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  1. Disagree
    Matsi got a reaction from Stence in Stumpy   
    +1 for reasons in OP and...
    He also doesn't even wear tags... why be in the clan if you don't want to wear the tags...
  2. Agree
    Matsi reacted to DCook in Stumpy   
    +1 He disrespected Matsi in the thread and was given warnings. Then when I rated his (and everyone else's post) with my ratings, he then proceeds to attack me in the shoutbox, and then to go through all of my old posts and rate them in the negative way. I would have no problem with this except it was done to troll and attack me all because I gave him negative ratings on what I truly disagreed with. What I find funny is he got mad about me doing it when, if you look at most of the posts that -1'd his ban protest, he gave them all negative ratings. He's obviously immature and disrespectful and, I think, should no longer be part of this community.
  3. Dislike
    Matsi got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Stumpy   
    +1 for reasons in OP and...
    He also doesn't even wear tags... why be in the clan if you don't want to wear the tags...
  4. Agree
    Matsi reacted to Hidingmaster in Stumpy   
    Reason: Trolling, disrespect, blatant disregard for rules on CS:S servers.

    1) Not a huge deal, but still spamming negative ratings isnt very mature and it was done to troll.

    2) Continues disrespect against other members in the shout box.

    3) Disrespect against Matsi.
    Xgstumpy - Counter-strike: Source | Xeno Gamers
    4) More disrespect. Also if you haven't viewed the demos that were posted in that thread, Stumpy intentionally freekilled 4 times, failed to leave armory before 730, and said disrespectful statements 30 times (go count them if you don't believe me).
    He was warned in his thread that any further disrespect would warrant a severe punishment. He failed to stop, and went on to disrespect more members. I don't appreciate disrespecting people both in-game and then on the forums in numerous ways.
    Its clear that there is no regard for the warnings given and I think the best course of action is to remove his membership.
  5. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from DCook in Xgstumpy - Counter-strike: Source   
    Demos from the time I joined to the time I banned him:
    Dropbox - Stumpy
    I will admit, I didn't give him warnings this time, but have in the past many times... I was mostly trying to ignore him since the server was pretty empty. But then when he started freekilling me every chance he got, on top of the constant shit talking, I just got sick of it. Sick of him, minecrack, adam, paulie, and the few others that keep on trolling and don't even care that they get banned over and over again for the same stuff.
  6. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from DCook in Xgstumpy - Counter-strike: Source   
    You've been warned by myself and multiple other admins with verbal warnings, gags/mutes, kicks, god know what else..... in the past many many many maaaaaaaaany times to quit with the "insulting" trolling against me and some other members.... I felt you weren't going to learn since all you do is talk shit until you finally get kicked/banned from the server for a few hours only to come back and continue. You also decided to freekill me every round while you talked crap... and I beleive you know better than to intentionally freekill... and don't think you should get away with a slight punishment that would only let you come back and continue the next day.
    Even after I ban you, you come to the forums and have the same sort of shit in your OP.... that should get you far.
  7. Like
    Matsi reacted to DCook in Admin Handbook   
    Hey. Can we get this linked in the servers? Like /handbook?
  8. Disagree
    Matsi got a reaction from Stence in Xgstumpy - Counter-strike: Source   
    You've been warned by myself and multiple other admins with verbal warnings, gags/mutes, kicks, god know what else..... in the past many many many maaaaaaaaany times to quit with the "insulting" trolling against me and some other members.... I felt you weren't going to learn since all you do is talk shit until you finally get kicked/banned from the server for a few hours only to come back and continue. You also decided to freekill me every round while you talked crap... and I beleive you know better than to intentionally freekill... and don't think you should get away with a slight punishment that would only let you come back and continue the next day.
    Even after I ban you, you come to the forums and have the same sort of shit in your OP.... that should get you far.
  9. Smelly
    Matsi got a reaction from xGStumpy in Xgstumpy - Counter-strike: Source   
    Demos from the time I joined to the time I banned him:
    Dropbox - Stumpy
    I will admit, I didn't give him warnings this time, but have in the past many times... I was mostly trying to ignore him since the server was pretty empty. But then when he started freekilling me every chance he got, on top of the constant shit talking, I just got sick of it. Sick of him, minecrack, adam, paulie, and the few others that keep on trolling and don't even care that they get banned over and over again for the same stuff.
  10. Smelly
    Matsi got a reaction from xGStumpy in Xgstumpy - Counter-strike: Source   
    You've been warned by myself and multiple other admins with verbal warnings, gags/mutes, kicks, god know what else..... in the past many many many maaaaaaaaany times to quit with the "insulting" trolling against me and some other members.... I felt you weren't going to learn since all you do is talk shit until you finally get kicked/banned from the server for a few hours only to come back and continue. You also decided to freekill me every round while you talked crap... and I beleive you know better than to intentionally freekill... and don't think you should get away with a slight punishment that would only let you come back and continue the next day.
