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Everything posted by Matsi

  1. Is there free weed? You could prolly find some in the floor parties... They have 2-5 FLOORS dedicated to room parties! anyone that wants to throw a party can request a room on the party floor of the hotel... the floors are lines with plastic and there's booze EVERYWHERE!!!! If I remember right there was a guy in a fursuit last year that was wearing a tank on his back full of liqour and he had a little tap in his hand and was going around squirting it into people's mouths
  2. And yes, a furry convention, it is very much fun tons of art to look at and buy, a ton of other stuff to buy as well, like collars, cuffs, leashes, and other bondage gear, porn, lots of porn! awesome and funny clothing, jewelry, commissions! Different panels for all sorts of things like how to make tails/ears/fursuits... card games, ADULT card games! Dances/Booze/Raves/Parties/Booze.... contests!
  3. BronyCon 2016 but it's the SAME FUCKING DAYS as the furcon I go to every year! :( I find it extremely weird that you themed your name from a series that stopped being good over a decade ago... And I'm sorry what kind of conventions do you go to? Oh that's right, none.... because you still live with your parents :finger: Well of course the series stopped being good over a decade ago. I just thought it was clever and liked the name. Also, of course I still live with my parents. I haven't finished highschool yet. It was clever when the first person did it 7 or 8 years ago...
  4. Bronies have conventions nigga BronyCon 2016 but it's the SAME FUCKING DAYS as the furcon I go to every year! :( I find it extremely weird that you themed your name from a series that stopped being good over a decade ago... And I'm sorry what kind of conventions do you go to? Oh that's right, none.... because you still live with your parents :finger:
  5. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Forest @@Gkoo
  6. .... for a furry convention in Denver! HAHA FOOLED ALL YOU BITCHES THINKING I WAS LEAVING xG!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHtSwocAfJU Gone from July31st to August 7thish
  7. You should always tell someone why you used powers on them, no matter how immature and annoying they are. No way to be certain about what exactly happened and either way it's a bit iffy, If he did say it was a warday (or "we are going to have a warday) most people take that as it is a warday, and if no time to leave cells was given when cells were opened then Ts would be allowed to leave immediately... not really sure how many people died or what happened so I can't really say whether teamswap was the best action or not, seems like it might have been a little biased but without more proof there's no way to know unless I was there. Swapteam is not only for switching people without mics, it's a great tool for those admins that don't want to be banhappy.
  8. Dog's love peanut butter as well :whistle:
  9. How do you become "something bigger" if you quit? It's not hard to donate and apply for mod... Also I didn't get mod on this promo/demo, don't see quiting. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlUyF6q0zKg
  10. ... apparently they stole the car from the ready line a few days ago....lolol why be stupid enough to bring it back....
  11. ... he then points to the computer where it says "police hold - unavailable"
  12. ... the manager walks out, pulls up a car on the computer, turns to me and says "wow they robbed a bank and just turned the car back in" ...
  13. ok, so I arrive at work today, covering a shift for someone at Avis at the airport... I'm stand out in the front talking to the employees..
  14. @@Forest @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@HighSociety @@serbiansnaga
  15. -1 Recorded with a potato, can't make out anything
  16. Matsi

    The time has come

  17. Wow are people really so lazy with their pets that they have to walk their dog by holding the leash out the car window and drive around....
    1. Matsi


      Actually I am at work... 50 miles from my home :P
    2. Rhododendron


      Are you working?
    3. Matsi


      yes, for another hour and then 45-60 minute drive home :)
    4. Show next comments  132 more
  18. Because it's in a community channel. CS:S is a public server. I still don't think it's that big of a deal to say "nigger" though. I playfully say nigga all the time in game (and in ts) and no one tells me anything, I don't mean anything wrong by it. I do however understand that a staff member saying racial slurs in game makes the clan look bad. But so does a admin freeslaying/randomly muting other staff members. While they shouldn't be IMO... "nigga" and "nigger" are two very different things.
  19. Can I/Should I apply for CS:GO mod as well? o_O
  21. Please stop with the fucking name calling, it's NOT going to help, like you have all told me! It's not immature if he wants to blacklist him... I am quite frankly annoyed that duckii jr copied that out of MY CHANNEL with it's sole purpose to add accelerant to an already burning flamewar... can we #close this already?
  22. A screenshot of copy/pasta. +1 OK I am really really sorry but I have to say this.... hold on let me stop laughing so I can type..... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Ok, I think I can do it now.... @@xShadowSpyx .......you...... didn't cut all of duckii jr's name out of the picture! (y)(y)(y)LOLOLOLOL(y)(y)(y) :dead: x.x Just so that I am not completely off topic with this post... I do agree that @@DarkWolf6052 prolly shouldn't have said that behind your backs.... however... he was stressed and he vented in MY TS CHANNEL and I(and I am pretty sure you would all agree with me) am far happier that he vented that into TS chat instead of somewhere else like... the forums(this thread) or in game.
  23. -1 (in the words of purple...) LIER! said he was 12 in game... #Darehowl+PuppyLuv2013
  24. Back in my day we didn't have sourcebans we had a Rolodex!
  25. Everyone said that the Promo/Demo is always late because it's always waiting on CS:GO Div... :P