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Everything posted by SonicRainbow

  1. You have a lot of spirit shake and your almost on 24/7, all you need to improve is to follow the admin's decisions on something but you're a good warden and funny person to hang with. Also it would help if you didnt hold you mic button 24/7 too, but ive seen you improve over the weeks A:9.9/10 M:5 D: +1
  2. Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: My Knee Grows Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:55618290 Rules Broken: Disrespecting Evidence: [MEDIA=facebook]630662073626004[/MEDIA] Link to video ^
  3. I know many will agree with me on this and maybe a lot of you wont agree with me. There should be a new rule where you can only do Fr/Lr only three times on a map. This game is over used and not a very good way to warden the ts. The warden is suppose to make sure everyone has fun on their time on jailbreak and doing Fr/Lr is a dumb game nobody likes and its so overused. Tell Rainbow your opinions on this! <3
  4. Never really on but when you are i've seen you freekill a lot and never call warden, not sure if you have a mic or not or you're just to shy to call warden, be more active and re read motd A:2 M:4? D:-1
  5. Knows MotD well, great ct, just call warden more and you will be perfect! Great rebeler and good person to join xG A:7 M:7 D: +1
  6. Good Warden, Should call more though but good ct, knows rules pretty well and tries to never freekill. Very Active and mature for his age. A:7 M:8 D: +1
  7. -1 You spam for warden a lot, and you sorta asked for +1 on the server. You don't seem to know Motd at all and you never really make any ts play map games except for death soccer. You are very active on jailbreak but never seen you on teamspeak. You're also very immature. A:8/10 M:4/10
  8. Yeah If this is possible, I would love HLDJ back, wardays and freedays are not as fun without HLDJ.
  9. Very Funny and cool, very active. Knows Motd like its his child, the only thing you need to work on is respect. I have seen you disrespect a lot, but other than that, I present you with a +1 A:7 M:5
  10. Hi guys, I'm RainbowDashie... I want your guys's opinion on what you would think of me being a mod. This is not an application to be mod, I just want to know what you think of me Stay Cool <3 ~Rainbow
  11. As a member I would +1 you to become mod because your active on teamspeak and jailbreak You do know the Motd well and you're pretty mature. Your honest when you mess up, and your a pretty nice fellow. A:7.5/10 M:8
  12. +1 Fairly active on jailbreak, knows Motd Well, Active on Teamspeak, I always in teamspeak with you donut. Pretty Good Warden, Very honest, always slays urself if you mess up A:7/10 M:8.7/10
  13. Im sorry i just need 100 posts D: ill stop spamming
  14. Everyone has seen spamming happen before, whether it is chat spam, mic spam, or spamming for warden. Let us start off with chat spam since I typed that first. Chat Spam - If a person says something in chat four or more times, that is considered spamming. If someone however happens to do that, Admin, please look out for them spammers in the chat. Mic Spam - If a CT or a T has their mic down but not saying anything for a really long time (10 seconds or longer) that is considered Mic Spamming. If a CT is warden and giving orders while another CT has their mic over talking, trying to talk over warden for the fun of it. That is considered Mic Spamming. (If a CT is trying to tell a T to drop a gun, and talking over warden it is not Mic Spamming) Admins...do your job and mute these people. Spamming For Warden - If a CT has their mic held at the end of the round and it still is on starting at the start of the new round that is Spamming For Warden. If a CT wants warden and presses his mic at the very very end of the round, making it seem like he just pushed it at the start of the new round...well..that is Spamming For Warden. I've seen a lot of Admins do this. Admins you say this person spammed for warden but then you don't pass it. If you see someone spam, just pass it. Don't be afraid. Let us help clean up Spammers xG!
  15. Uhm, yeah i did read it, did you? and i aint spamming
  16. If there is a massfreekiller, the ts should run away and hide so they dont die but if they rebel that is their fault
  17. I Would like a new ct song, this one is old, but we do also need an intro song
  18. -1 If they are rebeling in their cell, they should rebel in their cells
  19. I love this map, its awesome and many games to play :D
  20. I've heard so many tarps especially from Eden ..the most dumbest tarp i've heard would probably be, Warden - "When I say Go, you will start Climb." -Ts don't move. "Alright Go, and now if they started kill them."
  21. +1 I dont like disrespecters
  22. I think hes already back but +1 cuz hes an awesome friend