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Posts posted by Enforcer

  1. I'd love to jump back into an xG minigames server. It was actually fun even with the bugs and problems and unlike the JB server which had occasional visitors when there was a decent amount of people on, minigames would attract small groups even when it was empty.

    p.s. i thought my division manager tag would have been removed 2 months after stepping down. :british:

  2. How did Line make it fun?

    he was one of those people that stuck out, idk.

    I liked line. He was pretty chill when you got to know him, and talked to him, at first i hated him. he was an egotistical jackass who thought he was always right.


    Line was always a massive dick, even after you got to know him.

  3. I didn't really play much but i'm at rep 11 since the first game i joined was on overkill with everyone else at 30. Tbh I haven't really found anything difficult yet when I had a good team. Really wish there was more variation than just drilling everything.

  4. I don't see the point of shifting attention away from our main server which is JB as everything else becomes a distraction and reduces progress towards getting it populated like it used to be. tbh i'd agree that we should have a pub server but only when we have fixed our other problems first.

  5. The servers are fine as they are, all they need is a little populating. Minigames attracts small groups of players all the time and just needs a few new maps and map updates to keep people interested in coming back. If we could get scrim fixed it would be good as those servers seem to populate themselves. I haven't seen any climb only servers so that probably will have a decent player base. JB server has had too many threads dedicated to it so we know what we need to do there.


    What's wrong with scrim?


    I haven't been on it for a while but pretty sure some plugins are broken or have they been fixed ?

  6. The servers are fine as they are, all they need is a little populating. Minigames attracts small groups of players all the time and just needs a few new maps and map updates to keep people interested in coming back. If we could get scrim fixed it would be good as those servers seem to populate themselves. I haven't seen any climb only servers so that probably will have a decent player base. JB server has had too many threads dedicated to it so we know what we need to do there.

  7. Like i said, just a few days ago we had 26-30.


    So ? We all know it's not hard to get the population high, it's about keeping the population at that point.

    exactly, cs:go can be the most populated server, it's just we have nothing to offer anymore.. sure if we have dedicated people as penguin so described, and we get our population up, then what? it gets boring because we have no new maps, no hub. sure it can be populated but for how long till everyone gets bored? i think a hub would keep the population only growing, it wouldn't populate it as thats an easy task to do


    Once hub comes out that'll be enough to keep people on. Look at HG, they play one map so what's keeping people playing ? their store.

  8. This Division is dying. Plain and simple. The main reason for this (and i can't stress this enough) is because no one populates the servers. The largest population I've seen in weeks was 18 people (only reason it got this high was because Shadow and I populated and I invited everyone on my friends like staff should do) that lasted an hour or two. Something needs to be done before this division dies completely.

    Like i said, just a few days ago we had 26-30.


    So ? We all know it's not hard to get the population high, it's about keeping the population at that point.