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Everything posted by Matsi

  1. well you need to get a windows disc, either buy one/get one from MS for an unreasonable amount of money, or burn one yourself...
  2. What does the fox say?
  3. so... pop in the windows disc and repair or reinstall windows....gg Pretty sure the CS:S update yesterday broke SM/MMS so Jailbreak is dead and broken lol
  4. why...? the ban reason even says requested.... what possible input from the admin could justify keeping him permed?
  5. Or just buy/rent a server with Fedora installed? Does that count as having a hat?
  6. If you don't have access to perm... Gather proof Ban for a week Make a ban request on the forum so that the grown ups can decided whether or not to make the ban perm ? Profit QQ less Not sure wtf you are talking about tho, I have access to perm... LOL, I have permed several Mass Freekillers
  7. seriously wtf is the problem with getting something installed, why does everyone say it "has to be coded by someone".... it doesn't.... just use something already fucking made... Here use this one it was updated 4 days ago: Plugin: [Release] Store Release [1.1 Final] [sourcemod 1.6 or lower] - AlliedModders It even has a webpanel for all you lazy people... [Release] Store WebPanel - AlliedModders Get the modules for the things you want in the store here: Store Modules - AlliedModders if you want to make custom items people can buy here's a fucking tutorial to add them: Creating items for Store · alongubkin/store Wiki · GitHub Ya'll a bunch of fucking lazy bitches! All you guys do is complain that there's no HüB but noone puts any effort to fix it... if I had access to the server this shit would be done so fast, but my time is spent doing better things... like browsing furry porn!
  8. Who wants to refer me? Just send me $5USD via paypal!
  9. With unnaturally hued fire?
  10. A property used to determine color?
  11. The best part is the '???' like he wasn't sure if he really requested it or something.... @@Unit12p cause you all too lazy to tag him @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@John @@Hidingmaster @@Forest so this doesn't take forever to get resolved.... if he requested to be banned then he should be unbanned if he didn't do anything to warrant staying banned.
  12. The "Council": Twilight Sparkle Rarity Applejack Pinkie Pie Fluttershy Spike
  13. lol totally.... nah, I don't need anyone to tell me how great of an admin I am. :) I also learned a long time ago not to trust the opinion of a brony :p and a brony that is rainbowdashie.... I mean that's like double crazy... And then it's like some random award like... "ganja you win my random I wanna suck your dick award!" At least make it involve more than one person's opinion
  14. Matsi

    xG movie nights

    I would suggest not doing this... it violates copyright laws. To do so could cause a lot of problems for xG.
  15. @@African your post hurts my brain to try and figure out wtf you are saying... I don't think him having few posts and a new forum account has anything to do with this... not everyone is active on the forums or the server for that matter, which could explain why he didn't post this or figure out he was banned until now... I think the thing that matters the most right now is: Did you ban him for things he was doing around the time you banned him or did you ban him for things someone did with the same name a while back?
  16. @@MuffinMonster I will point out that searching that name brings up 2 other people that dont even share his steamid with that name... Other than that I can't really do anything more to resolve this as i don't play TF2 http://rank.xenogamers.com/search?q=Nicki Minaj&si=players&rc=all&x=27&y=1 STEAM_0:0:37647015 nicki minaj Xeno Gamers - Search STEAM_0:0:54739222 Nicki Minaj Xeno Gamers - Search
  17. because he still wants to be unbanned? :p Just think the whole "guilty until proven innocent" thing is kinda dumb...
  18. How is someone supposed to prove that they aren't someone that was impersonating them? Seriously guys have some fucking common sense... @@MuffinMonster @@Drendan
  19. Why not just fix the CS:GO servers.... lazy fucks... (y)
  20. hidingmaster is mad, he went through my old posts just so he could spam rate me. Isn't that the spamming you guys keep forum banning for?
  21. Put the Zues x27 from CS:GO into CS:S and make it LCT xD
  22. I tazer spam and knife during LCT anyways... fuck all you bitches!
  23. I assume this is what they were refering to but it's from like a week ago. On one hand... people shouldn't talk to "nonlegals" that way.... but on the other hand... this game is rated M so really they shouldn't be playing it anyways... +/- 0