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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by SonicRainbow

  1. Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting @RaZorrr
  2. Hey Guys! I make sprays for people and If you want to have some then make a post! I will make each person three different kind of sprays and then you decide which you like best! If however you like none I give you, make another post saying "I don't exactly like these maybe try one more time." Then give me another format of what you want. What is the format? Great Question! Colors of background: Words: Color of Word: Any Pictures: (x3) The (x3) is so I can make you three and you decide which you want. All Sprays are free! Here are some examples.
  3. Honestly, I have told many people in xG that I love them, but honestly, Logistiik was one of the most funniest, amazing players in xG and i'll never forget him!
  4. no i did restart steam and it didnt work, then i did it again after i read from leo and it worked
  5. Ok, so don't think that I am leaving xG. I'm not resigning from mod either. But Counter Strike Source says that I have to purchase it. I don't understand, I have 1,366 hours and it's randomly telling me to repurchase it. So the fact that I am poor as fuck. I won't be able to get on our servers! This isn't just me, but some of my other friends have to rebuy counter strike as well! SO until then oh gawd, ill still be active on forums and teamspeak, but I don't know what to do since I have no money, and no family to help me .-.
  6. -1 Complains to me a lot about myself. Saying personal things about me I don't like to discuss. Knows Motd and Great player A:7 M:1
  7. Then why the fuck are you arguing with him? If you understand that he has another division that he has to be active on, then you clearly know that being in a staff position on two divisions will decrease the amount of time you can dedicate to one certain division. And don't act like you're so high and mighty RainbowDashie, what SuperKiller said was true. You've been in a paid staff position for less than a month, yet you act like you are a veteran mod/admin. SuperKiller was just vouching for DarkWolf, he wasn't insulting you he was just telling the truth. You (and another PM, who I think we all know who it is) act much higher up than you actually are. We don't act like we're higher than anyone, it is called doing our job because most of you are lazy
  8. Don't get me started on you kid, you're a baddie, you think your so cool being a mod, but don't forget that you were a paidmod as well kid. Also your never on CSS and when you are I never see you do anything in your position of rank to be called a good mod. Start getting on more and stop disrespecting us PM's because it gets really out of hand and really annoying and you're not making it any better
  9. As well as I posted on Darkwolf's thingie, you also aren't on very much. A:2
  10. I find this very oddly funny that you say you dont see him on much but you're not very active yourself, i'd give you a A:4
  11. Hey guys, it's RainbowDashie or if you are mature, Snowdrop. Some of you may have noticed I have not been on as much as I used to. Well, that is because I am learning how to animate. I will still come on a lot (5 hours a day is good) but I won't be able to be on for (9 hours a day). So sorry for my inactivity lately. Hope you understand! Cya whenever
  12. Active on servers and teamspeak, never seen break a rule, never disrespects or argues with admins. Very fun to play with. Only talks to someone if needs to be spoken to, should call warden more often since you're not 11 so don't worry about your voice. A:8 M:7 D: +1
  13. -1 I don't recall ever seeing you on the server. And you need to be active on teamspeak EDIT: I am stupid, great player, knows rules, fun to play with at minigames, always makes me laugh A:8 M:9 D: +1
  14. @@Kirito You two do realize he is active on teamspeak, even after being on with me and you kirito last night. Echo, dont be mad he freekilled you, it was an honest mistake. Every time I freekill I ban myself for awhile and he wanted to banhimself for the freekilling as well
  15. I'm not going to -1 like the rest of you, I never have seen dirty freekill before, and so i'm not sure what the two freekills are about, the only thing I have noticed bad about Dirty is that he argues and spams in admin chat (even before I became mod). Now maybe we have given Dirty a lot of chances, but you honestly think that disrespecting dirty is mature of the clan itself? xG (or mostly me) I like to have more people on our servers and if we ban Dirty, that's one person less, all because you guys were immature about something. Now think to yourself, "He's a derp" "He doesn't know rules" "He argues with admins" Yes maybe he doesn't know rules. But do you guys know the rules? I've heard lots of xG people that they never read rules. Maybe he has a different opinion on a situation than an admin? I always have different opinions on stuff. Dirty Dan told me this. 6:39 PM - [xG:PM:HS] Snowdrop: Dont hate me for this, but you do argue a lot with the admins, im not sure about the freekilling, for i wasnt there, and i never saw you freekill before..uhm.. 6:40 PM - [xG:PM:HS] Snowdrop: if it were me, id give you one more chance 6:42 PM - TG | Dirty Dan [C] is now Online. 6:44 PM - TG | Dirty Dan [C]: Yes i know in going to try and work on that and thank you Also another thing, "Why don't you play on your own servers" Honestly if you say this, you're pretty much a derp yourself. Again like I said before I like having more people on, so showing him bad behavior is bad yourself. xG is a good clan but something as stupid as this is just..derpy. +1
  16. Daddio lost his dick, hes going on a journey to find it, thats why he wont be on.
  17. Actually we broke up today :D yayyy
  18. You're active on servers but need to be active on teamspeak. You are a lil bit (derpy) on the wardening, I suggest rereading the Motd once more. You'll make a good person to join hopefully. Very nice and friendly just gotta get on the teamspeak man. A: 7 M:7 D: +1
  19. I really don't think you can ban the owner of xG on his own servers.. GG
  20. I don't really know. You're active on servers but never seen you on teamspeak. Be more active on teamspeak and reread motd one more time and ill change to +1 A:7 M:6 Edit: Active on teamspeak :D yaay +1 +1 +1
  21. -1 Not very active on our servers and teamspeak. Have broken a few rules and no one really knows you. It took me two months to play on servers before I joined on xG, play a lot more and talk to staff and get them to know you better. And dont break anymore rules. Type !motd in game to read the rules, atleast read the motd five times since I have read it 34 times, and I usually never mess up. So just be more active and read motd over again. A: 2 M: .5