not fun for the T's" and it "makes people leave." Nobody leaves because of FR/LR, and if the warden is bad and making people leave, GET AN ADMIN TO TELL HIM TO PULL IT TOGETHER OR GET !PASS'D. May I please remind you that Jailbreak is a Role-Playing Gamemode and is not always supposed to be fun for the terrorists. Of course there is a need to use the entire map but FR/LR is essential in using the map as it is a very effective means of thinning out prisoners before map games/events. You'd also have the problem of regulars who know older versions of the motd as well as newer players from other JB servers that will have a very hard time knowing how many times exactly fr/lr has been played, especially if they just joined. You'll end up with them asking people how many times its been played an then everyone will fuck the mic chat with "ENOUGH TIMES" and "NOPE ALREADY DONE IT TOO MANY TIMES" and "BAD WARDEN REBEL" which usually lasts a good minute or so, making the process of the round THAT MUCH LONGER. The last thing we need is another confusing rule and I am strongly against it.
  15. Now its really fixed
  16. House

    A Tribute

    Pics or it didn't happen
  17. This thread needs to be closed. It's my understanding that even if char was going to accept this in february nobody has powers on the server right now anyway. /requst close on account of original post being in February and no GMod div leader is present to review moderator applications
  18. Based on the evidence I'm going to have to -1 for unban and +1 for ban shortening. There's clear evidence from credible people (mods badmins and other gaybois) that the ban was justified, but a perm seems serious in a situation where the person banned is: a) Not usually one to act in this manner b) Someone pretty well trusted and liked in the community. Again, +1 for ban shortening, possibly to a month or even a few weeks, but the ban should not be removed as a warning of what will happen if this tomfoolery happens again.
  19. me so horny i love you long time
  20. I've seen him be pretty active and he has a great attitude. He has fun on the servers and he's a great guy. Good qualities in a member. A: 9/10 M 10/10 D: +1
  21. House

    GMOD Division Leader

    i.e. tell everyone who's in-game who just spawned-every time someone spawns- then flip flop the names and print them all out in console sounds more basic when you say it that way :3
  22. Nigga JB isn't the only gamemode and CSS isnt the only game. If you hop into teamspeak or even accept a few game invites you might have some fun with the rest of the community playing whatever game it is we're playing. Don't give up just because you're bored with JB. If it comes down to it just switch divs, its what I did when GMod got boring and even then I still played it from time to time. Theres no reason to leave due to inactivity unless you hold some kind of position or are looking to achieve some kind of position that requires constant activity (my situation and many others). I know I cant change your mind but at least we had some great times together. cya bb