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Everything posted by Lollerskater

  1. !ban Shaggy 9999999999 Mega Freekilla If I'm ever out of cell by my lonesome, I always run because if you're already out of your cell when warden says "out of cell rebel", CTs like to kill you anyway.
  2. +0 I've seen some minor attitude problems when you were in [xG] before, but nothing as bad as everyone seems to be describing. Maybe I haven't been around on the days where you acted the worst. In any case, I'll have to actually play with you before any bandwagon-hopping may or may not be done. I don't think it was wise to make this application on the first day you returned. Clearly, not everyone thought of you receptively; many still had lingering negativity which you should have tried to first ward over time through playing.
  3. What sort of tweaking would you suggest?
  4. Here is what the MotD says: In other words, Guncheck Freezing is the only freeze in which a direction is implied. My understanding (and what I've seen enforced) is that if you pardon all Ts for following tarp orders before any are killed, you are excused for the mistake. Even so, some people will pass their warden anyway as an acknowledgement of their mistake. It depends on how you phrase the trivia game orders. You could say, "winner of trivia gets LR" and kill the 3 Ts that didn't get the question right in time. If you said, "winner of trivia gets to choose 3 Ts to die", then they could theoretically opt to kill themselves. You just have to be careful in your wording of orders to avoid situations like this. "Baiting" means the CTs are near the Ts when they're not supposed to be. Therefore, it shouldn't be allowed.
  5. Chrono dun goofed. :pride:
  6. Lol, I didn't know you had omniscient abilities when it comes to watching videos! Again, the person being spectated in the video isn't watching the teleporter exit the whole time. Therefore, there may as well be no video at all. My policy is to shoot rebels. That's how the game works. I'm not concerned about my ranking or credits. There is controversy on what should happen if every T on the team rebels on something, since it is not in the MotD. Some people think that everyone should be pardoned. Some people think that everyone should be killed. Some people think that they should continue to be killed until there is one left. If every T was to leave their cell at once in the beginning of the round, even though "out of cell rebel" was called, do you think that none of them should die because it would be "killwhoring" or because "everyone rebelled at once so they should be pardoned". I'd have a hearty laugh if that was the case. What do you think the CT team would naturally do if this was to happen? Straight quote from the video: "I want all Ts to crouch into the Tbox teleporter, and freeze once you exit the teleporter." That's pretty clear. It seems you misheard me. You speak as if there is a separate MotD describing the philosophy one should live by when playing Jailbreak. The fact is, this situation came about because there was insufficient information in the MotD on what should happen in situations like this. No punishments can be handed out because the "demo" doesn't prove anything.
  7. That video doesn't prove anything on either side of this story, seeing as the camera of the person you were spectating wasn't pointed at the teleporter exit the whole time. If you spectated me, you would notice that I was watching the exit the whole time, making sure that each one of them strayed away from the exit location before giving the kill order. Serbian said that, if indeed all the Ts rebelled (which they did by not freezing upon getting into the exit), it was "technically legit, but tell the warden not to do it again". If you still have the demo file, you can choose an option to go into free-look mode. You will see that each T that entered the teleporter moved after going through. In fact, can you post the demo file?
  8. Happy birthday guys, be sure to do something fun for it!
  9. Thanks for the support guys, looks like I only need 3 more votes and I'll be good to go!
  10. Hey there, I'm Lollerskater. I am in a Canadian University, on my way to becoming a nano-materials engineer. You'll see me in-game as a warden on CSS Jailbreak on maps that don't have a ton of places for Ts to rebel. I tend to stray away from common games like First Reaction / Last Reaction in favor of maps games and less-commonly played MotD games. In my previous jailbreak experience, the server community enforced much harsher rules (eg. Tarping allowed at any time) and this has rubbed off on me a bit. As such, I give very specific orders and very little pardons. However, there comes times where we make mistakes and I like to think that I don't hesitate to make amends for any unintentional freekills that may come about. This (and any) style of wardening garners both positive and negative attention, but I do try my best to make sure that everything I do is legitimate. I spend most of my time in-game as of now, but I will become active on the forums and Teamspeak 3 if I am accepted into xG. Either way, I'll be sticking around here for a while. EDIT: [xG] Gkoo referred me to apply to [xG].
