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Everything posted by SonicRainbow

  1. NO PERM. Just because he is younger and he thinks differently doesn't mean he should be permed from our servers. Secondly, He never said "He came in and said i'm back and was saying i'm avoid ban or something like that." Quote from Superkiller. He never said that at all. I was there in game when the first "Apple" got banned and when the second "Apple" got banned. When Diabeetus was talking to Apple, Diabeetus said "Really Apple?" Apple replied with a "Yea" after Diabeetus said "Really Apple?" It just so happens to be that Diabeetus typed faster so he had another question "Avoiding a ban?" But Apple wasn't replying to that, he was replying to Really Apply? There's no real evidence of him having more than one account. It could have been a brother or cousin or a friend playing on our server with the same exact name. Apple is still very active on our servers and you guys just like to ban people. If you keep banning people like this, we are going to have no one left on our servers. Except xG Members and staff. Disrespecting is not even a good reason to ban someone for all the staff do it, all xG members do it, and a lot of non xG members do it. Avoiding a ban: If all the above is false ^ He didn't really avoid a ban. If he did have two accounts one account should have been banned. That's not avoiding, that account is banned for the time. If he goes on his other account, don't you think he's going to try and be more mature this time around? You staff put a bad example in trying to help out. You have to let someone prove themselves other than just going to the ban command. From what I have seen, Apple has been really been trying to be more mature than months ago. Just because he disrespects, and don't lie, you all do it, doesn't mean he should be banned. With that said, I say -1 and He should immediately be un-banned from servers. INB4 Shitpost, African, TL;DR, Dumb, Bad Spelling, Dislike, Disagree, Fuck You, Downs, Dissapointed, Boring.
  2. You annoy me. Your voice annoys me. Does it matter? Do you really hate me that much
  3. He annoys me. His voice annoys me. Mute him please.
  4. That's a lie. +0 from me because I don't see you on much. Raise the activity and you can fuck a goat. A:5 M:?
  5. Does anyone really care though
  6. You are so nice to your brother I agree with darkwolf I havn't seen you in game so +0
  7. I agree, since I left a lot of new rules have come up and I would like to read the motd while im dead instead of wasting my own time. Since we had the simple version a lot of people still don't know the rules because its not provided in it. I agree completely with Shadow
  8. HOLY SHIT JUST GET OVER IT ITS JUST A GAME AND PEOPLE WILL EACHOTHERES DICK HOLES. +1 for me being cute -1 For Darkwolf being banned
  10. Perm both Anthony and Michael. Both come on the server at teh same time. Both never shut up on mic. Both troll the players and staff. Both don't have dicks. Both really annoying when it comes to having fun on server. Both just annoyance and Michael doesn't represent the clan in a positive way. The way I sea it is that they have nothing better to do other than go on the server and be an annoyance to everyong (That's what a troll is you derp) (Shut the fuck up, I am trying to talk). They act in a way where they don't follow the rules but just enough to not getting server banned. (Did you tell the readers that they are annoying?) (I don't think so). Both really anoying. Here's what I think about both of tem. Michael - Real asshole, doesn't know when to stop, trolls everybody, Spams mic, don't represent xG in any positive possible way at all. Sure he joined xG before 2 years ago but he came back as an immature, annoying, player who disrespects everyone in any way possible that he can wihout getting banned. Anthony - All that I said about Michael ^ except joining xG +1 For Server Ban On Both
  11. -1 for all above reasons. I guess you can say hes... Going onward... to nowhere xD ..................That's funny, I'm funny
  12. I told a 15 year old, who had not hit puberty and sounded like hes8, I told him to fuck off :D MY LIFE COMPLETED
  13. @@Superkiller67 I have an important statement for you sir. If you have 2 dolla, then 3 dolla, now you have 5 dolla because in the word dolla there are as you can see, 5 letters. BUT, If you take away a l (L) you would still have 5 dola because 2 + 3 = 5 but how is that if theres only 4 dola. Let's give dola more letters to make dollar. Which if you live in America is U.S. Currency. Also known as Bucks. But do you know what Bucks are. They are the male animals of deer, examples you ask? Reindeer, Roe Deer, Fallow Deer, and a common known one is Antelope. However those are 4 bucks but you have 5 dollars. How does that work? Well good sir, if you take bucks into dollars you would see that in the word bucks there are 5 letters causing them to interact into what number if combined? That's right 10. Now what is 10? If you take 10 and turn into letters you see that Ten has three letters and three plus two famous words to use of American Currency? You get 5. GG
  14. I'd like to change my decision. I will say +1 for unserver ban, then a 1 week ct ban. I didn't know that we are talking about 5 a.m. So yeah, he waiting to make a ban protest of being 2 weeks so yeah. No ban. 1 week ct ban
  15. I cant judge you on maturity seeing that I don't play RPG surf much anymore, but looking on the rank site you've only joined the servers about 10 times, most if not all of which were only in the past week. You are also not active on teamspeak. -1 A:4 M:?
  16. You know out of every person in the server, I never thought that you would give me a minus 1 :(.. Well, you see I left xG so my -1 doesn't count :P
  17. You guys need me bad I suppose. Sorry, I can't get steam to work and I highly would still try to enforce rules (It's in my blood) Like I said, I left the clan but I would still love to play on xG servers, I pop in the minecraft one every so often. I just can't log on to steam until further notice. Also I like playing pony games. ^_^