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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by SonicRainbow

  1. Hes on my friends list so yeah, i want him back in xG hes a good fellow and we make secret love sometimes +1 M:22/22 A: .7/.8
  2. +1 Very cool funny person, i love you A:8.5 M:100
  3. +1 I want him banned! He keeps baiting, never does his Mod Job, and he freekills a lot. I HAVE NIPPLES TOO AND I WANT MY NIPPLES SAFE INSTEAD OF IN DANGER FROM THIS MONSTER!!!!
  4. -1 To all of them except #2 i liked that one
  5. +1 Looks like an awesome map to play on
  6. ShadowSpy is super super duper uber cute and i want to marry him <3 :love: +1 if you think we should get married
  7. I think it's a dumb rule :/ Cuz if they are out of their cell when you say out of cell rebel, they should be rebels... gg
  8. +1 M:8 A:7 Awesome guy and cool to play with follows motd well
  9. +1 Very Active and also a very funny guy Great Warden Fun to play with and talk to Know Rules well M:900/901 A:8/9
  10. +1 Very Nice and fun to hang around with. Never Disrespects. Awesome CT and Warden Knows Rules Very Good Player to have in Jailbreak!
  11. +1 Very Cool, and a Great Warden and CT. A really great guy to hang around with and great for our server. We need more of him, WE NEED ACTION! A:9.5 M:.......uhm.......24
  12. +1 good kid sometimes, most sometimes annoying but knows rules and stuffz
  13. Text: RainbowDashie Pictures: Google Image Result for http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/215/4/f/awesome_face_sonic_rainboom_by_seaandsunshine-d43gsa0.png Can you try to just get the rainbow part, not the background or pony part, just the rainbow Google Image Result for http://www.deviantart.com/download/263920870/sonic_rain_nuke_by_demao-d4d4qna.png Color Theme: Rainbows Extra Info: Make it 20% cooler than before :3
  14. Text: xG RainbowDashie Picture: Google Image Result for http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110805224931/mlp/images/c/ce/AiP_CM_Rainbowdash.svg and Google Image Result for http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/187/e/9/rainbow_dash___filly_by_hawk9mm-d562g7w.png Colors: Rainbow Extra Info: Make it look 20% Cooler than any picture you've ever made :3
  15. +1 knows rules, plays a lot and president
  16. Seems nice, and gots a cool name +1
  17. A:10 M:5 +1 very nice though and knows motd super super sexy!