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Posts posted by Matsi

  1. Everyone who -1'd except for warrior 687474703a2f2f6779617a6f2e636f6d2f3661643766663339313837666239393638616535663732393635643034333235


    Truly lel'd. He did more than any of you did, and he's applying for TF2 division obviously since that's what he will be in control of. Unless you guys wanna run some divisions properly and fix up xG, you can't possibly -1 legitimately unless you think he'll be more negative then positive to the community. Please though if you do think that, i would love to hear your reasoning behind it.


    The reason why +1's don't really need a speech or description as to why Brian should return is

    A. He left on his own will, not kicked

    B. He was entrusted to co-leader before he left, which means the community thought of him greatly.

    C. The community is gone to shit, and he knows how to bring back up an entire division himself.


    That's why when you -1, you should have a good reasoning behind it. It's not kissing ass to +1 one of the people who did the most in this clan up to date, as much as you wanna toot your own horn and think you're always right.



    Then why didn't he put TF2 not CS:S


    Just because he WAS a good person before and did a bunch to help xG doesnt mean that's still what's going to happen, all the recent stuff I have seen was just him being a twat and not anything xG needs more of.

  2. for me unless you going to stream BF4 or high end game. I don't think it is worth paying that much money for internet lolol.



    I multitask.... ALOT....


    Both me an my mate play games while streaming netflix and stuff... as well as we have 2 servers running things like minecraft and other servers to websites.



    It's fun to never lag...

  3. Give me real test result. you just screenshot that 'shot up' during the test.


    The test result is my sig.... and no it shot up to that and stayed there...


    ISP is comcast, and I pay $130/month for it :cool:

  4. @@Gkoo @@DarkWolf6052 If you guys could CT ban (1440) this player for breaking rules (old thread, I know, but doing some clean-up) it'd be greatly appreciated. I never got around to doing it as I was never on when the player was on. But from what I know, you can now CT ban through SourceBans (whereas you couldn't before), so if you could do that it'd be greatly appreciated!


    Player's last known Alias: "FrAGGit"

    Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:47820150



    You're gonna ban some guy for a day for something done two months ago? O_o


    Does the guy even still play here? lol

  5. Copy/paste isn't a valid form of proof, just letting you know.



    I think it should be shortened, and thanks to Silence, once we get a final decision, I've got permissions to edit CT bans from Source Bans now.

    @@Gkoo what is your say?


    Wasn't really meant to be proof, but if you want it:


  6. Just to make things more clear what happened was:


    We were playing break the blocks

    All the Ts were getting onto the platforms to begin

    Someone hit the reset button ( labeled as >>| )

    The platforms despawned and respawned dropping everyone into the water, where they instantly die

  7. [bUTTOM SPAM] 1oz. Halfbaked pressed a button.

    I NoScoped JFK suicided.

    Ăœŋ™nnnn suicided.

    darehowl1 suicided.

    [xG:F] Shad0wBlad3 suicided.

    [xG] MinceCrack suicided.

    Tute suicided.

    Skyfall suicided.

    xSpankyyx suicided.

    xG:A $nakeboyeric suicided.

    Kevin suicided.



    *note* those aren't all Ts... a few CTs died too


    +1 for shorter ban(3-5 days)

  8. Not only did you manage to piss off one of the largest map/model makers in TF2, but now you're in even deeper shit, because he has a ton of connections.


    INB4 bunch of noob leave xG




    You're a fag.



    LOL REALLY?! Being called that by people stopped hurting me when I was like 10, and realized it was true :p



  9. Not only did you manage to piss off one of the largest map/model makers in TF2, but now you're in even deeper shit, because he has a ton of connections.





    First, if it's uploaded anyone can use it, VALVe's ToS states that any map online is fair-game for use. It's only a copyright violation if I were to decompile it and release an edited version (which I have not done).



    This ^


    INB4 bunch of noob leave xG



  10. i know from own experiance, people who are serieus about commiting suicide, will never make this public, because it could ruin there attempt

    If you are saying that no one would make it public that they are committing suicide shortly before they do it then you are very much incorrect: Bye -- Gizgiz's Journal -- Fur Affinity [dot] net




    On the topic of duckii Jr.... I did not see what this was all about so I will not comment/vote...

  11. everyones talking shit about xboxone but the consoles arent even released yet. Calling it now, this is gonna be like simcity 4, everyone talks shit but still buys it. #fuckyoufaggots


    I haven't bought simcity since simcity 2000....


    Everyone talks shit about Xbone because all the things Microsoft is saying about it.... FFS the fucking Kinect is going to stay on 24/7 watching you masturbate! The console is $100 more... It has to check in every 24hrs or it stops working, You have to pay to play used games on it.

  12. -1 I watched you mass request close


    Was it intentional? or a lack of knowledge of JB....


    I don't think people that are new to the server/JB should be punished so severely for lack of knowledge of the game mode/rules


    I feel that the "3 freekills = massfreekill=perm ban" is a guideline and that the admins should have a better judgement and common sense when dealing with people... teach them the rules... punish them for breaking them, yes... but ban them for some hours or days not permanently. This will allow them to play as T and then LEARN the rules more and then they can become a part of the regulars and help the server grow.


    Obviously, if someone does something like this INTENTIONALLY(as a troll/hostile act towards the server/community) then a perm ban is likely deserved.

  13. Here's the Demo: trinMFK.dem


    Sadly doesn't include the stuff before that round where I think it was nutela that was being told to Mass FK no balls...


    Trin freekilled 5 people before I knifed him dead like a boss!


    A vote was created to CTban him which fail because 2/3 of the server voted to NOT ban him... and that's not taking into account 1 spammers (1=yes/2=no)


    I believe he got week banned a few rounds later.


    After watching what happened again I +1 for unban as a huge majority of the server at the time was "ok" with what he did and it was pretty fucking hilarious!