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Posts posted by Matsi

  1. Division:

    Counter-Strike: Source

    In-Game Name:


    Offender's Steam ID:


    Rules Broken:

    Disrespect / Chat spam



    Every day I see him in game he spams chat with lenny face...

    Today he has been gagged at least 10 times and kicked twice in the last 2 hours...


    I think something more should be done to convince him to stop with the spamming.


  2. Doing this as a thread because I don't even know many of the people that I have problems with...

    I have been going through people on TS and talking with them to solve problems between me and them. I am sick of this whole situation and I feel that it cannot possibly lead to anything productive for xG. I love xG and I love playing with many of the people I have met here. I want to do everything I can to help xG advance and resolve it's issues.


    A lot of the problem I feel that I have been causing is due to how varying people's interpretation of "disrespect" is. I for one have heard pretty much any insult there is to hear and have become used to being called any sort of "disrespectful" name... it doesn't bug me at all, so I think due to that I do it back to everyone else, especially during times of high stress. For that I apologize, I would like to work towards repairing any hostile relationships I have caused with anyone and ask that anyone that wishes to discuss any problems to chat with me on TS chat.


    Apart from that I am going to seriously work on not name calling and attempting to be ...less hostile... in my opinions on the forums.


    @@Warriorsfury @@serbiansnaga @@Rhododendron @@JayBreezy @@DeathGod @@MineCrack @@ABusinessMan @@PiNoYPsYcHo @@JakeEnglish @@HanYolo @@Link! @@DerpO_o

  3. that's silence's number for customer service, and unless you want to be in a world of hurt, there better be a good reason you call it.


    We are aware of the current issues of the donation system, silence said it is on his list of things to fix, right now he is working on hub. as for the donator status, all you had to do was send us the receipt.... guess this works currently no other perks besides color text, join message, and donator tag, perhaps in the near future we will see more (or even hub!) @@Bleed


    He said he fixed it...


    Alright sorry about that. Fixed!


    works for me now as well :)


    Any chance you can fix the donate thing so that it actually shows people donating?


    ugh I thought I fixed it yesterday, I applied more variability so it SHOULD work now.


  4. @@Matsi - Well you must live in a different universe, I've said it - and yet to see anything.


    And guards aren't muted, really. It must be a glitch.


    they do... if you listen at the start of the round when multiple CTs talk... a bunch will get suddenly cut off because they get muted for like 2 seconds...


    After saying "talk over warden muted/slayed" if someone is constantly talking over you and not trying to not talk over you... say over the mic "please slay *so and so* for talking over warden" or tell the person to slay themselves for talking over you.

  5. @@MrAwesome104 I know, however since I've been on jailbreak for about 2 months now - I've yet to see ANY admin mute/slay anyone talking over warden, so my suggestion is still valid.


    I've seen it plenty of times, but they dont do it just randomly.. they do it only when warden says not to speak over him or be slayed/muted... and they dont slay Ts for doing it, because Ts can do it as a form of rebeling.


    Also, Ts are already muted for a (minute?) and CTs do get muted for a couple seconds when someone becomes warden.... you can even see it say so in the chat.

  6. The reason why xG would be viable is because back when he said he would kill himself, or said he had thoughts of suicide, none of us called local authorities or tried to contact his parents. This is why if he does go through with it, xG knowing about it and not saying anything makes the entire clan viable.


    How exactly does banning him and still not contacting anyone remove that liability?

  7. i can just freekill anywhere and itll be okay? is that how i fasttrack my way to mod? should i change my avatar to a horse? am i doing this right?


    nooo you're doing it wrong, you're supposed to put ON tags... in fact.. put on Division Leader Tags that way noone will fuck with you while you spam the chat with racism while you kill them!

  8. Huh that was a lame fix, only one line was breaking everything..............


    Do you know why all the banned people no longer have BANNED over their avatar?


    Heh that was a big oops on my part. I accidentally deleted the template regex....




  9. @@Rhododendron WHERE IS MY AMAZING CUSTOM NAME? ITS GONE :disbelief::disbelief::disbelief::disbelief::disbelief::disbelief:


    Huh that was a lame fix, only one line was breaking everything..............


    Do you know why all the banned people no longer have BANNED over their avatar?

  10. Steam integration also appears to be malfunctioning


    Oh that's just because it uses jQuery, and was built using version 1.5 (years old) and the update upgraded it to the latest version. jQuery changes so much, it probably broke the plugin. It's not high on my list of to-do though so it may be a day or 2 before it's fixed.


    It's cool, i never really use it for anything anyways, i just noticed that it was only a blank box where it should be and thought i would mention it :)

  11. are posts not being posted in real time, and you gotta refresh the page to see your content?


    I thought that might have just been me since im on my works public wifi and it sucks lol...


    every time I post a thing appears in the top right with something similar to 3 loading dots.... and nothing ever happens (the longest i waited was about 2 minutes) I would just refresh the page or click the forums link at the top and my posts would be there.


    It appears that the posts post as soon as you click post, but you dont actually refresh and see it unless you manually refresh the page. Otherwise you just sit there with the loading dots indefinitely


    Similar thing happens when editing a post.

  12. I can see it D: Are you unable to see it?

    Yes, can't see it, even after clearing the cache.


    Alright sorry about that. Fixed!


    works for me now as well :)


    Any chance you can fix the donate thing so that it actually shows people donating?


  13. There are MORE than enough mods/admins for the current population. It's just a certain someone needs to put their foot down and make them do things.


    Why does someone have to tell you to moderate the servers... as a moderator? you tellin me you don't moderate unless you are told to?


    GG quad posting (y)

  14. Chatbox is broken. Dev said he's releasing an update shortly (i think he suffers from valvetime so no promises :p)

    I totally didn't notice the search bar being gone. I'll fix right now.

    Notifications also don't show up and the blue bar from the top is missing. If you missed my last edit, the avatars don't show up for the two bottom sub-forums from the main forums page.


    What blue bar?


    The bar that is at the top where you can logout, click your name to drop down a menu where you can edit profile and signature and shit... it also had the alerts info and conversations