  11. I know. But I was just thinking that, for example, if the last T was pretending like he was going to gun toss and instead killed the last CT by choosing "rebel" in the menu, the CT would have no time to react. I would support this idea if there was a 5 second timer announcing that the T chose to rebel before anybody gets to kill anyone.
  12. -1 Why have LR at all if the T is allowed to rebel? I enjoy the LR games.
  13. Oh, people read it. Nobody agreed with you enough to voice it though.
  14. It's still open because a consensus hasn't been reached. I, and many others, feel that it was completely within my rights to do that LR. Discussing it with a single person would not have provoked open-minded discussion on the matter. I have kept a level head; I wouldn't call this a "flame war"... If you don't mind getting slain every so often for odd reasons and you promise not to make abuse threads, I can try to get an admin to slay you if you want. After all, it's a minor thing, right?
  15. In the first round in which $nakeboyeric shot me, I started LR by cells and then went to the end of climb. Maybe that instance was delaying, but like you and I said: "delaying" is subjective. I'm sure you and I both have seen LRs last way longer than they should - even longer than it takes to do climb. In the second round where I got slayed, I got LR (i.e. the second last T died on climb) when I was already at the end of climb; no delays were made that round. Most people are taking this thread seriously, odd-thread-title or not. I don't really mind what people think of me for doing an LR the way I'd like. It's a game. I acknowledge your advice. Your teleportation-to-T-for-the-guntoss idea would be a good solution.
  16. Everyone who agrees with me have gone over your earlier points multiple times. But I will respond to your last sentence: is it delaying when a T starts a guntoss LR on one end of the map and wants to go into the guntoss arena on the other end of the map? Is it delaying to choose where you want to do a guntoss? "Delaying" is pretty subjective. It seems like you guys are starting to grasp at straws here. As for Shaggy, we've explained our points of view to you multiple times. And to be honest, it's really difficult to read and fully understand your posts since you seldom use periods to separate your ideas.
  17. Ok, so what you're telling me is that I can kill anybody for any reason as long as I slay myself twice? Lets get that added into the MotD. That means that the CTs will win every single round where an LR is given because they can freekill the Ts on their LR without punishment from admins. I think I like that rule, lets get it added! Since you seem to be repeating what other people are saying, I can only assume that you haven't read (or at least understood) the thread... so let me direct you to Chrono's post; he explains the situation wonderfully: Also, lol @ "cheap LR". You realize by saying that, Shaggy, you admit that it is a legitimate LR, right?
  18. How does the order in which this is done make any difference? You guys aren't getting the point that the people above are making: the T has to do climb once, and each CT will have to do climb once. Doing climb, then LRing - or LRing, then doing climb...it doesn't make any difference at all.
  19. Actually, during the first round, I got LR before completing climb and I requested that all CTs follow me to the end of it (none of them did, and $nakeboyeric shot me). I did not record the demo early enough to show it, but if this is your argument, then the first round was completely legitimate. It shouldn't matter who is at the guntoss area first. Both of us have to get to the same spot, the same way, the same number of times. If you're saying that I should do climb again with each CT that I LR, then the CT team as a whole would be gaining the advantage since the T would have to do climb more than once (thus having a greater chance to fall) and each CT only has to do it once. Maybe I suck at climb so I'm destined to die. The fact is, both of us have to do the same thing to get to the LR location. It wouldn't be any different if I was at the top of a ladder on a map and initiated the LR when the CT was at the bottom. Does the MotD say that I would have to go to the bottom of the ladder and baby him to the top (figurative statement)? Uhhh...if you watch the second demo, anybody would have thought it was Ganja that slayed me. I got slayed as soon as he said I was getting slayed, and there is no log in the public chatbox as to who is slaying who (the admin used the console or the in-game menu to slay). This is an odd analogy. The T and CT both have the same capabilities to do climb. Bunny-hopping during a guntoss is against the rules; jumping is not. It may be true that if they can't do climb, they fall off and die...but if I couldn't do climb to get to the other side, I would have fallen off and the CTs would have won. Both parties undergo the same circumstances and therefore no advantages are given. I'm going to go ahead and quote Arthman on this one: "it's not a custom LR, it's just saying where he has to throw deagle off". "Climb" is a name we gave to that part of the map. It's a part like any other map; we have to navigate ourselves from point A to point B - like starting an LR at the top of a ladder when the CT's at the bottom. A custom LR would be doing "Couch game" on Avalanche or Connect 4. No special rules have been made for the gun toss. Alright, well if I can go up to anybody in the game and kill someone and slay myself immediately without punishment, I am going to start doing that right away.
