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Posts posted by Matsi

  1. And what do you mean by "Since it's under no balls, its perm"? wtf which means if u just freekill you will not be permed?



    Neither, it's a TARP before 5:00



    What are you talking about?


    was a bad attempt at a joke.... there obviously shouldn't be a difference between the two.... the comment that he is is only permed because it was no balls is a tarp! IN SECTOR 47!

  2. if joshie was a member who had a decently good standing in xG i wouldnt give a shit, but for him to take a leave for a month or two and then just come back the first day and mass bait/ free knife if just disrespectful.


    i've been a member twice

    I have a pretty good standing in my opinion

    and I was gone for over a year



    so then why pull this shit the first day back, you gotta ease into it man, you cant just rawdog a bitch without givin her some tongue first to loosen that shit up



    Prolly because he see's the admins doing stuff like this and then thinks it would be ok for him to do.... it's the same thoughts I get.


    I really disagree that anyone can earn the right to do this while others cannot... however I don't see a problem with having a little fun and bending the rules now and then, specially when the server is dead.


    Basically... either let "everyone" get away with the occasional BS, or don't let the admins do it and set a bad example..

  3. staff do this because they can, theyve earned the right to fuck around here and there just not extensively.



    Shouldn't regulars have that right then as well... like with Trin and his Mass freekill? Or do you only earn that right by paying money?

    I have rarely seen any position of authority that "has earned the right" to break the rules they are meant to enforce.


    frequent player who clearly knows the rules and knows the consequences for his actions


    Kinda like the admins that frequently play/know the rules and the consequences.

  4. Just wait out the punishment and unlike the staff, he knifed people.


    I see staff freekill people intentionally all the time and then hit their self slay binds... on CSGO they have started banning the staff members for a day for doing this.

    Right before he did this one of the staff freeshot the whole stack and then banned himself for an hour.


    Freedmg and baiting should in no way be that long of a ban on the first offence...

  5. we found out. :devil:


    Like when that one dumbass gave Nom Division Leader access...? gg


    you mean brian? the one that i removed? #doesn'tknowwhatthefuckheistalkingabout


    Ya.... it was like map change and then smiting all over the place... lolol

  6. I think I actually had a demo of when he did this... I could upload it when I get off work.


    If I rememb right, someone was noballsing someone to mass fk and they ended up not doing it. The next round or so Trin said "this is how you do It" and mowed down most of the Ts.

  7. +1 #LowerToDayBan This happened right as i joined.... not sure if there was more that happened prior that warrented a week ban for something like this...


    He jumped down without any guns and was knifing a few Ts then stopped and got knifed by the Ts.... I was shocked that he managed to stay alive for nearly 20 seconds in the stack lol...

  8. I was proven correct on more than a few of those.... maybe the problem isn't just with me... maybe the problem is with some of the admins that don't know wtf they are doing? But that's what you'll always have in a community that is all about who kisses the most ass.

    Hey, if you look up right now, you'll see the point of my whole reply flying overhead. The point of me putting those threads in wasn't to show how you don't know rules or something, but how you tend to make a huge deal over stuff that isn't really that big of a deal at all, and how you tend to disrespect a lot as the thread descends into an all-out flame war. This is going nowhere, requesting a close @@serbiansnaga @@DarkWolf6052 @@PiNoYPsYcHo @@Gkoo @@HighSociety



    The point of all those threads is to show how so many of the admins fail at such simple things like counting to 3.


    If there isn't a problem with this clan why are so many people leaving it? Maybe it's time to stop ignoring all the "small problems" that "aren't worth pointing out"

  9. He punished me for using simple words like "badmin/idiot" which he then used on me in his ban.


    If you can't see the problem with that then you are likely one of those people that also think having a warday on round 1 means you get another one on round 4... GG

  10. Bad Mods making up rules.[/url] . Honestly, you just need to chill out. If you think that CS:S staff are dumb, then just don't play on CS:S servers, it's really that easy! ShadowSpy clearly did what he was supposed to do as a staff member if he felt he was being disrespected. Remember, everyone has a different perspective on what is disrespect and what isn't. Just because you think that what you said wasn't disrespect, doesn't mean that everyone will think it isn't disrespect. Also, just because people say worse things on CS:GO, doesn't mean you can be disrespectful and just whip out the fact that some people are more disrespectful on other servers as an excuse.


    I was proven correct on more than a few of those.... maybe the problem isn't just with me... maybe the problem is with some of the admins that don't know wtf they are doing? But that's what you'll always have in a community that is all about who kisses the most ass.

  11. A normal ban message instead of "baddie=u" would have helped Shadow. Not my div but should have kept it to gag and mute instead. Compared to what some people in CSGO say, that's nothing.


    *cough liquidador*


    Anyways, Matsi, chill out. Honestly you complain over any little thing. shadow was right to ban you.


    He warned


    Then gagged


    Then kicked


    Then banned.

    The baddie=u part of the ban was a joke. It still was a valid ban for disrespect.


    Ban reason- "baddie=u, dont disrespect" -1



    he never warned me... he gagged me that was the first thing he did, if he would have..."been mature"... and said dont call me a badmin.... I would have stopped...

  12. Minecrack what he meant was that i act mature on other ban requests but not on ones by me, and matsi you do this ALL THE TIME, you did it right after john abused on you (Now yes, he was proved to, but it was still immature)


    That wasn't what i meant actually... I jsut think it's funny that everyone get's all piswed off at me when i complain about something.... but when they complain about something they expect people to not do the same.


