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Everything posted by Matsi

  1. -1 Sounds like making a T a pet. Would only cause issues imo.
  2. Matsi

    CT bans.

    Exactly... GUIDELINES! A guideline is a statement by which to determine a course of action. A guideline aims to streamline particular processes according to a set routine or sound practice. By definition, following a guideline is never mandatory. By definition, following a guideline is never mandatory
  3. Matsi

    CT bans.

    And will continue to :) if you have a problem with it, you can try and get me demoted. But until then I will continue to admin how I always have.
  4. Matsi

    CT bans.

    How is not banning someone for the maximum ban length allowed abuse? are you really being serious or just downs? Funny you're saying he has downs when he's right. You HAVE to ban them perm if they mass, NO MATTER WHAT, whether it be the circumstance, or the person, must be perm. They can protest it and get it shortened, but they must be originally perm or it is abuse. If you don't like the admin handbook's rules, dont be a mod, because you have to follow it's rules, and ban lengths. There's NOTHING in the admin handbook that says you HAVE to ban someone perm for mass freekills... the only thing it says it a list of the ONLY THINGS you ARE ALLOWED to perm someone for.... so maybe YOU should read it before you try and reply to my posts again. :)
  5. Matsi

    CT bans.

    I already only ban people for 1 week when they unintentionally freekill more than 2 people because I'm not stupid and I have that thing called common sense... you should try and get some :) Matsi that's called abuse. We have set times we are required to ban them for. That's not exactly common sense. Freekilling 3 t's is a mass freekill and is a permanent CT ban. No less. @@Hidingmaster @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo How is not banning someone for the maximum ban length allowed abuse? are you really being serious or just downs?
  6. Matsi

    CT bans.

    I already only ban people for 1 week when they unintentionally freekill more than 2 people because I'm not stupid and I have that thing called common sense... you should try and get some :)
  7. It wasn't worthy of a gag, especially after you freeslayed him... you were wrong.
  8. Actually he said "Wow this fucking new mob is bad. Fucking freeslays" That isn't disrespect.... you're all fucking badmins! Fucking Freegags! If he found it to be disrespectful which it was, then he can gag. Also, not to mention the fact he started disrespecting more once the round started over voice chat. But once again, it's better to ask why they killed you rather than just slay them. Unless you are absolutely sure it was a freekill. If he found it to be "disrespectful" than he fails at being a mod because what halfbaked said is actually listed specifically as something that is NOT DISRESPECT: As Forest has stated... no shit he was pissed off and continued afterwords when the next round started... he just got freeslayed by a badmod that wasn't paying attention and then invalidly gagged... I would be pissed off too...
  9. Actually he said "Wow this fucking new mob is bad. Fucking freeslays" That isn't disrespect.... you're all fucking badmins! Fucking Freegags!
  10. Karma for freekilling me on Lego and then acting like a idiot :finger: +1 for reduced ban but make it closer to 4 weeks cause he's an asshole.
  11. @@Gkoo @@John @@Hidingmaster @@DarkWolf6052 @@Forest Can someone close this? Isn't the kid in SNG anyways... shouldn't he be perm from the servers too since SNG is Banned?
  12. I agree with this... and I believe that no matter how stupid humanity has become... someone would hopefully be smart enough to remove any scripts they WERE using after the 4th or 5th ban lololol
  13. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Hidingmaster @@Gkoo @@John @@Forest 3DMs and a D all +1 for reduced ban/unbanning.... any of you wanna actually do it and close this? :cat:
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTXMJfrMuXk @@DeathGod
  15. +1 for unban now, not reduce to another week, he's already been banned for 2 weeks all for killing some teammates with a door...LOL! Pretty sure he should have only gotten a slay, maybe a day ctban at most for it...
  16. How did they have "No way of knowing?" they would have been looking at the stack of Ts as well... They even say in this thread that they were freekills...
  17. Being a dick... IE killing a bunch of people that accidentally aren't following the order to the letter... it's also hard to see a spray on the floor when you are stacked up with people, let alone figure out which of the multiple sprays belong to the person saying to stack on theirs... if you're going to do this you should run a demo so that when/if someone see's/thinks you freekilled and bans you you will have proof otherwise. As for the "why they banned him if they didn't see it" thing... it sounds as if they were sure of at least 1 freekill, and agreed together that there were others as well. If there is no proof otherwise, there's really no reason to believe one person over the other, but the people with the higher rank get the say, and it looks like they said it was multiple freekills and thus a ban...
  18. Until it says "Shadowspy has chosen to do .... with ..." my LR didn't officially start, If you think I shouldnt do it I wont but as of right now theres not actually a rule against it. The rule is against doing an lr with someone then rebelling. why does it not surprise me that this would be you doing that...lol
  19. So what did we learn from this? If you're gonna be a dick make sure you have a demo running first :P
  20. ^lol Roflmao borderlines rules often as well.. and the problem with borderlining is that sometimes you step too far over the line and get banned for a week :cat: If he did in fact kill more than 2 he should be happy it's only a week ban and not perm +/- 0 because I wasn't there and your evidence of a spray on the floor is astonishing!!!
  21. My understanding is that stairs = ramp and ramp = stairs so long as both are not present such as in the castle guard map which isn't even on the CS:S and i can't think of one that has both off the top of my head right now. matsi is spreading more lies! jb_castleguarddev (Counter-Strike: Source > Maps > Jail Break) - GAMEBANANA for some reason the word server disappeared... it was supposed to say Isn't even on the CS:S server.... I meant we didnt have it on xG's CS:S JB server :P
  22. advertising other clan servers! PERMABAN! :cat:
  23. My understanding is that stairs = ramp and ramp = stairs so long as both are not present such as in the castle guard map which isn't even on the CS:S and i can't think of one that has both off the top of my head right now.
  24. I do that and/or say something like "One just went to *place i saw them go*" and then chase them @@xShadowSpyx Rebel HUNTING and chasing a rebel are different things... also it would be stupid if you see a rebel run away and you have to stop to type out you are chasing them, and by that time they are long gone...