    Even after I ban you, you come to the forums and have the same sort of shit in your OP.... that should get you far.
  11. Agree
    Matsi reacted to Forest in Xgstumpy - Counter-strike: Source   
    You shouldn't have let your ignorance and temper get the best of you, especially when it involves your Ban Protest.
    If you were banned for disrespect toward a Staff Member, and you proceed to post a Ban Protest where you still ridicule said Staff Member, you aren't helping your cause at all. In fact, you're making it much worse. If you can't take the time to cool off without resorting back to disrespecting, then the appropriate punishment would be for you to take some time away, which is exactly what should happen. A few days of reflection on your poor attitude and behaviour.
    However, I also do not condone 'jumping the gun' by warranting a lengthy ban without warnings or prior action (gag, kick, ban for pre-determined amount of time), this is especially so when it is a Server ban. After looking at the ban reason, along with the context of this ban, it seems to me that this ban was dealt with a deeper intention. Why include that the offending player was freekilling as the reason? That has little to no relevance to a Server ban unless they fled to evade a ban. With that said, Staff (in general) should remember to keep their feelings from hindering the proper course of action in these sort of situations. It's easy to let your judgement be clouded by it, but just try to remember to follow the appropriate steps in dealing with these situations. If you want to extend a ban, or if you still have problems with that player, don't forget that we do have Member Protest and Ban Request sections on the forums.
    I'm going to remain at a +/-0 for this Ban Protest because the player does not have the decency to demonstrate a humble and civil behaviour and continues to escalate the situation in his own Ban Protest (as well as in ShoutBox and Status Message). However, I do suggest that the ban be shortened to a few days since there were no prior actions taken before the week ban was given. As ShadowSpy mentioned, if an extension is needed, a Ban Request should be posted.
    - Dat guy, Forest
  12. Disagree
    Matsi got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Xgstumpy - Counter-strike: Source   
    Demos from the time I joined to the time I banned him:
    Dropbox - Stumpy
    I will admit, I didn't give him warnings this time, but have in the past many times... I was mostly trying to ignore him since the server was pretty empty. But then when he started freekilling me every chance he got, on top of the constant shit talking, I just got sick of it. Sick of him, minecrack, adam, paulie, and the few others that keep on trolling and don't even care that they get banned over and over again for the same stuff.
  13. Smelly
    Matsi got a reaction from xGStumpy in Xgstumpy - Counter-strike: Source   
    TBH I thought he was one of the 4 guys that recently got 1-2 week server bans for talking the same shit. So I made it a week becaus eI thought he just got back froma week ban for the same shit... otherwise i would have prolly done it for like a day or two, but my opinion on it is the same, it needs to stop, and if shorter bans don't seem to matter, I think they should be longer ones.
  14. Like
    Matsi got a reaction from DCook in Xgstumpy - Counter-strike: Source   
    TBH I thought he was one of the 4 guys that recently got 1-2 week server bans for talking the same shit. So I made it a week becaus eI thought he just got back froma week ban for the same shit... otherwise i would have prolly done it for like a day or two, but my opinion on it is the same, it needs to stop, and if shorter bans don't seem to matter, I think they should be longer ones.
  15. Like
    Matsi got a reaction from DCook in Xgstumpy - Counter-strike: Source   
    @@snakeboyeric cause he was there too :)
  16. Like
    Matsi reacted to Hidingmaster in Legend - Counter-strike: Source   
  17. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from ForestFire in Attn: Map Specific Rule   
    The only confusion was when the badmins started slaying everyone for no reason when they had passed the nade around
  18. Like
    Matsi reacted to DCook in Grelden - Team Fortress 2   
    So you saw him do it. Ok then -1 for unban.
    Had to clear that up because if you hadn't seen him do anything then I would have +1'd and I want to have my facts straight. :)
  19. Like
    Matsi reacted to DCook in Grelden - Team Fortress 2   
    If you did get evidence then by all means, he deserves the ban.
  20. Like
    Matsi reacted to DCook in Grelden - Team Fortress 2   
    I'm still a bit confused. Did -you- actively see him break any rules/have evidence provided by someone in the game such as a screenshot or demo? Because if you didn't, you can't teamban him since you never got proof.
  21. Like
    Matsi reacted to DCook in Grelden - Team Fortress 2   
    Wait. "when the admin showed up"? how did you know he freekilled if you weren't already in the server?
  22. Like
    Matsi got a reaction from DCook in Admin Handbook   
    I, Matsi, have read and understand the Admin Handbook
  23. Like
    Matsi reacted to DCook in Grelden - Team Fortress 2   
    @@kbraszzz I'm on the edge of my seat. What did he do?
  24. Like
    Matsi got a reaction from Charles in Legend - Counter-strike: Source   
    -1 Do this to get unbanned: Want to get unbanned? | Xeno Gamers :kawaii: kawaii
    Legend4576 killed Matsi xG:A with m4a1.
    Legend4576 killed Sebithunder with m4a1.
    Legend4576 killed [HG] Audiotape [A] with m4a1.
    [sM] Matsi xG:A: Banned Legend4576 from CT for 0
    *DEAD* Legend4576 : LOL sorry my little brother was playing
    *DEAD* [Furry Admin] Matsi xG:A : kick your little brother's ass for getting you permed then
  25. Like
    Matsi reacted to DCook in Admin Handbook   
    "I, Cookie, have read and understand the Admin Handbook"