  20. Admins In-Game Name: xG:M | GanjaMonster Neo Admins STEAM-ID: STEAM_0:0:17620799 ???? Your In-Game Name: Lollerskater Your STEAM-ID: STEAM_0:1:2378156 What server did this happen in?: Jailbreak What exactly did the abuser do?: Slayed me during my guntoss LR. Did they state a reason prior, if so, what was the reason?: He believed my rules for the LR were invalid. Did it affect other players?: No. Explain the entire situation here: I decided to do a guntoss at the end of climb on Canyondam. Seeing as this provides no advantages to Ts nor CTs since they both have to do climb, and since it is possible to do a semi-circle jump without falling off of the edge (or not jumping at all), it is a legitmate LR. Even Ganja admitted this at first, calling it a "cheap LR" (see the first demo at 0:28) before he changed his mind and [Neo] decided to slay me the next round. These guntoss circumstances occurred two rounds in a row. The first time, I was freekilled intentionally by $nakeboyeric, an xG member whom should know better and has been CT banned before. The next round, Ganja took warden and for some reason he thought he'd find it amusing to make an "example" out of me and make all of the Ts do climb, knowing that I would likely win and try to do the same thing for LR. Doesn't that say something about how he chooses to handle situations? Instead of saying, "don't do that again," he chose to go through the whole round, [getting Neo to] slay me, and then give me an explanation afterwards. Let me quote the guntoss rules: In summary: the rules were fair since we both had to toss from the same location. All participants would have to get to the same guntoss area the same way. Finally, the gun toss was possible to safely do; I'm sure most of you can reliably do a semi-circle gun-toss jump. Actually, you don't even need to do a semi-circle jump for any guntoss. You could just start a short run to the edge and toss the gun while not jumping off (sacrificing distance compared to jumping, however), and you would be completely safe. Even if you somehow disagree with the preceding circumstances, I believe that $nakeboyeric (STEAM_0:0:23233907) should be punished for intentionally freekilling me during LR. Are these the kind of members you want in xG? The demos (watch in the order presented): BONUS LIMITED-TIME OFFER! $NAKEBOYERIC INTENTIONALLY FREEKILLING! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAHHaZemBmg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUbry0DPUeY
  21. I don't think it should be implied. Wardens should have to keep track of what restrictions they've made, and unrestrict things accordingly. Also, starting a race with jumping restricted could make for some easy tarping after 5:00 and therefore reap kills. Somewhat related question of my own: if there is one T left (non rebelling) and one T missing (rebelling), am I allowed, as warden, to order the non-rebelling T to bloodhound to his teammate? Darius was giving some outlandish arguments and acting high-and-mighty about the situation and believed that the last non-rebelling T (when there are two Ts remaining total) should not have to follow subsequent orders. ("How dumb would you have to be to think that the last non-rebelling T doesn't get LR? Why would it have to be in the MOTD?" - Darius, circa 2012)
  22. -1 Freetazing is negligible. 5 damage. Compare it to freeshooting. I don't often see tasers being used on wardays. If tasers go, I want bombs gone too.
  23. Admins In-Game Name: R.I.P. Cristo xG:A Admins STEAM-ID: STEAM_0:0:21986305 Your In-Game Name: Lollerskater Your STEAM-ID: STEAM_0:1:2378156 What server did this happen in: Jailbreak What exactly did the abuser do: Slayed me multiple times for "vent camping" and "not being with Ts". I caught him doing this once on demo. Did they state a reason prior, if so, what was the reason: See above. Did it affect other players: Sort of. Some people were wondering why I was slain. Of course, the people I killed for going through vents thought they were freekilled because I was hot on their tail after routinely checking vent hallway. Explain the entire situation here: See the demo. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RXeXn3Gg1U The round begins normally, "out of cell - rebel" is called (I skipped a bit late into the demo). I run through the hallway containing vents and stay with the Ts in the main cell block while running back to vent hallway to make sure nobody is rebelling every few seconds or so. Cristo not only considers this "not being with Ts", but also "vent camping". The demo shows me getting slain for probably the third time for the same actions. YouTube encoded the demo in lower quality than I would have liked. Edit: HD version (180 MB) is here... MediaFire