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Everything posted by SonicRainbow

  1. +1 Very Active on servers, and started on Teamspeak, Knows Rules and good player A:8 M:7
  2. Can i have rainbow colors, you don't have to, bcuz im not greedy but if u want, would be fun
  3. +1 Everyone in the community should have the ability to be active on the forums
  4. Best Rebeler Ever! Great friend and person, very funny and has super boobs A:8 M:100 D: +1
  5. May 4th (yesterday) was the only day i've seen you on like daddio said. Never saw you break a rule, but you need to play more than one day. A:0 (only on for one day) M:I don't know D: -1
  6. very active, funny guy, very respectable and fun to play with. Never seen break a rule and sometimes a sexi A:7/10 M:7/10 D: +1 P.S. Stay Kewl
  7. You're only banned for a day, just wait man
  8. In the Motd it says you can play simon says after fiveo'clock or after three orders, but if the three orders are before five, can you play simon says even though its not past five? So confused and I need help clearing it through my head Edit: Nvm im stupid lol People got me confusing thinking bout it, and it is and, not or so im good, no need to post here, would be best if it was *Closed?*
  9. I always had a question in mind that relates to Simon Says Are you aloud to play Simon says before 5 if you don't tarp*. You must only say "simon says" only orders though, so if you say "simon says you must do orders in two seconds" would that be Simon says, or can you not play simon says doing that but saying I call warden, out..until you get them unstack shoulder to shoulder where ever you are at, can you just do, all t's jump, all t's must do orders in three seconds after i say you must jump/crouch or something else.? So many questions someone please help, and i bet its going to be warrior cuz hes...warrior
  10. You also aren't active on Teamspeak, which doesn't really help your case. I was never on teamspeak until last month :P why'd I get in?
  11. I have to say 0 for now because you have broke a few rules before but your really active and never seen you disrespect. If you re-read the Motd just once and call warden more I will decide to change to +1 A:7 M:6 EDIT: D: +1 Has improved in maturity, and also fun guy to talk with on teamspeak.
  12. I lol'd at the last part, but it is true, the fact that he has an awp right next to a teleporter right behind him makes him teleport camping because well..its only 2 steps away from it, even though the t's are no where near the teleporter, it still is camping due to the fact that if the warden was dead, and the cts were autistic (like usual) a t could randomly go for that teleporter (I have no idea why, must be autistic too) The ct camping in that corner would probably kill him for trying to run into the teleporter before the freeday of warden being dead of 15 seconds of orders still standing of doing whatever.
  13. Sometimes I hate you warrior, but right now, i love you EDIT: Nvm i still hate you
  14. Hehe, now if you type it, it kills you, cleverr
  15. Very Active, knows rules, calls warden..(to much) Good Ct and a player. If you would let other people be warden, that would probably be better for everyone. A:7/10 M:6/10 D: -1 NO I MEAN +1 Real Decision: +1
  16. Yeah but you're like, never on so you wouldnt know
  17. +1 Knows Motd and a really great person on our servers, never seen break a rule and pretty active A:7 M:7 D: +1
  18. +1 Chuck would never mass freekill, and everytime he does freekill he always slays himself, hes a really funny ct and an awesome person so lets get him back on ct
  19. Yeah the sprays, a lot of people can't see other people's sprays and sometimes you can't even see your own sometimes.