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Everything posted by Matsi

  1. Pink Men Slappin' On Each Other (4 Player Minecraft Mini-Game) VERSION 1.6.2 OUT NOW! Minecraft Project Install this to save xG :rolleyes: TBH I quit playing on any server that i dont have control over because of spending days/weeks/months building awesomeness only to have some fucker erase it with an update or some shit.... I stick to playing on my own servers now. I will also point out, that any GOOD minecraft server, whether it is tekkit, vanilla, FTB, or anything else... is usually one of the ones that runs with like 64GB+ of ram, not sure what xG is running but hopefully it's around that :P
  2. Matsi

    Tech Updates #2

    I've been playing Dungeon Keeper in DOSBox :loldidntread:
  3. +1 good guy, knows most of the rules and doesn't argue with staff when he messes up on one and gets told to slay himself(which doesn't happen too often) He's very active and wardens a lot, xG needs more people like him :)
  4. LOL WUT? Xeno Gamers He has 27 ctbans in less than a year, that's on average a ban every 2 weeks....for a year... =/-0 sometimes he act's ok but then other times he does really stupid shit, like intentionally freekilling, Massing Ts with a bomb or TKing 5 people with a ball...
  5. Staff should be unbiased when punishing people... even if you don't like somebody you should treat them as you would anyone else just as you should punish a friend the same way you would punish someone else. even if you were freekilled for facing tot he side, you should have just slayed him and told him he was wrong, the ban was overkill. Also staff should never disrespect in a ban reason... it's hypocritical and just looks bad.
  6. to whom it may concern: Screenshot of how they were standing: Dropbox - chrono trin speed.jpg Demo (start at tick 10000): Dropbox - chronobanned.dem @@Hidingmaster
  7. The face away thing is iffy for me... I like to be a smartass and face away from my cell tot he side but I expect to get killed for doing so and wouldn't really consider it a freekill... and if it was a freekill I don't think a day ban would be needed, just a slay... and certainly not a ban reason of "...fag"
  8. Matsi to +L4D2 Admin STEAM_0:0:18865285 Kthx :)
  10. Here's 20 demos of that entire ~1.5hrs demo20 starts like 20 seconds before his screenies take place. Dropbox - trolls in the dungeon I'll keep looking for the demo of him barking but I think that happened on Minigames and i don't often run demos on MG :(
  11. Right before the screenshot was taken minecraft was giving orders and someone commented that his voice was sexy, so I said "you should hear him bark" and told minecrack he should bark for us. It was said in reference to a little while ago when Minecrack was following me around between JB and MG and Barking on mic saying "woof woof, am I turning you on yet matsi? woof woof" -1 He's just mad cause he's banned again and this is the only place left that he can attempt to cause problems.. :llama::llama::llama:
  12. Bounty - AlliedModders (Adds bounties that people can set using in game money) Would be fun, but make sure you set it up in a way that isn't going to be shitty... like the bombs.. Admin Sounds 1.2.2 - AlliedModders (Admin sounds.. not entirely sure what it does, but may be cool) Meh, I like HLDJ just fine. Admin Connect Message - AlliedModders (Announces the connection of an admin) DEFINITELY NOT... there's no reason to announce admins connecting other than to warn all the current rulebreakers to stop until the admin leaves. [CSS] Throwing Knives - AlliedModders (Throwing knives, people have been asking for these) The last time I saw this it was still buggy as fuck... seems like a fun thing but idk about always having it... [CS:S] Tracer Effects v1.2.8 (Updated: 8/12/13) - AlliedModders (Tracers) Would be cool to have. Vote Mute / Vote Silence 1.0.105 - AlliedModders (Vote gag/mute/silence) Will prolly get abused to fuck. Simple Spectate - AlliedModders (Allows you to spectate one player, follows them after death; Matsi wanted this) Obviously I want this, since i suggested it to you.... makes demoing rulebreakers a LOT easier [CS:S] Blackjack (Version 1.0) - Play blackjack while waiting for respawn! - AlliedModders (Blackjack, i know we had this before, but maybe this one will actually work) I remember using this to get my bomb money back on some servers xD it's great to play while waiting for stupid wardens like shadowspy to get the round ended... :p Player's birthday. - AlliedModders (Just a dumb one, but stores a persons birthday and does something when it is their birthday) Does it ban you for the day and tell you to go make real friends? Because it should.... who the fuck plays on xG on their birthday!?!?!? [CS:S] Drop Money On Death - AlliedModders (Dropping money, should have this again with bombs) IDK wtf this is but seems like it goes well with the bombs(fix the bombs btw so you cant have indefinite per map) [ANY] Advanced Voice Communications (Dead All Talk) - AlliedModders (Would be nice for timed mute/gag) I like this, though might have issues working with the current one, unless this can replace it entirely so that you can voice chat with the rest of the dead? [CS:S] Jail Awards with credits system v1.2 - AlliedModders (Buy awards with credits) !hub? [CSS] Hurt Effects [1.1] - AlliedModders (Adds realism when getting shot) gore? [CS:S] HeadShot Explode - AlliedModders (Player explodes when shot in the head) This sounds great! Spectate Time - AlliedModders (Kicks people if the spectate too long; admins can have immunity and time can be adjusted) I don't currently think this is an issue at all... tho a plugin that spectates you for being afk would be nice... [CS:S] Spectator List - AlliedModders (Lists who is spectating you) This seems like another one of those anti admin plugins... I don't see any reason for it. Quiz Plugin v1.1 - AlliedModders (Quiz plugin, does quiz questions when people are dead that allows them to get money) Fun :p SM_GRINCH - AlliedModders (Plugin will change all models to the grinch; just something for the holidays) lol... would be cooler if it had several holiday themed models to pick... Tho another plugin that would be cool is one for custom skins, and maybe some mod/admin skins? @@Hidingmaster
  13. Can someone ban this guy already? @@DarkWolf6052 @@Hidingmaster @@Gkoo @@MegaRobin @@serbiansnaga
  14. YIFF IN HELL! :P Come play some JB! we need more fur power in there :)
  15. More evidence in the server chat logs Xeno Gamers - Player Chat History +1 for day ban 1-2 week ban(edited in agreement with hidingmaster's post :P), I too am sick of people from 420 trolling and shit on xG, they need to stop.
  16. If you really are his dad... nail him to the tree instead.. with a sign that reads" I <3 Xeno Gamers" and donate $10 to xG to get unbanned Want to get unbanned? | Xeno Gamers
  17. Wow I got promoted with cookie.... that's scary... STEAM_0:0:18865285
  18. From what I can tell you were likely banned for being part of a group that was community banned from xG... probably Nitrate
  19. Admins get deleted? because in the list there's still people on there like ducki and duckiijr.... the only other reason why it would say admin deleted for the banning admin is if the ban was done by console... +1 for unban since the ban reason doesnt say he massed, only that he was breaking a bunch of rules which I think he paid for with the year he was banned, unless someone knows a reason otherwise...
  20. #skype Being Gay FTW :)
  21. +1 When I have seen him on CS:S he acts a lot better than he used to on CS:GO :hellraiser: