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Everything posted by SonicRainbow

  1. +1 Fun and crazy, brings spirit to jailbreak A:7 M:7
  2. Daddio please give a valid reason. Porn you're active and know the rules, good ct and fellow non member of the servers. You understand how to be a mature person for your age other than your porn sprays.... -.- A:8 M:7 (Porn Sprays) D: +1
  3. +1 I don't think she deserved permanent. It is an honest mistake we all make sometimes so +1 for a shorter ban
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QL4O8adW9_w @@DrPepperPhreak
  5. If you didn't open the cells but warden told you to. Then that isn't a freeslay, you had time to go over there and open.
  6. Very mature and active on our servers, Knows rules and good warden. A:8 M:8 +1
  7. Thread has been here for two days now @@DarkWolf6052 @ShdowSpy @@Jordozombie @@Leotekk @@IAmLegend @@Gkoo @@daddiodoug @@MineCrack @@DeathGod @@Gawd @TheLostCause @@Warriorsfury @@Forest @@Hidingmaster
  8. Ill be at a +0 for now, I've only seen you on a couple times but never see you break any rules. Be more active and ill be glad to change to a +1 if you're mature and don't argue with any staff :) A: 3 (For Now) M:7 (Never had a problem with)
  9. Let me send some people here @@DarkWolf6052 @@Kirito @@diabeetus @@daddiodoug @@MegaRobin @@MineCrack @ShdowSpy @@IAmLegend @@Warriorsfury @@SyrJirk @@Forest @@Gkoo @@Hidingmaster
  10. Fun to play with, Knows MOTD, Great Guy, Very Active, Would make a great xG Member weo weo weo A:7 M:8 +1
  11. I would +1 You're active, good Ct and you're fun to play with. You know the rules and stuff but..Isn't [CN] another clan? You can't be in another clan if you're going to be in xG EDIT: Thanks for telling me you're not in the clan +1 +1 +1 A:7 M:7
  12. Bye super, I know we got off on the wrong foot but you were sorta cool :P
  13. +1 Very active and well mature. Never breaks any rules and fun to talk to. Helped out with my life a little A:8.5 M:9.8
  14. +1 I like Tute personally, he makes JB Fun and I always laugh at what he does sometimes, I wan't him warden again!
  15. To be honest, Warrior does not know what Disrespect is lel
  16. Jake? +1 Great guy, very funny and knows rules like a baws A:6 M:10
  17. +1 Knows rules very well, and fun to play with. Great rebeler and all around a great guy A:7 M:7 D: +1
  18. thats a new order silly buns
  19. well Aaron did it and killed me ;(
  20. It is after five and your a T. The warden says look at him at all times. Then the warden says to turn around and face somewhere else. If you do this then you will be killed, but also if you don't do this you should be kill too because you didn't follow the order. I don't get how your suppose to know which to do and which not to do because the order is to turn around but you're allowed to tarp. So basically if you do either of these actions, you're a rebel for not following orders or for following orders. I just wanted to make sure you guys know what this sounds like .-.
  21. [MEDIA=imgur]EZUaC5Z[/MEDIA] Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting @@Logistik
  22. @@Leotekk What bout imgur?
  23. @@MrAwesome104 isn't there like a picture transfer file thing you can look up cuz i have the slightest idea how files work :3