    I don't do it ALL THE TIME.... I do it when someone decides that they want to treat disrespect like it suddenly matters.


    I am not going to respect anyone that isnt respectful themselves... you people think that just because you're admins that you are ENTITLED to respect.... and you're wrong.


    I respect plenty of admins and mods... but when one starts doing something stupid... I'm going to comment on it and shit.

  13. You said it more than 3 times, and by spam i don't mean 1 after the other like a bind pressed repeatedly, but you kept repeating yourself, people called me a badmin afterwards because they were immitating you, and they were OBVIOUSLY joking so i didn't gag them, also if someone called you a faggot it was while i was AFK posting on this. I'm not being as mature because i think this is a joke. You are in your mid-20s, and you complain and whine as much as a 9 yr old, its sad yet funny(still in a sad way) at the same time.



    You are such a fucking hypocrite.... here you are calling me names again and being "disrespectful".... yet you get all hurt when I do it back!

  14. A normal ban message instead of "baddie=u" would have helped Shadow. Not my div but should have kept it to gag and mute instead. Compared to what some people in CSGO say, that's nothing.


    Your div kicks/gags/mutes when the children are butthurt.


    You're pretty mature unless it's happening to you:

    Kirito/xG:M Swarm - Counter-Strike: Source



    It's more than obviously this community will never actually funtion properly... all these idiots -1 because they either dont like me or like shadow or both....


    He hasn't gagged anyone for the SAME "disrespect" since he gagged me, even when someone called me a faggot... it's more than clear it only matters when it's a mod/admin that is offended.


    A Few Things I've Noticed


    It's not like i was majorly offendeby him saying idiot or those minor things, its just an inconveniece of watching him complain and spam chat with badmin


    So now I was spamming too? Cause I called you a badmin all of like 3 times....

  15. Matsi, John and Hella abused on you, and you say ALL admins are bad, you have a grudge against people that havent done anything to you. Im far from John, and i'm not hellafun. You were in deathrun when Ts were in there, you werent supposed to, it's your fault for falling in the trap(this was on blackout, it was the last trap besides dinosaur hall). Also, idc if you disagree, but it wasnt intentional i activated the trap and you werent in my sight on the screen. As said you're going to be like "yeah right, that was on purpose", but idrc. I have no problem with you, and infact im the main person that supported you when you reported john(It turned out successful, but you reported him after 1 freeslay, you are in your 20s, act your age and dont be so immature).



    Act your age then and don't get so butthurt over someone "kinda jokingly" calling you badmin...


    and it sounded intentional by the tone of your comment after you did it...

  16. Matsi, all you do is disrespect staff constantly. I find you to have somewhat of an inflated-ego and you act and get upset when you don't get your way. Shadow understands the rules better than you ever will. -1 this thread.



    Yep that's ALL I EVER DO!


    It's not my fault that most of the admins only consider "disrespect" against the rules when it's being directed towards them...

  17. xG|F ♂Like a GShep♂ : wow you are such an idiot how do you even have admin?

    xG|F ♂Like a GShep♂ : i cant wait untily uo lose it

    [xG] Terrorists can now speak... quietly...

    Mr.Dr.Pr.Rob (2,874) got 25 points for killing [xG] MineCrack (93,692)

    xG|F ♂Like a GShep♂ : you're going to lose it because you are bad

    xG: SyrJirk : Who are you talking to?

    xG|F ♂Like a GShep♂ : nope just a problem with idiots


    You called him more than a badmin. -1


    Honestly, you tend to come on the servers and call people bad then spam it, and call people out. You act like you're superior ingame, when in reality you're some guy in his mid twenties who draws animals fucking eachother for a living.



    my bad i called him an idiot too.... QQ


    No, I come to the servers to play and have fun, only to have really bad admins sometimes come and mistreat me... at which point i no longer have fun and become very annoyed... Everyone else get's slayed for TKing... he intentionally killed me and didn't slay himself...

  18. Division:

    Counter-Strike: Source

    Staff Name:


    Staff's Steam ID:




    Reason baddie=u, dont disrespect

    Further Information:

    He TKed me and didn't slay himself so I called him a badmin at which point he gagged me for "disrespect" and then I began an arguement that calling him bad at admining is not punishable under the rules for disrespect, which then got me a kick and a ban...


    His reason for the ban calls me bad....



    That is some really hypocrite shit right there....

  19. Not to mention... they are going to lose the US Army customer base since it's hard to have internet on deployment... great job MS you managed to fuck up worse than ever....


    Don't even think they're trying to cater to "US ARMY customers" rather just casuals or developers. I personally think their model is fine. Obviously you can't impress everyone. I think the market for us army customers is a margin compared to casuals. I mean theyre a business so I'm pretty sure they arent dumb enough not to have a business plan right?


    Think about it like this, DRM is the biggest way to get producers and developers to make games in xbox rather than ps. More developers and producers means more games that could only be exclusive to the xboxone hence the demand for it to suffice in the market. I think its an overall gamble and we'll just see how it works out. I advise everyone to wait out the storm before getting either system.


    I also might be overestimating Microsoft as a company and that they've planned everything where as im ENTIRELY wrong, and they're making the crappiest system in the century for no god dam reason



    I really think Sony has it won... $399, No daily check ins, sharable games!